
One piece: I have Sukuna abilities

In the world of One Piece, Toshiro Arai, an emotionless boy, finds himself on a small island after death. He eats a devil fruit labeled 'Hito Hito No mi model: Ryomen Sukuna - the king of curses', gaining incredible powers. Stoic yet observant, he navigates the chaotic world of pirates and marines. how is Toshiro going to act in this world ? Toshiro, hands casually tucked into his pockets, shot a glance at Akainu and said with a smirk, 'Shall we start cooking?' ps: This is my first time writing anything, btw. Please inform me if I made any mistakes. Also I don't own One piece, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's.

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34 Chs

Observation Haki

The crew sailed into Little Garden, an island that seemed to have been plucked straight from the prehistoric era. Gigantic trees towered over the landscape, and the roars of dinosaurs echoed through the dense jungle. The sight of massive, lumbering creatures and the vibrant, untamed wilderness left everyone on the ship in awe.

"Whoa, look at the size of those trees!" Sanji exclaimed, peering through his binoculars.

As the crew reached Little Garden, a dinosaur-era looking island appeared before them. Nami and Vivi stood at the railing, staring in wide-eyed horror as the roars of dinosaurs echoed through the air.

"Those... those are real dinosaurs," Nami stammered, her face pale as she clung to the railing for support.

Vivi, equally terrified, nodded. "I can't believe it. This place is like a nightmare."

Kuro, peering out at the prehistoric landscape, adjusted his glasses and sighed. "This island is full of dangers. Dinosaurs and who knows what else. It's not a place to be taken lightly."

He glanced over at Toshiro, who seemed completely unfazed. "We need to stay vigilant and avoid unnecessary risks. There's no telling what kind of threats we'll encounter here."

Toshiro ignored Kuro's warning. As he was about to leave, he turned to the crew and said, "Stop yapping, everyone. I have something to do. Just don't die."

With that, Toshiro disappeared from their sight, leaving everyone feeling a surge of anger and anxiety. He was the strongest among them, a pillar of strength and a source of security. Now that he was gone, they were stressed and uncertain, realizing they would have to fight for their lives without his protection. The weight of the situation pressed down on them, and they knew they had to stay sharp and united to survive whatever threats lay ahead.




As Toshiro rode a T-Rex through the vibrant, dinosaur-filled landscape of Little Garden, he suddenly heard a distant volcanic eruption. The ground trembled beneath him, accompanied by the unmistakable sounds of giants engaged in fierce combat.

"Bingo," Toshiro muttered to himself, his interest piqued. He stood up on the T-Rex's back, scanning the horizon with a mix of arrogance and disdain. There, in the distance, he spotted Dorry and Brogy locked in their colossal battle.

Dorry's booming voice echoed across the island, "Brogy, you've grown slow in your old age! Prepare yourself for my next attack!"

Brogy countered with a hearty laugh, "Hah! You talk big, Dorry! I'll show you who's still got the strength to win this duel!"

Toshiro, interrupting rudely as he often did, couldn't resist butting into their exchange. "Giants arguing like children," he called out, his voice carrying across the tumultuous battlefield. "what a fucking giant Monkeys do other than fighing?"

Dorry and Brogy, momentarily stunned by the interruption, turned their attention to Toshiro, their expressions a mix of surprise and indignation.

Toshiro smirked as he observed their reactions, enjoying the disruption he caused amidst their intense rivalry. The T-Rex beneath him roared in agreement, adding its own chaotic noise to the already tumultuous scene on Little Garden.


After the two giants ceased their battle in another draw, they departed with bitter words exchanged between them.

"Next time, I'll claim victory!" Dorry declared defiantly, sinking his teeth into a roasted dinosaur leg and settling down for a rest.

Toshiro approached with a sneer of disdain. "Well, well, look who's still here," he remarked sarcastically.

Dorry eyed Toshiro with a scowl, recalling the little human who had interrupted them earlier. "Get out of my sight, human, unless you seek death."

"Big words from a foul giant with a stench to match," Toshiro retorted, his nose pinched and face contorted in exaggerated disgust.

Dorry sensed Toshiro's hostile intent, unaware of the underlying racism. Choosing not to engage, he stood up to leave, unwilling to waste time on a petty fight with a smaller human.

"Running away like your feeble friend Brogy, what a pathetic sight from a monkey," Toshiro mocked.

"Don't drag Brogy into our conflict, you ignorant human," Dorry responded angrily.

"He's already gone. I poisoned him," Toshiro lied boldly, maintaining a straight face, knowing that the dumb giant will believe him.

Dorry's massive frame trembled with rage, his hands balling into fists as he stared down at Toshiro. "You lying scum," he growled, his voice deep and ominous, "Brogy's fine. You're just trying to provoke me."

