
One Piece-I Loaded The Game

Join the game panel as they journey through the world of One Piece! Take the devil fruit as your starting point to becoming the death god! Adrian would think this is the stand-alone text if the panel hadn't reminded him that the game's public beta will begin in three years! The execution of the One Piece in 1498 of the Haiyuan calendar, accompanied by the great nautical era and the legendary fourth natural disaster... What's going on here? Why don't these characters know what's going on? Isn't that a wriggling leek?

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Four Seas Plan

The human activity area of ​​the "Pirate King" world can be divided into three major sections: the four major open seas, the Grand Line and the Red Line continent. There are a large number of novice arrival points in these areas. , A large number of public beta players are continuously flooding into the game.

Some people start the game routinely, fill out questionnaires to determine their personal tendencies, and come to the peaceful and peaceful East Blue;

Naturally, there are also people who are bold and have a good face, and then they come randomly. New World ...

At present, in game forums, the main ones who send cordial greetings to game companies are naturally the handful of players who came to New World right away.

In the official game forum, eccentric posts pop up continuously like bamboo shoots after a rain.

"Is this the legendary first immersive holographic VR game in the world? It's ridiculous enough. I lie in the game compartment as if I lie in a coffin board."

"No way, No way, won't anyone really be able to play the game after they enter the game? Isn't it that they just enter, die, and then be restricted for half an hour before they can resurrect?"

"Is this the first immersive holographic VR game in the legendary world? I'm already i! It really is a game that can only be played by a virtual paperman~"

"Don't choose New World! Don't choose New World! Choose Grand Line! These two places were completely thrown into the sea at the start! I have never seen land since I entered the game!"

"Yes! It was the same in the labor and management internal beta at the time! The internal beta half a month, I've never been in a game at all! I'm X!"

"RNM, refund money!!"

After all, there are only a few public beta players who can come to New World, compared to With a large number of public beta players, it is a drop in the ocean.

In the official game forum at this time, players from various places and newbie areas are constantly sharing their own knowledge, and quickly topped those grumpy Old Brother posts.

Two or three days later.

Just as the forum's popularity continued to rise, the official "Pirate King" finally no longer covered up this time, but rather generously released the first serious game promo.

This is the first time that an official has actively released video information!

In the picture of the promotional film, there are different scenic environments of the novice islands, natural, modern, technological, and Gu...

The differentiated style of civilization direction immediately attracts players away Most of our attention.

Then when they watched the promotional video carefully, they complained in an instant.

"What the hell, I really thought this was the official information released by the game company, but wasn't it a editing monster?"

"Cut and splice the player-made video at will The video is then released as a data. What the hell is that company?"

"By the way, is there really a game company? It shouldn't be..."

""Pirate King" company: When did you have the illusion that I would really release data?"

"There must be a problem in the head of people who seek truth from fictional stories."

With the strong support of [Official Piracy], the popularity of game forums immediately exploded.

Adrian was also quietly observing the players' movements on the forum at this time. After deliberately waiting for a few days, he finally decided to start the action.


The timeline dials back a few days.

Loguetown, on the pier.

The peach-like flushing, fainted on the soft face, gradually dyed the crystal earlobe, dyed the white neck...

With a long and comfortable sound Yin, the beautiful eyes blurred welfare garden, rational thinking finally regained the high ground of IQ, and he also fully understood what reaction he had just made.

"Really, really good ability!" Zhiyuan's cheeks are still dyed red, and you can tell at a glance that this is a tough mouth, "I feel better, can you stay away from me now?" "

Adrian twisted his fingers, pretending to be calmly said: "Positive ghosts, panacea,

through strong stimulation of human consciousness, and then feedback into the real body, with Achieve a similar treatment effect."As for minor convulsions, it seems to be a very common response. "

Seeing Adrian's professional expression, it doesn't look like a fake, and Zhiyuan only really suppresses the shame in his heart, deliberately turning off the topic: "Gekko Moria has been solved by you. , What are you going to do now? "

Mini Hollow - Star Realm parade.

Adrian releases dots of Mini Hollow, flying them over Loguetown, with their eyes, carefully observe Loguetown at this time The situation of the battle.

After a while, Adrian opened his eyes and said to Zhiyuan: "At the moment, I seem to have nothing to do. "

In fact, if I really want to say, Adrian still has something to do.

Continuously upgrade the two skills of Hollow-Hollow Fruit to full level, but he is still Be afraid of'Busoshoku Haki'.

According to the description of the data in memory,'Busoshoku Haki' is a powerful force that can attack and touch the Logia Devil Fruit Ability User entity.

But 'Busoshoku Haki', can you touch the ghost of the illusion?

Adrian has never tried an experiment and has no bottom in his heart.

There is very little effective information in the original work. Very few, there is still insufficient information about the ghost's abilities.

No way, the ghost Princess Perona's combat experience is really too little.

Although she is indeed defenseless. I killed Haki expert Sentomaru in a second, but that was also because Sentomaru did not use Haki to resist ghosts at all.

The only reference value is the battle of Totto Land.

At that time, Luffy used Busoshoku Haki to attack BIG MOM and used Soru Soru no Mi Ability User to create'Flame Homitz Prometheus', but did not get any effect.

Afterwards, the explanation given by'Knight of the Sea Jinbe' was: Prometheus is the incarnation of concentrated flames, and has been given a soul by BIG MOM. Unlike ordinary Logia abilities, Busoshoku does not work.

This is...

If the power of Busoshoku Haki does not have a restraining relationship with the ghost, then Adrian can'the world is so big, I can come and go'.

And if the power of Busoshoku Haki can resist the ghost, then Adrian can only'live and develop and wait two more years.'

At this time, there are undoubtedly a large number of people who master Busoshoku Haki in Loguetown. expert, but they all have their own opponents.

Adrian can't go up as a greeting, and then announce that he will take over the battlefield?

And it just so happens that the game public beta has officially started, Except for Loguetown at this time , There happens to be another place to test the effect of Busoshoku Haki on ghost abilities.

That's right!

Adrian is talking about Kano Country, also located in West Blue!

Kano Country, Eight Treasures Navy Twelfth Dai Dongliang, Chinjao the Drill!

"Adrian, are you ready to leave Loguetown?" It seemed that something had been sensed, and Zhiyuan suddenly asked.

"That's right, Loguetown at this time has no meaning for me to stay."

"Then what are you going to do next? "Zhiyuan asked, "Continue to be your Bounty Hunter in West Blue?"

Adrian shook his head with a smile on his face, "No, for now, I have a [Four Seas] Plan."

The leek is here. If you don't cut it at this time, when will you wait?