
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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626 Chs

Cleaving the sky!

"Don't get in the way! Moonlight Two-Sword Style - Spear - Phantom Demon!"

Facing the onslaught of pirates from the Beast Pirates surrounding him from all sides, Kozuki Oden seemed possessed by a divine spirit, invisible energy enveloping his body as he surged forward like lightning.

None could even touch the three feet around him; all the Beast Pirates standing in his path were swiftly cut down by Oden's dual blades.

From an aerial view, it seemed as if the earth had been plowed into a deep ravine, with Beast Pirates scattered like leaves in the wind!

"Wow, this guy's as strong as a monster!"

Watching Kozuki Oden's unstoppable advance, Kaido's subordinate, Queen, couldn't help but marvel, even while firing his Gatling gun and observing the chaos.

Then, he turned his gaze to the side, where Kinemon and his companions were holding off almost every one of their adversaries, saying, "King, why don't you go take care of that guy? Recast the glory of the Lunarian tribe, today is the day."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you dare to speak out of turn again, I'll take you out first!"

King paid him no heed, instantly transforming into a massive winged dragon and soaring into the sky. Flames engulfed his wings as he forced Kinemon and his allies back, then he swooped towards the direction of the Red Sheath samurai. He wouldn't let these guys interfere with Big Bro Kaido's plans!

"That guy is the one Kaido values as an opponent. My task is to ensure those samurai cannot intervene!"

"Wow, he ran away. Talks big but runs away without hesitation."

Queen, with an expressionless face, watched King take flight, then smacked his forehead, looking around at the samurai closing in on him with a betrayed expression.

"Hey hey, you guys, don't think just because King's gone, I can't handle you anymore, right?"

With that, Queen transformed into his Brachio form and quickly flew away, claiming he was shifting the battlefield.

In reality, he didn't have the confidence to deal with these guys. Watching Queen, Hyogoro and the others also exchanged glances, then chased after him. Even if they knew Queen was trying to lure them away, they had to pursue. Who knew if this guy would interfere with other battlefields at a critical moment?

As Kozuki Oden continued forward, no one could stop him for a moment.

Just a swing of his sword could sweep away a swarm of Beast Pirates, and a roar combined with the aura emanating from his body could deter even more from approaching!

Kozuki Oden had only one goal: the distant sky where the huge dragon and the woman atop its head were fixedly staring at him!

He charged forward all the way, and the number of his retainers dwindled behind him until only he remained.

Meanwhile, the distance between him and Kaido had decreased significantly.


With a roar, a path was cleared through the flames, and with scattered fireballs falling on the surrounding buildings, causing massive explosions, the ruins were sent flying into the air, and the ground cracked open. Flames began to spread all around.

Kozuki Oden leaped into the air, heading straight for Kaido, who had deliberately lowered his altitude.

Using Kaido's slender body as a foothold, he leaped and bounced back and forth, and this time, his arms, wrapped in invisible haki, even emitted a dark glow, with black and red lightning jumping continuously on his twin swords.

"Flame bagua!"

Once again, a fierce stream of flames erupted from Kaido's mouth, engulfing Kozuki Oden whole.

But in the next moment, the stream of fire was split in half, and Kozuki Oden shimmered into view, causing Kaido's pupils to contract.

"Kaido! Get out of this country!"

"Moonlight Two-Sword Style - Peach Source Ten Fists!"

Like a shooting star streaking across the sky!

If everything went according to plan,

After a dazzling flash of light, Kozuki Oden and Kaido's colossal body would cross paths.

Kaido would let out a wail as a huge x-shaped wound exploded open on his abdomen, blood gushing out.

Kaido would be cleaved from the sky.

His massive body would begin to plummet, crashing to the ground with such force that even the earth would tremble.

But the unexpected happened; almost as Oden shouted out his attack, the figure on the dragon's head, with a curved arm and a long-prepared strike, also swung down her blade.

"Ikoku Sovereignty!"


Accompanied by a deafening explosion, a figure was swiftly ejected from the explosion in the sky and crashed heavily to the ground, raising a large cloud of dust.

"I can't believe it!"

Far away, Queen dropped the cigar from his mouth, incredulous. "That crazy woman, Charlotte Linlin, actually knocked Oden out of the sky!"

"Oden, is Lord Oden injured?!"

Even the sidelined Kinemon was dumbfounded, then he panicked, "What do we do? Could Lord Oden lose?!"

Meanwhile, the main attackers, like Asura Doji, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, and Kawamatsu, were too busy to respond to Kinemon's words. They knew that they had to deal with the enemies in front of them first before they could support Lord Oden!

Otherwise, they simply wouldn't have the spare energy to interfere in that battlefield!