
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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Chapter 67

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Chapter 67: Promote the Fourth Admiral! The New Marine Hero!

In Mariejois, the center of the World Government, Fleet Admiral Akainu stood before the Five Elders, an iron-clad soldier of conviction. A coffee table between them held steaming teacups, and the air was thick with the scent of fresh ink from newspapers detailing events prepared by Akainu's assistants.

"Explain it to me, Sakazuki," said one of the Five Elders, Humpty, who crossed his legs and fixed Akainu with a somewhat angry stare. "What do you mean that the three Admirals lost to Kaido alone? Did the government raise you for nothing?"

Akainu met his gaze with a cold one of his own. His emotions were subdued, aware as he was that his fate was tied to the world government's highest rule.

"The Marine's intention was to kill him in the G5 branch, but we underestimated Kaido's power," Akainu replied indifferently.

"Fart! Your dereliction of duty is what I see, Marine!" Humpty barked.

Akainu's eyes grew colder, knowing that no matter what the Marines did, it would never satisfy the Five Elders.

The calm Five Elder held his cane and sought to calm the tension. "Sakazuki, you are the Fleet Admiral of Marine. It has happened; now we need to discuss solutions for the aftermath," he said soothingly, stroking his beard.

"Solutions? Without an Admiral, how does the Marine control the sea?" Humpty protested loudly.

"We've never had three Admirals face a single opponent simultaneously, but we've considered it," said another Five Elder solemnly.

"An Admiral is essential for maintaining peace at sea. We can manage with one or two absent, but using them all and failing leaves us with vacant positions," the calm Five Elder chimed in.

"This is the weakest Marine has been since its founding! Do you realize how many opportunists and criminals will rise now?" Humpty added.

"I've brought a solution," Akainu stated firmly, composed and unchanging.

"A solution?" Humpty seemed both amused and irate as he picked up documents from the table. "By creating an extra Admiral position and promoting the one responsible for this failure?"

"The Marine is not accountable for the actions of pirates, and Virgo shouldn't be blamed for this failure," Akainu replied slowly, his expression icy.

"Marine has had only three Admiral positions for 800 years. Are you certain about this, Sakazuki?" asked a Five Elder pointedly.

"We've had only one Kaido in 800 years. It's a special case," Akainu answered, bowing his head slightly.

"And his abilities? Have you confirmed them?" the Five Elder pursued.

"He killed the Evil King in one strike without the Thunder Fruit, held off Kaido alone until the Admirals arrived, and lured Kaido away at the last moment to escape back. His strength is not in question," Akainu rebutted sternly.

"Have you assured his background and character are sound?" asked another Five Elder.

"I've checked; there are no issues," Akainu assured them with a nod.

"Let's go with Sakazuki's plan, considering the difficult times," decided one of the Five Elders. "Who approves? Who is against it?"



"I disagree!"

That night, in the Fleet Admiral's office, Virgo sat opposite Akainu, his body wrapped in bandages. He had barely awoken in the hospital before being summoned by a soldier.

Akainu retrieved a collection of documents from the secret cabinet next to him and skimmed through a few pages. Once he confirmed the contents, he presented them to Virgo, saying, "This outlines the division of responsibilities for the Admiral. Take it back and memorize it."

Virgo glanced at the document in Akainu's hand. Instead of immediately taking it, he looked at Akainu and queried, "You want me to be Admiral?"

"Agreed," Akainu replied simply.

With hands trembling in excitement, Virgo accepted the document.

"Only those within the Marine can be trusted at times like this," Akainu glanced at him and added, "But no one is sufficient."

The implication was that Virgo was the only suitable candidate.

There was no need to elaborate on strength. Regarding fame, as the G5 base commander for many years, he had garnered some recognition in the New World, and the Marine soldiers under him were convinced by his leadership.

"So soon?" Virgo asked, surprised.

He had thought the approval process would take at least ten days to a half-month at the fastest. He never dreamed he would wake up to such an accomplishment. Naturally, all this depended on Governor Kaido.

"The Marine cannot go on without an Admiral," Akainu stated flatly. "How long before your injuries heal?"

Clearly, Akainu was eager to proceed. The injuries of the other three Admirals seemed too severe to recover anytime soon. Was this what Governor Kaido had anticipated?

Virgo, still hiding everything behind his sunglasses, truthfully replied to Kaido, "About a week."

Akainu took a puff of his cigar, and the smoke that would be unbearable for most filled his lungs. "That's too slow," he remarked.

"I could start with the first half," Virgo suggested quietly. "Even with my injuries, I can easily defeat many with the Thunder Fruit."

"For now, that will have to suffice," Akainu agreed, nodding solemnly. "In the meantime, take out more pirates. Let the whole world witness your strength."

"Huh?" Virgo was puzzled.

"Once you're healed, we'll broadcast the announcement to the world," Akainu explained. "After that, you'll need to establish a strong presence in the New World and secure all our bases for me."

Virgo now understood. Akainu was concerned that other ambitious individuals might take advantage of the Admiral's serious injury, emulating Kaido's actions to make a name for themselves by attacking Marine branches.

"In that case, I could head directly to the New World," Virgo remarked with a frown.

"No," Akainu interjected firmly. "You must present yourself as the strongest in the New World, showing no vulnerabilities or shortcomings to the outside world."

"And I'm going to make you the new Marine hero, so you must remain invincible," Akainu declared, his eyes as deep as the night sky. "Before you fully recover, you should train in Paradise."

"Marine hero?!" Virgo exclaimed, taken aback by the drastic promotion.

If it were discovered later that he was a spy, he worried the Marine would become the world's laughingstock.

However, Akainu showed no sign of suspicion and continued with a note of concern. "The last Marine hero, Garp, lost his stature at the Summit War. There's no need for him to set the standard for another generation," Akainu said, shaking her head before looking at Virgo with determination and appreciation. "And you, Virgo. I have high hopes for you. You're kind to your subordinates and superiors alike but show no mercy to pirates, employing ruthless tactics."

"You embody the best attributes of both dove and eagle, and I believe that's what the Marine needs most. You're worthy of becoming the new generation Marine hero!"