
One piece: I have Sukuna abilities

In the world of One Piece, Toshiro Arai, an emotionless boy, finds himself on a small island after death. He eats a devil fruit labeled 'Hito Hito No mi model: Ryomen Sukuna - the king of curses', gaining incredible powers. Stoic yet observant, he navigates the chaotic world of pirates and marines. how is Toshiro going to act in this world ? Toshiro, hands casually tucked into his pockets, shot a glance at Akainu and said with a smirk, 'Shall we start cooking?' ps: This is my first time writing anything, btw. Please inform me if I made any mistakes. Also I don't own One piece, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's.

TH_Inbox · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

I'd win

The next day, the early morning light filtered into Toshiro's cabin, casting a soft glow over the room. Nami stirred in the bed, her body aching from the previous day's battle and the emotional strain she had endured. Memories of Arlong's brutal end and the aftermath flashed through her mind, mingling with the lingering feelings of relief and sorrow.

She looked around and didn't see Toshiro. Confused and a bit anxious, she got up, wrapping a blanket around herself as she moved towards the cabin door. Stepping out into the morning air, she tried to shake off the remnants of sleep and the heaviness in her heart.

Meanwhile, outside the cabin, Toshiro was standing with Sanji and Kuro. He casually took a cigarette that Sanji was about to light up, placing it in his mouth and taking a deep drag. The smoke curled around his face as he looked at the marines and Captain Nezumi, who had been captured by Kuro and Sanji on Toshiro's command.

The marines, including Captain Nezumi, were bound and kneeling on the deck, their expressions a mix of fear and defiance. Toshiro exhaled a cloud of smoke, his eyes narrowing as he approached them.

"Good job, Kuro. Sanji," Toshiro said, his voice calm and cold. "I see you managed to capture our 'guests' without any trouble."

Kuro nodded, his eyes gleaming with a sinister satisfaction. "They were trash, nothing we couldn't handle."

Sanji, still slightly irritated about his stolen cigarette, merely shrugged. "What do you want to do with them, Toshiro?"

Toshiro smirked, the hint of mockery in his eyes evident as he spoke with a straight face. "As a righteous person, I need to take revenge for all the misery that happened to the villagers and their struggles," he said, lying smoothly.

Then, his expression hardened as he exposed his true motive. "Where is my money?" he demanded, his voice cutting through the air like a blade.

Captain Nezumi's face twisted in anger and fear. "Do you think you can—" Nezumi's words were abruptly cut off as his arm was severed with a swift, unseen strike. He screamed in agony, collapsing to the ground and clutching the bleeding stump, tears streaming down his face.

"Do not waste my time," Toshiro said coldly, his eyes devoid of any mercy. "Where. Is. My. Money?"

Nezumi's screams of pain filled the air. "Ahhhhhhhg, about what money, I DON'T REMEMBER TAKING YOUR MONEY, PLEASE!" he pleaded desperately.

Toshiro scratched his head, looking momentarily thoughtful. "Oh, my bad," he said with a straight face, causing Nezumi to pause in confusion.

"It's the money you stole from Nami's house. It's mine," Toshiro specified, his voice icy and uncompromising.

Nezumi's eyes widened in realization and fear. "Please, I... I hid it! It's in &! $#$, all of it! I'll tell you everything, just don't kill me!" he babbled, the desperation in his voice palpable.

Toshiro's smirk returned, satisfied with the answer. "Good," he said, turning to Kuro and Sanji. "Retrieve the money and ensure that this rat doesn't die until we have it."

Kuro nodded, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he and Sanji moved to carry out Toshiro's orders.

Toshiro, with a cigarette between his fingers, turned his attention to Nami. Without a word, he grabbed her and kissed her forcefully, tasting her lips and biting on them, leaving her momentarily stunned. Breaking the kiss, he gave her a final, cold look before walking away.

"I'm going to take a nap," he said nonchalantly, making his way to his cabin as if nothing had happened.

Nami coughed, waving her hand in front of her face to dispel the lingering smoke. "His breath smells like smoke," she muttered irritably, coughing again. "This bastard, scumbag, he did it on purpose," she cursed under her breath, her frustration evident.

Meanwhile, Sanji and Kuro were busy extracting the stolen money from Captain Nezumi. The captain, still in immense pain, was in no position to resist.

Back on the ship, Toshiro lay down in his cabin, the cigarette smoke curling lazily in the air. He closed his eyes, his thoughts drifting as he tried to rest.

