
One piece: I have Sukuna abilities

In the world of One Piece, Toshiro Arai, an emotionless boy, finds himself on a small island after death. He eats a devil fruit labeled 'Hito Hito No mi model: Ryomen Sukuna - the king of curses', gaining incredible powers. Stoic yet observant, he navigates the chaotic world of pirates and marines. how is Toshiro going to act in this world ? Toshiro, hands casually tucked into his pockets, shot a glance at Akainu and said with a smirk, 'Shall we start cooking?' ps: This is my first time writing anything, btw. Please inform me if I made any mistakes. Also I don't own One piece, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's.

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34 Chs

Upside Down Mountain

As Toshiro walked up to the ship, he commanded, "Sanji, Kuro, go buy everything we need for our next sail. Don't be late."

Sanji grumbled under his breath, his annoyance evident. "He's treating us like slaves. Doesn't this bother you, Kuro?"

Kuro adjusted his glasses, his expression darkening. "It bothers me more than you can imagine. One day, he'll push too far, and that will be his end."

Sanji's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and determination. "I can't stand the way he talks to us, the way he looks down on us. We should be the ones in charge."

Kuro nodded. "Patience, Sanji. The time will come. For now, we play along. We gather strength, we plan, and when the opportunity arises, we'll strike."

Sanji clenched his fists. "You're right. But every moment we spend following his orders makes my blood boil. I can't wait to see the look on his face when we finally take him down."

Kuro's lips curled into a cold smile. "Neither can I. Let's get those supplies. The sooner we finish this errand, the sooner we can move forward with our plans."

The two headed off into the town, their shared hatred for Toshiro fueling their steps. They knew they had to bide their time, but the day of reckoning was coming.

As they walked away, Toshiro watched them with a knowing smirk. He was well aware of their animosity, but he thrived on the tension. To him, it was just another challenge to overcome, another game to win. The crew might despise him, but as long as they followed his orders, he would keep them in check. For now, he had bigger plans to focus on, and the impending clash with his own crew would just be another step in his journey.


As Toshiro was sitting in a pool chair with sunglasses on and a lemonade in his hand, suddenly a bucket of seawater was thrown at him, aiming for his face. He swiftly dodged it and grabbed the culprit in a not-so-proper manner. It was none other than Nami.

"Did you get comfortable enough around me to pull some tricks on me now?" Toshiro said, a smirk playing on his lips as he groped her.

Nami's face turned red with a mix of anger and embarrassment. She slapped his hand away and glared at him. "You jerk! You think you can just do whatever you want?"

Toshiro chuckled, clearly amused by her reaction. "Seems like I can. After all, you're the one who started it, and be ware I'm not a good guy."

"Stop it. I know you won't hurt me," Nami said, her voice dripping with disdain as she regarded Toshiro as if he were mere trash. "Stop with these fake threats. You're nothing but a lustful person."

Toshiro's eyes narrowed, his expression cold. "Maybe I can't hurt you physically, as I don't want my cute maiden to be ugly, although I can heal you," he replied, his voice low and threatening. "But don't forget what I can do in bed, Nami. I won't be so merciful there." His gaze bore into hers with a chilling intensity, matching her disdain with his own.

Nami's eyes flashed with anger as she blushed, but she held her ground, refusing to show any sign of embarrassment. "You're disgusting," she spat, her voice unwavering. "And one day, you'll regret underestimating me."

Toshiro's smirk widened slightly as he sensed the mixed emotions in Nami's response. "We'll see about that," he retorted mockingly, turning his back to her. Nami's fists clenched in frustration.

Nami's glare intensified. "You're impossible."

Toshiro leaned back, taking another sip of his lemonade. "And you're entertaining. Now, if you're done with your little stunt, maybe you can actually contribute to the mission."

Nami turned on her heel, muttering under her breath as she walked away. "One of these days, Toshiro, one of these days..."


As the crew bustled around the deck, diligently adjusting sails and checking the rigging, Toshiro leaned back in his chair, watching them with an amused expression.

Sanji, wiping sweat from his brow, muttered, "Does he ever lift a finger to help? We're out here busting our backs while he lounges around like he's on vacation."

