
One piece: I have Sukuna abilities

In the world of One Piece, Toshiro Arai, an emotionless boy, finds himself on a small island after death. He eats a devil fruit labeled 'Hito Hito No mi model: Ryomen Sukuna - the king of curses', gaining incredible powers. Stoic yet observant, he navigates the chaotic world of pirates and marines. how is Toshiro going to act in this world ? Toshiro, hands casually tucked into his pockets, shot a glance at Akainu and said with a smirk, 'Shall we start cooking?' ps: This is my first time writing anything, btw. Please inform me if I made any mistakes. Also I don't own One piece, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's.

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Toshiro quickly understood what Nami was planning and felt a wave of boredom wash over him. Deciding to leave her to her schemes, he walked away and headed toward a nearby forest.

Once there, Toshiro placed his hand on a tree, his mind focused on honing his skills. He attempted to launch a slash and adjust it to form a perfect circle, but he failed. The energy dissipated irregularly, the cut jagged and uneven.

Frowning slightly, Toshiro thought, Making a perfect circle at first is impossible. He decided to start by unleashing slashes and trying to make them curvy instead.

He took a deep breath and focused, channeling his energy more fluidly. Toshiro swung his arm, releasing a slash that arced through the air in a curved line. It wasn't a perfect circle, but it was a start. He repeated the motion, each time refining the arc, making it smoother and more controlled.

With each attempt, Toshiro felt his control improving. The slashes became more consistent, the curves more pronounced. His focus was unwavering, his mind entirely absorbed in the task. As he continued practicing, he began to see progress, the once erratic slashes now forming more defined, curvy patterns.

Determined to master this skill, Toshiro pushed himself harder, his movements precise and deliberate. The forest around him became a testament to his relentless effort, the trees bearing the marks of his evolving technique.


Days passed, and Toshiro continued his relentless training, focusing on mastering the cleave technique. He experimented with different forms and shapes, gradually increasing his control over the energy he channeled into each slash. The forest bore witness to his efforts, its trees and rocks marked by the varied patterns of his attacks.

Despite his progress, Toshiro knew he was only achieving manual adjustments. Unlike Sukuna's automatic cleave, which adjusted itself to an enemy's durability and cursed energy for a precise cut, Toshiro's technique required conscious effort and constant fine-tuning. He could create powerful and intricate slashes, but they lacked the automatic adaptability that made cleave so formidable.

Toshiro focused on refining his control, trying to find the delicate balance between power and precision. Each day, he pushed himself to understand the intricacies of the energy flow, seeking to internalize the adjustments so they would become second nature. His goal was to bridge the gap between his manual control and the automatic precision of the true cleave technique.

The cabin that Toshiro had ordered Kuro and Sanji to build was completed in just two days, hidden away under the hill as instructed. It was a simple but sturdy structure, perfect for his needs.

Meanwhile, Nami had been busy with her own plans. After stealing all the money from Toshiro's ship, she had gathered a substantial sum—26 million berries. This included 10 million from Kaya, 11.85 million from Buggy's treasure room, and 5 million from Alvida. Combined with her previous savings, Nami had collected After three days of grappling with the reality of her situation and contemplating her next move, Nami decided she couldn't wait any longer. She needed to take action. Determined and resolute, she left Cocoyasi Village with a plan to make a quick heist to secure the remaining 2 million berries.

She knew it would be risky, but she had no other choice. Her mind raced with thoughts of potential targets, trying to identify the quickest and safest way to gather the needed funds. Nami's experience as a thief gave her an edge, but the stakes had never been higher.

As she made her way towards her chosen target, her heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. She couldn't afford to fail—not when the freedom of her village was so close at hand. Every step she took was a step closer to the future she desperately wanted for her people.

Back in the village, Toshiro continued his training, perfecting his slashing techniques in the solitude of the forest. He remained unaware of Nami's new plan, his focus solely on mastering his skills. The cabin was ready, and the quiet tension in the air hinted at the looming confrontation that would soon unfold.

Nami chose a ship teeming with wealthy individuals as her target. The vessel was a luxurious cruise liner, known for its affluent passengers and extravagant gatherings. Docked at a nearby port, the ship represented an opportunity for Nami to quickly gather the remaining 2 million berries she needed.

With the sun setting, casting long shadows over the bustling harbor, Nami blended into the crowd. She moved with practiced ease, her experience as a thief guiding her steps.

After successfully stealing 3 million berries from the wealthy passengers, Nami quickly made her way back to her small boat. She moved with a sense of urgency, her heart pounding with a mix of exhilaration and anxiety. The heavy sack of money weighed her down, but it was a burden she was willing to bear for the sake of her village.

As she navigated her boat through the dark waters, her mind raced with thoughts of her next steps. She now had 101 million berries—enough to buy back Cocoyasi Village from Arlong and secure its freedom. The moonlight reflected off the calm sea, casting a serene glow that belied the turmoil within her.

Hours later, as dawn began to break, Nami approached the familiar shores of her village. She felt a surge of determination and hope. With the money she had worked so hard to gather, she was going first to bury it at her home and ensure everything was okay.

Unfortunately for Nami, her movements were spied upon by Arlong's spies, who swiftly relayed the information back to him. As Nami made her way towards Arlong Park, unaware of being watched, tension escalated in Cocoyasi Village.

In Arlong Park, the news sent a ripple of anticipation through the ranks of the Arlong Pirates. Arlong himself, seated in his grand throne room adorned with treasures plundered from the villagers,

"I see," Arlong said, his smile tinged with cunning.


Nezumi: "Yes, Captain. She's been successful in her schemes so far, but we have a plan in place to intercept the money before she can use it."

Arlong: (grinning maliciously) "Good. Let her gather every last berry. When the time is right, we'll show her that no amount of money can buy her freedom from me."

Nezumi nodded obediently, his eyes reflecting a mix of respect and fear. "Understood, Captain. We'll ensure she doesn't get the chance."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Arlong leaned forward, his gaze fixating on the map of Cocoyasi Village spread out before him. "Keep me updated on her movements. We'll strike when she least expects it."

End of the flashback

Note: ("If you're enjoying my fanfiction, I'd appreciate your support with Power Stones to keep me inspired and motivated!")