Outside, Nami found herself a quiet corner on the deck. She watched the horizon, the events of the past days weighing heavily on her mind. The death of Arlong and the subsequent chaos had left her feeling a mix of relief and unease. She couldn't shake off the memory of Toshiro's brutal methods, nor his unsettling demeanor.

Sanji and Kuro returned shortly after, carrying a large sack filled with money. "We got it," Sanji said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. He handed the sack to Nami, who accepted it with a nod of thanks.

"What should we do now?" Sanji asked, his eyes forming hearts as he looked at Nami.

"We're heading to Loguetown," Kuro responded, adjusting his glasses with a calm demeanor.

Nami nodded in agreement, her expression still reflecting the gravity of recent events. "It's time to move forward," she added, her voice carrying a newfound strength.

Sanji smiled warmly at her. "We'll be ready whenever you are, Nami."




Two days had passed since they set sail for Logue Town. On the deck of the ship, an unusual scene unfolded. Toshiro stood blindfolded, his senses heightened as he anticipated the attacks from Kuro and Sanji. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't evade every strike. Kuro and Sanji, usually jovial and light-hearted, seemed unusually serious as they pressed their advantage.

Sanji launched a series of rapid kicks, aiming for Toshiro's blind spots with precision honed through years of training. Kuro, with his calculated movements and quick strikes, added to the onslaught. Toshiro evaded some blows with his instinctual agility but found himself taking hits he normally wouldn't.

The crew watched in silence, sensing the tension between the combatants. Toshiro's face remained impassive, his movements fluid and controlled even under duress. However, an observer might detect a flicker of frustration in his eyes, a rare breach of his usual stoicism.

Sanji's foot connected with Toshiro's side, causing him to stagger slightly. Kuro followed up with a swift strike that grazed Toshiro's arm, leaving a shallow cut. The hits weren't meant to harm severely, but rather to test Toshiro's defenses and perhaps break through his emotional barrier.

As the spar continued, Kuro and Sanji exchanged glances, a silent communication passing between them. They knew this was a rare opportunity to challenge Toshiro in a controlled environment. Despite his usual aura of invincibility, Toshiro was not immune to their combined efforts.

Toshiro's senses were heightened, not just from the blindfold but from the emotional undercurrents around him. He sensed Kuro and Sanji's determination and a strange mix of camaraderie and rivalry. The faintest hint of anger simmered beneath his usually calm exterior, a testament to the complex emotions stirring within him.

After what seemed like an eternity of strikes and dodges, Toshiro finally halted the spar with a subtle gesture. Removing his blindfold, he faced Kuro and Sanji with his usual composure. His sharp gaze assessed their performance, revealing neither approval nor disapproval.

Kuro and Sanji stood before Toshiro, catching their breath but wearing satisfied smirks. There was an unspoken challenge in their expressions, a simmering resentment beneath their facades.

Toshiro regarded them in silence, his demeanor unreadable. Sanji, seizing an opportunity to needle Toshiro, broke the quiet with a biting remark.

"You won't thank us for pushing you in training?" Sanji quipped, his tone tinged with sarcasm and underlying hostility.

Toshiro's response was cool and detached. "With monkeys like you around, trying to prove something, it's hard to improve," he retorted, his voice carrying a hint of dry amusement and underlying disdain.

Kuro's smile turned into a sneer, his animosity toward Toshiro evident in his narrowed eyes. "You may think you're untouchable, Toshiro, but everyone has their weaknesses," he interjected sharply, his voice laced with suppressed anger.

Sanji's smirk faltered slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "Well, we did give you a good workout, didn't we?" he countered, masking his frustration behind a veneer of nonchalance.

Toshiro nodded slowly, his gaze unwavering. "You did," he admitted, his voice betraying a hint of grudging acknowledgment, though his words were laden with skepticism.

The tension between them simmered, each man sizing up the others in silence. Despite their banter, there was an underlying hostility and distrust that colored their interactions.

Kuro exchanged a glance with Sanji, their shared animosity toward Toshiro palpable. They both understood the risks of openly challenging their captain, but their desire for revenge fueled their determination.

"Enjoy these days while they last," Toshiro declared coolly, catching their glances with a knowing look. "Because your time to challenge me will be limited. And I assure you, I'd win."

Sanji chuckled dismissively, his confidence unwavering despite Toshiro's words. "You think so, eh?" he retorted, a smirk playing on his lips. "We'll see about that."

Kuro remained silent, his expression unreadable, but the intensity in his eyes spoke volumes. They had tasted victory today, if only in training, and it fueled their resolve to one day surpass their emotionless captain.