
One Piece-I Loaded The Game

Join the game panel as they journey through the world of One Piece! Take the devil fruit as your starting point to becoming the death god! Adrian would think this is the stand-alone text if the panel hadn't reminded him that the game's public beta will begin in three years! The execution of the One Piece in 1498 of the Haiyuan calendar, accompanied by the great nautical era and the legendary fourth natural disaster... What's going on here? Why don't these characters know what's going on? Isn't that a wriggling leek?

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69 Chs

Jealous Over West Blue

Seeing that the number of onlookers is increasing, it is about to interfere with the normal order of Kano Country Pier. Many ordinary commoners are casting strange glances here, maybe right away The pier soldier will be notified to come and disperse the crowd.

This is not very good.

Adrian still remembers one thing very clearly. Because of the previous public killing of Two Treasures Navy's "Hogg", his "faction relationship" with Kano Country is in a cold period.

Moreover, with the exception of the temporarily neutral Eight Treasures Navy, most of the navy's relationship with him is in a'hostile state', and Two Treasures Navy is an unchangeable'mortal enemy'!

If the navy knows that he is doing player business in Kano Country, he will definitely jump out and interfere without accident, which will greatly affect the efficiency of experience harvesting...

Lenovo At this point, Adrian couldn't help being lightly coughed.

Just after a certain player finished shopping, he closed the panel shop and said to a group of players: "Remember what I just said? I just have something to deal with right now. After a while I will be waiting for you at the unmanned beach on the map."

After speaking, Adrian went into a ghostly state, and disappeared from the sight of the players with lightning speed. .

With the attributes of the players, they didn't even see what happened.

Just arrived, standing behind the crowd, the player who couldn't see what was happening in front noticed that the surrounding suddenly became quiet, and couldn't help but ask loudly, "What about the deadly? Why did you run away? I'm here. Learning skills!"

"The fatal ran away! He went...cough cough! I don't know where he went!"

"Yes, it's saw a blur It's just disappeared."

"Suddenly I remembered that there was another task. I couldn't complete it on the dock. I said goodbye..."

"Hey, I have a classmate who happened to be here. The xx coordinates are waiting for me, and I will also take a step back..."

The players who knew the original story unspokenly started to rush, and those who realized later were still bewildered.

The attributes of the players are quite inconspicuous among the aborigines, especially the charm value of only "1" point, which greatly increases the difficulty for players to obtain NPC favorability.

How can an NPC take the initiative to teach skills when the favorability is not enough?

At this moment, the players who have mastered the skills are definitely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

At this moment, I have finally met a'professional mentor' and a'mysterious businessman', so I won't let it go.

Moreover, for Adrian, this moment is intended to leave the player for a short period of time, which can also increase the spread of information, and at the same time can wipe out some onlookers who just come to join in the fun and will not buy.

After leaving the dock, Adrian found an unmanned corner and flew into the air like a ghost of freedom, and brushed up the West Blue section of the forum leisurely.

At this time when the public beta is the hottest, novice players from all over the world are actively sharing the information they have collected.

The players of Kano Country are also excitedly promoting the arrival of the'big fatal' in the West Blue section at this time. He is the first high level on all novice islands to show a close attitude towards players. figure.

Coupled with the identity aura of'mysterious businessman' +'professional mentor', the popularity is incredibly high. Posts about the'big fatal' are continuously issued, discussed, and topped.

"I knew, this child is extraordinary!"

"Don't be so frustrated! We all know how powerful the deadly is! I just want to ask why he only Appeared in West Blue?"

" Actively sell weapons, as long as the favorability reaches a certain level, you can learn skills from him, and it is not fishing, fishing, or fishing skills. It is a serious general purpose. Skills!"

"The most important thing is that there are several basic knowledge of occupations, and you can transfer directly after learning!"

"I go! I really want to go to West Blue! But now in North Blue,

I can't go!"About half an hour later.

A large number of Kano Country novice players'walking through the mountains and wading the water', finally came to the uninhabited beach that Adrian had mentioned before, and once again saw the'great fatal' that he was thinking of.

Their long-awaited purchase desire was immediately stimulated.

In just a short while, dozens of players bought gun ammunition from Adrian, learned general skills and professional knowledge, which is equal to hundreds of thousands of experience.

And with the passage of time, the harvested experience and the number of Beli are still rising.

The business is booming!

"It's time to move on to the next step!"

Seeing the beating EXP on the panel, Adrian's eyes flickered slightly.

Transactions with players are [must]. There is no doubt about this. After all, this is the easiest known method to gain a lot of experience.

But "must" does not mean that Adrian needs to "personally" and "face-to-face" transactions between players.

When chatting with a beautiful young girl or telling stories, all you need to do is to have a mouth above yourself and a mouth below the other person.

But doing business, or doing business with hundreds of players at the same time, one person will be too busy.

pa pa!

Adrian closed the store panel and patted his hands to attract the attention of the players who were caught in a frenzy of shopping.

"The number of you is really too much... Now give me a clearing, I will arrange some cuties to help."

While the players obeyed, they were also whispering.

"What is the deadly talking about?"

"He meant that he would bring some friends over to help?"

Adrian looked out of the space The player of, Issho calmly, ready to start pretending--

Ah no, this is a sage!

Mimic ghost - imitation game.

The players only felt a blur of vision, and there were a dozen men who appeared out of thin air in front of them.

The only difference is that these newly-emerged'great deadly' have a faint white shimmer on their bodies, and their bodies are also illusory.

"Fuck! What is this ability?"

"Isn't this a realistic navigation game? I see an illusion?"

"When did you have the illusion that this is a game close to reality? Can't you see the group of philosophical men with a height of five or six meters and strong muscle armor?"

"But this Is it a supernatural ability? Ability or magic?"

"How much is there to hide from us in the deadly body?"

"I don't know if this skill will fail Will be open to players!"

A player mustered up the courage, and in the eyes of everyone encouraged, moved towards'Great Fatal' and asked, "Excuse me, what is this ability that can be taught to us Is it?"

Adrian glanced at him, indifferently said: "The human bondage fits you well."

The players immediately whispered to each other.

"What does this mean? I feel as if I have been despised..."

"Be confident and remove the'like'!"

"Hateful, pretend to him!"