
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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110 Chs

Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: Don't Make a Smile!

Kaido sits quietly in the laboratory, lost in thought.

Suddenly, he perceives a distinct presence and faintly sees a blue border expanding around him.

He feels as though he has entered a specific field, with the sense of being restricted intensifying.

"This is..."

Hostility flickers in Kaido's eyes; there's likely only one person in the New World skilled in this domain.

"I almost forgot you're still at Punk Hazard, Law. This guy is the mastermind behind the sabotage of my SMILE business."

Kaido glances at Caesar, noting that he remains engrossed in his experiments, oblivious to the odd occurrence.

Kaido rises and exits without a word, choosing not to alert Caesar to the situation.

Crossing the lengthy corridor once more, Kaido spots the highest opening to one side.

He can sense every living being on the island, with their strengths and weaknesses almost ranking them.

Yamato from the Volcanic Peninsula is the strongest, apparently accompanied by a creature with a feeble presence, likely the artificial fire dragon.

Another aura stands out, weaker than Yamato but stronger than the island's other creatures and not too distant from the lab — unmistakably Law.

Having found his target, Kaido strides purposefully toward Law's location.

"I can't let you threaten my SMILE again, Law," Kaido muses, gazing into the distance, as though seeing through the barriers in his path.

Packing his belongings, Law suddenly senses a shiver down his spine; danger looms as if he's in the crosshairs of a predator.

His pupils quiver, his face blanches, his Adam's apple shifts, and his whole body tenses.

Deeming nothing else relevant, he swiftly gathers critical documents and secures them in his arms.

Opting against using ROOM to avoid further drawing Kaido's notice, Law hastily escapes via his villa's back door, unsure of how to evade Kaido's tracking.

Outside, the landscape is a vast expanse of snow; the howling wind and chill air make it difficult for Law to distinguish any specific path.

With gritted teeth, he dismisses the more obvious route, his figure too conspicuous against the heavy snow.

He veers toward the back of the institute, toward a trail that promises stealth and familiarity.

To his dismay, he encounters the last person he wishes to see.

Kaido stands before him, snowflakes drifting around but not touching him, as if he's been waiting for this moment.

For a few seconds, Law halts, exhaling visibly.

"Law, your abilities intrigue me. How about joining my side?" Kaido extends a hand, his invitation seemingly sincere. "Then your schemes against me won't matter."

In the freezing surroundings, Law feels a chill deeper than the air around him.

How did Kaido know? The realization filled him with dread.

What choice did he have?

Refusal might mean his end right here, today.

"If you can kill Doflamingo with your own hands..." Law starts bravely, voicing his deepest concern.

Yet, Kaido interrupts him before he can finish.

"Tsk. Didn't you read the newspaper?" Kaido mocks. "Zou was destroyed by me, and still, you present conditions?"

The destruction of Zou shouldn't have concerned Law, yet for his own agenda, he had organized for his pirate crew to travel there not so long ago. A wave of shock rolled through Law's heart when he realized his comrades were all on Zou. 

In a sudden recall, he remembered the life card Bepo carried and frantically reached into his pocket, only to find the paper reduced to ashes. His hand trembled as he slowly pulled it back, bloodshot eyes staring at the fingers still stained with burnt black ash confetti, which the wind and snow quickly swept away.

Kaido observed Law's distraught state, a curious twist to his mouth. "So, what are you going to do, Law?" he asked, eager to see the new Shichibukai's decision. Law's head drooped, his right hand clenching tightly around the sword's handle, the veins and sinews on the back of his hand protruding. He lamented the loss of Mr. Corazon and now Bebo and his other companions. He questioned his own will to live on, given the continuous need to evade, hide, and seek vengeance against ever-stronger enemies. 

"No, I can't wait any longer," thought Law, apologizing inwardly to his friends, doubting he could ever avenge them. With his head raised, his eyes filled with despair and rage in his empty left hand, he evoked, "ROOM!" A spherical cyclone rapidly expanded, engulfing the entire iceberg peninsula. He drew his long blade with his right hand, infusing it with his fruit ability, and prepared to slash forward, intending to cut both Kaido and the research institute that lay behind him in two.

However, Kaido suddenly appeared at his side, his massive fist coated in Armament Haki barreling towards Law's face. The pressure flattened Law's features while Kaido mocked, "REMEMBER NOT TO SMILE IN THE FUTURE!" Law's senses heightened in alarm; his brain couldn't react fast enough, only aware that the pressure was about to crush his nostrils and eyes. The punch came with a speed surpassing that of sound, even producing a ring of sonic booms from Kaido's arms.

Too late to dodge or use his spatial transfer, Law took the iron fist directly to the face. He was sent flying backward like a missile, leaving a long shadow across the snow and crashing into the side of a snow-capped mountain. The impact caused the upper portion of the mountain to crumble and collapse, sending stones tumbling down and shearing off part of the mountain.

Kaido, sensing that Law was still alive, remarked on his own restraint before leaping into the air and flying towards where Law had landed. Arriving at the scene, he found Law in a dismal state, his face bloodied, eyes vacant, limbs contorted, and his head lying askew amid the rocks. True to his words, Kaido had managed to control the blow, his intention not to kill. Lifting the injured Law, he planned to return to the institute for medical treatment, recognizing Law's valuable talent. It would be a shame to let such promise die, especially when Pudding still had her part to play.