Kuro, adjusting his glasses and securing a line, replied, "I suppose that's what he considers leadership. Let us do all the hard work while he reaps the benefits."

Toshiro, hearing their complaints, smirked and took another leisurely sip of his lemonade. "You all look so busy and hardworking. It's almost inspiring," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Almost makes me want to get up and help... but then I remember, you're all here to do the heavy lifting. I'm just here to enjoy the view and give orders."

Nami shot him a glare as she adjusted the sails. "You know, a little help wouldn't kill you. We're all in this together, or did you forget that?"

Toshiro chuckled. "Oh, Nami, I haven't forgotten. I just like to remind you all who's in charge here. Besides, you're all doing such a fine job. Why ruin perfection?"

Sanji's face turned red with irritation. "One of these days, Toshiro, you're going to have to pull your weight, and I can't wait to see you try."

Toshiro waved his hand dismissively. "Until that day comes, keep up the good work. Who knows, maybe I'll even give you a bonus for all your 'hard work'."

Kuro exchanged a glance with Sanji, both of them seething but knowing better than to argue further. They went back to their tasks, grumbling under their breath, while Toshiro continued to lounge, clearly enjoying the dynamic he had created among his crew.

As the crew continued their tasks, the tension simmering just below the surface, Toshiro finally decided to address them with a more serious tone.

"Alright, everyone, enough grumbling. I've made my decision," Toshiro said, standing up and looking out at the horizon. "We're heading to the Grand Line."

Sanji paused, his irritation momentarily forgotten. "The Grand Line? Are you serious?"

Toshiro smirked. "Dead serious. It's time we face some real challenges and find some real treasure. Nami, you have the map, right?"

Nami nodded, her eyes narrowing as she tried to gauge his seriousness. "Yes, I do. But the Grand Line is no joke. It's dangerous, unpredictable. We need to be prepared."

"We're never fully prepared for anything," Toshiro replied nonchalantly, adjusting his sunglasses. "That's what makes it fun. Besides, I have faith in all of you... to do the hard work while I guide us to glory as the honored one."

Kuro adjusted his glasses, a calculating look in his eyes. "And what makes you think we can survive the Grand Line, Toshiro?"

Toshiro's smirk grew. "Because we have something most pirates don't – me. And because despite how much you all grumble and complain, you're the best crew out there. Now, let's set sail."

With that, Toshiro took his seat again, lounging comfortably as he watched his crew spring into action. Nami spread out the map, plotting their course, while Sanji and Kuro made sure everything was in order for the journey ahead.




The crew stared in awe as the towering mass of rock and rushing water came into view. The colossal structure of Reverse Mountain, with its rivers flowing upwards, defied all logic and reason.

"Is that the Upside Down Mountain?" Nami asked, her eyes wide with a mix of excitement and apprehension as she pointed toward the looming landmark.

"Yep," Toshiro replied casually, sipping his lemonade and leaning back in his chair as if they were on a leisurely cruise instead of heading towards one of the most dangerous passages in the world. "Impressive, isn't it? Time to show what we're made of."

Sanji clenched his teeth, gripping the ship's railing. "This is insane. Are you sure we're ready for this, Toshiro?"

Toshiro smirked, adjusting his sunglasses. "Relax, Sanji. Just make sure you steer us right, and we'll be fine."

Kuro, maintaining his usual composed demeanor, glanced at the swirling waters ahead. "We need precise coordination to navigate those currents. One wrong move and we're finished."

Nami took a deep breath, her hands steady on the map. "I've plotted the course. We need to hit the exact center of the current to avoid getting smashed into the rocks."

"Then let's get to it," Toshiro said, standing up and stretching leisurely. "Nami, guide us through. Sanji, keep the ship steady. Kuro, make sure everything's secure. This is where the fun begins."

As the crew rushed to their stations, Toshiro remained calm and collected, exuding a sense of confidence that both irritated and motivated his crew. They were about to face the formidable Reverse Mountain, but with Toshiro's leadership – however unconventional it might be – they felt a glimmer of hope.

The ship surged forward, drawn into the powerful current. The roaring waters grew louder, and the ship began its ascent up the impossible slope of the mountain. The crew worked in unison, every member focused and determined, while Toshiro watched with a faint smile, ready for the adventure that lay ahead.