Toshiro smirked, his eyes narrowing. "Believe what you want, Monkey. The truth won't change just because you don't like it."

Toshiro stood before Dorry, the giant whose sheer size and strength were legendary. The air crackled with tension as they sized each other up, each knowing that this clash would test their limits.

Toshiro faced off against Dorry, the towering giant whose presence alone shook the ground beneath them. This battle wasn't just about survival; it was Toshiro's crucible to awaken his Observation Haki, the ability to sense and predict his opponent's movements with heightened intuition.

"You think you can handle me, little human?" Dorry's voice boomed, a challenge in every word.

Toshiro's eyes narrowed, his mind focused. "Nuh uh" as he locked in

With a swift motion, Dorry swung his colossal axe, aiming to crush Toshiro. Anticipating the attack, Toshiro evaded, the force of the blow creating a shockwave that rippled through the air.

As Dorry prepared for another strike, Toshiro concentrated, his senses keenly attuned to the giant's movements. He dodged and weaved, using his agility to stay out of Dorry's reach while assessing his opponent's patterns.

Dorry's attacks were relentless, each swing threatening to end the battle with one fatal blow. Toshiro countered with precise strikes of his own, using Dismantle to send slashing attacks towards Dorry's limbs, aiming to weaken his defenses.

With each exchange, Toshiro felt his awareness sharpening. He could sense the flow of energy around him, the subtle shifts in Dorry's stance before each attack. This battle wasn't just physical; it was a mental and spiritual test of his abilities.

As Toshiro's yellow eyes began to glow faintly, they widened suddenly as Dorry's attack struck him with devastating force. Caught off guard, Toshiro couldn't react in time, resulting in the loss of his left hand, broken leg bones, and numerous other injuries.

In a desperate bid to survive, Toshiro summoned his Reverse Cursed Technique. A white aura enveloped him, swirling with potent healing energy that started knitting his wounds back together. The pain was intense, but his resolve only strengthened with each passing moment.

Despite the setback, Toshiro gritted his teeth and focused inward. The aura's healing power surged through him, stabilizing his injuries and restoring his shattered limbs with remarkable speed. His breath steadied, and his mind cleared as the healing continued.

Dorry, towering over him, hesitated for a moment, sensing the shift in Toshiro's demeanor. The human before him was not crumbling under the weight of his injuries but instead harnessing a newfound strength.

"You've made a grave mistake, giant Monkey," Toshiro said through clenched teeth, his voice tinged with the resonance of his inner resolve. "Now you'll see how I'm going to cook."

In a dramatic turn of events, Toshiro placed his hand on the cracked ground and chanted, "Spider Web!" The earth trembled and fissured beneath Dorry's feet, causing him to lose balance and stumble onto one knee.

Seizing the opportunity, Toshiro, despite his injuries, leaped into action. With a swift and calculated movement, he landed on the giant's hand and unleashed a cleaving strike, slicing through Dorry's fingers. The giant howled in agony and retaliated by swinging his other hand towards Toshiro.

In that moment of impending impact, time seemed to slow around Toshiro. His senses sharpened, and the world around him took on a crystalline clarity. Despite the pain and danger, Toshiro's smirk didn't falter. "Lovely," he murmured to himself as the giant's blow connected, sending him hurtling through the air, crashing violently through trees until he slammed into a mountainside.

Coughing up blood and battered, Toshiro's body lay broken amidst the rubble. Despite the dire situation, a determined grin remained etched on his face. As he began to fall from the mountain, he instinctively activated his Reverse Cursed Technique, the white aura enveloping him once more to mend his shattered bones and staunch his wounds.

Yet, in the midst of this fierce battle and his physical limitations, a new power awakened within Toshiro—the Observation Haki. His perception heightened, allowing him to sense the flow of intent and actions around him with uncanny clarity.

However, this newfound ability came at a cost. The excessive use of his cursed techniques had drained Toshiro's energy to its lowest ebb. He couldn't rely on his cursed powers now; all that remained was his indomitable will and the newly awakened Haki.

As Toshiro struggled to his feet, his body still healing and his strength waning, he faced Dorry once more with a steely resolve. The battle was far from over, but Toshiro was ready to face whatever came next, armed with his determination and the newfound insight of his Observation Haki.

Toshiro surveyed the scene with a mix of exhaustion and grim satisfaction. The giant, Dorry, knelt before him, bloodied and wounded from the slashes inflicted by Toshiro's Dismantle technique. Toshiro's own body was battered, but his gaze was unwavering as he approached Dorry, who was clutching his injured hand where fingers once were.