
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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108 Chs

Chapter 73

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Chapter 73: New World and Paradise Cut Off! Want to Pass? Pay the Tolls!

The eyes of the fish people and mermaids on the field suddenly sparkled with spirit, shining with anticipation for revenge and a brighter future. Neptune, the king, seemed a bit embarrassed but shook his head to dismiss his worries. He approached Kaido with concern, "Lord Kaido, have you seen my daughter?"

Neptune knew that Kaido's real target was Shirahoshi alone, from beginning to end. "Bring her over," Kaido commanded calmly. Neptune gave a nod and led the soldiers to the hard-shell tower where Shirahoshi was held captive.

Soon after, Shirahoshi returned with Neptune. She had long pink wavy hair and eyes that shimmered like blue onyx. She always wore a faint smile and had an air of innocence. The sight of the sky seemed to fascinate her, as she looked up in wonder. Having been in the hard-shell tower for so long, the sea world overwhelmed her, and it took her time to adjust.

Despite the urgency of the situation, as explained by her father Neptune, she felt grateful to Kaido for defeating her enemies and setting her free.

Neptune, worriedly glancing at Shirahoshi, introduced her to Kaido, "Kaido-sama, this is my daughter, Shirahoshi." Shirahoshi, startled by Kaido's dragon form, covered her mouth in amazement, her heartbeat quickened as she looked at the green dragon before her.

Kaido lowered his head to closely inspect the young and beautiful mermaid princess. He knew she was Poseidon, who had the power to command the Sea Kings. She would undoubtedly be an asset to him in the future.

Kaido lifted Shirahoshi's chin with his dragon claw and looked into her big tender eyes, "Mermaid Princess, listen." He paused before continuing, "I have fulfilled your mother's wish, found her killer, and brought Fish-Man Island to the surface, promising a world free from discrimination against fishmen. I need you to be my weapon, Poseidon. Do you understand?"

Shirahoshi looked into Kaido's dragon eye as his hot breath washed over her. She blinked, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. She sniffed and replied innocently, "I do, Kaido-sama."

Deep beneath Sabaody, at a depth of 10,000 meters, the original location of Fish-Man Island was now devoid of the island, taken away by Kaido. However, a huge bubble remained, housing a massive ship, nearly half the size of Fish-Man Island and appearing ancient and worn. This was Noah, the Ark of Promise that Joy Boy had sworn to use to bring Fish-Man Island to the surface 800 years ago.

Now, Noah had replaced Fish-Man Island, lodged between the Red Line and the sea floor, becoming the central transport hub. Fish people, hundreds of meters tall, busied themselves with moving and storing vast quantities of daily necessities. Leading them was Jinbei, the sea knight summoned by Kaido.

"Boss Jinbei, can you tell us why you wanted to stay here alone?" one fishman asked.

"Yes, Boss Jinbei, with Fish-Man Island brought to such a prominent place above the sea, I want to join in the celebration," chimed another.

Jinbei laughed heartily, "Hahahaha! Everyone must be thrilled, especially those going to the sea for the first time."

Curious fishmen, carrying supplies and busying themselves with tasks, looked to Jinbei for answers. Before Fish-Man Island was moved, Jinbei had found them and brought them to Noah, along with a multitude of supplies.

They all had some regrets. 

"I can't witness that historical moment with my own eyes," one lamented. 

If not for the directive from Brother Jinbei, whom all mermaids and mermen respected, they likely wouldn't have come. 

"Boss Kaido asked me to bring someone to guard this place," Jinbei stated, glancing up at the artificial sun that had been unchanging for 800 years. 

Since Kaido achieved his dream of a world without discrimination, Jinbei, along with the other fishmen, came to deeply respect Kaido. 

"Huh? Why?" 

"Why does Kaido-sama want us to stay here?" one fishman asked, puzzled by Jinbei's words. 

As Jinbei prepared to explain, he suddenly gazed toward the distant sea with a relieved sigh, announcing, "They're coming." 

The other fishmen turned their heads at once. 

A ship displaying a pirate flag was descending, prompting me to think what fool would venture to the New World seeking fame. 

"What is this? Just a bunch of pirates?" 

"And not particularly valuable ones at that," the fishman beside him remarked indifferently. 

"No, rally yourselves, brothers. This is a task from Boss Kaido," Jinbei encouraged from the prow of the Noah, rallying the fishmen. 


Though unsure of the reason, the fishmen assembled, forming an imposing presence like an army on the Noah, halting the advancing pirate ship. 

Suddenly, Jinbei blew a horn and addressed the approaching pirates, "Pirates in the front, this is Fishmen Island Noah under Four Emperors Kaido." 

After a pause, seemingly inexperienced with this kind of task, he awkwardly continued, "Boss Kaido decrees that all vessels wishing to pass through Fishmen Island to the New World must pay a per-head fee!" 


"Is that true?!" 

A toll!"

His proclamation surprised the fishmen, their eyes wide and mouths agape. 

"Well, if it's Lord Kaido's command, we must enforce it," one reasoned. 

"And if we're collecting it, we'll get rich quickly, right?" another contemplated. 


"You're clueless! If anyone wants to reach the New World, the only passage uncontrolled by the World Government is our Fishmen Island. That means all the pirates and the entire underground world who oppose the government have no choice but to come here and pay us!" 

"Ahh, could that be possible?"

As the fishmen imagined their imminent wealth, the pirate ship drew nearer, its captain belligerent. 

"Who's going to pay you? We're off to the New World to dethrone the Four Emperors! Kaido is about to fall to Uncle Ben's crew!" 

"If you have any sense, move aside and let Uncle Ben through, you stinking seafood!" 

The declaration left the entire fishmen community on the Noah speechless. 

A single thought probably crossed their minds: what an absolute fool they were dealing with. 

Jinbei remarked, resigned, "It seems we've failed on the first attempt." 

He called out, "Mizumi, time to work." 

"Here, Boss Jinbei," responded Mizumi, a giant fishman not as large as the pirate ship itself. 

Freed by Jinbei, who had briefed him on the task, Mizumi swam toward the ship. His 80-meter-long body moved faster through the water than any vessel. 

With one swift slap, there were screams and panic from the ship. 

The wooden boat shattered instantly, its protective coating punctured. 

The fierce sea currents swept away both ship and pirates immediately. 

Jinbei simply plugged his ears nonchalantly, as if he was merely hearing the buzz of mosquitoes.