
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Chapter 86: Crocodile's Unexpected Inclusion

Princess Otohime's speech unleashed a stir that swept all seas, but the external impact paled in comparison to what it caused in the Round Table Council Room.


No surprises, under the direct influence of Princess Otohime, all the kings immediately signed the 'Declaration of Equality and Friendship between Humans and the Fishman Races'. And in the next session, the 'Total Prohibition of the Slave Trade and the Total Liberation of Slaves in the World' was unanimously approved.


This was the fearsome power of the 'Spiritual King'. As long as the Princess spoke sincerely and the listeners were close enough to her to hear her completely without being able to resist her spirit and will, regardless of her previous beliefs, they would completely accept her ideas.


The unanimous approval of the resolution, combined with the live broadcast, had a shocking effect.


Especially in the kingdoms of the fifty kings, the nobles and internal officials immediately freed the slaves by removing their explosive collars. They were also moved by the speech. Even if they did not change their convictions and ideas, they were moved at that moment.


The world government designated that day as "Liberation Day", establishing it as a holiday in all affiliated nations.


After the Levely, Princess Otohime returned to Fishman Island, protected by CP7 agents and treated by Drum Kingdom doctors due to her fragile health.


King Neptune was very confused by this situation. He didn't believe that just one speech required so much attention. But in the end he could only accept the situation since the World Government did not give them a choice and only informed them about it.


This is because Imu did not allow Princess Otohime to be informed about her Advanced Kenbunshoku Haki, as she might believe that the World Government was using it. Which could cause her ability to not work properly.



Dusk was approaching, the sky was darkening, and the flames of twilight were gathering, covering half the horizon. Although night had not completely fallen, the moon was already shining overhead, observing everything from above.


The docks in District GR70 of the Sabaody Archipelago were packed. Ships with royal flags occupied most of them, even forcing others to seek space in adjacent areas.


The Sabaody Archipelago was experiencing a feeling of maritime congestion, with ships circling the island. The streets were packed with people enjoying the place of bubbles and fantasy.


The once dangerous area, from GR1 to GR29, under the control of the Navy led by Dragon, is now a safe district and commercial zone, expanding the space for visitors.


'Liberation Night' is an event organized by the Propaganda Department to celebrate the abolition of the slave trade and unite the local inhabitants of the Sabaody Archipelago with the inhabitants of Fishman Island in a party that seeks to strengthen their ties. Which will be transmitted through Den-Den Mushi to the whole world.


Pangea Castle, Socializing Plaza.


"Mihawk hasn't arrived yet? The live broadcast will start soon." Gion stood there, staring in the direction of the castle gate and asked anxiously.


Stussy stood behind Imu in a lively manner and said with a smile: "I must be practicing swordsmanship with Saint Figarland Shanks. Maybe he lost track of time."


"Hmph, he can only train with me for an hour every day and spends the rest of the time with Shanks. It's really too much!" Gion said angrily.


But she was very curious. Apart from Mihawk, were there really any Celestial Dragons with superb swordsmanship?


Suddenly, Gion's eyes lit up.


"Hey, we're here!"


Imu, sitting in his chair, reflects on Mihawk's late arrival and the unexpected appearance of Shanks, the young apprentice of Roger's old crew.


Mihawk approached Imu, then lowered his head and said respectfully: "Sir, Shanks is the only one in your family and is not willing to go to other mansions of the Figarland family. I invited him as a friend."


Imu was speechless as he thought. 'What is this, my son brings his classmates to play at home?'


Imu looked into Shanks' eyes. The latter only lasted for two seconds before subconsciously avoiding his gaze and his body became tense.


But he still took off the straw hat on his head, bowed politely and said: "Well, you are the godfather Mihawk often mentioned, right? My name is Shanks, sorry to bother you."


"Um." Imu looked meaningfully at the straw hat in his hand and ordered the maid not far away: "Bring another chair."


"Yes, sir." The maid left quickly.


Seeing this, Mihawk was relieved of his nervousness. Despite his cool face on the surface, he was really not sure whether Imu would accept Shanks.


The reason why he values Shanks so much is because Shanks is a rare Celestial Dragon who can talk to him and is also very powerful.


"Thanks." After Shanks thanked the maid, he heard Imu's voice.


"Your experience is very dramatic. You must have experienced many things with the Roger Pirates. This is indeed a precious treasure in life, but now that you know your identity, you should make your position clear. The past is hidden deep in your heart. Just remember it, but don't let it affect your judgment now and in the future."


Everyone present knew Shanks' origins, and naturally understood the meaning of Imu's words. Shanks lowered his eyes, pursed his lips, and listened in silence.


"You have to understand that the reason why you were adopted by Roger was not because your parents abandoned you, but because your parents died at the hands of the Rocks Pirates."


"The pirates killed your parents, and the pirates also raised you. From this point of view, you and the pirates can be said to have nothing to do with each other."


"Accept the fact that you are a Celestial Dragon and live a good life. One day you will be proud of this identity and realize how insignificant the so-called Roger Pirates are."




As soon as Imu finished speaking, and when Shanks was about to answer, cheerful, fast-paced music suddenly started to sound, and then the stage curtain in the projection screen slowly opened.


This forced Shanks to hold back his words and watch in disbelief as Imu completely ignored him, focusing on the image on the screen.


Feeling unable to articulate a word after listening to the other for so long was extremely uncomfortable for Shanks.


Then everyone began to watch the massive entertainment event, where the main characters of the show are Tesoro and Stella.


While the outside world celebrated Liberation Day amidst a festive atmosphere of music and dance. Inside Impel Down, apart from the jailers who were secretly watching the performance from their rooms, the prisoners at all levels were still full of desperate screams and wails. Several people were dying in various circumstances at any one time.


In a cell in the Eternal Hell, Crocodile, who was sitting with his eyes closed and concentrating, instantly opened his somewhat numb eyes.


When he saw the cell door rising slowly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a flame called hope automatically ignited in his heart.


"Crocodile, come out." Outside the cell, Magellan looked at Crocodile coldly.


Crocodile slowly stood up and asked unhurriedly: "Can you tell me where I'm going?"


"You can ask the person who picks you up outside. I'm only responsible for taking you out."


"Yeah." Crocodile no longer hesitated and walked over decisively. Even if he had to be taken out for execution now, he would rather die in the sunshine outside than slowly rot in this dark cell.


"Looks like my wheel of fortune is turning again~~"


Crocodile approached Magellan with a mocking smile, then began his characteristic and unique long laugh.




"Shut up!" Magellan frowned, unable to bear that breathless and panting laughter, angrily shouted at him: "If you laugh again, your destiny will stop right here."



Tesoro and Stella's performance lasted two hours, where they sang more than a dozen songs.


Despite the closure of the party, the festive atmosphere at the Sabaody Archipelago was still intact. The crowd spread across the island, filling bars and restaurants to capacity.


Meanwhile at the Marine Base of the Sabaody Archipelago, Dragon in his office listened to Rear Admiral Irwin's report, as he lamented about the security problems and the challenges of maintaining order between humans and Fishmen.


Just at that moment Dragon, who was using the powers of his devil fruit in conjunction with his Kenbunshoku Haki to monitor the Sabaody Archipelago, detected an individual alone in the GR53 area, an expert with an imposing presence.



Area RL1556, Red Earth Continent


"What are they saying?!"


A sharp voice, almost an ear-piercing scream, echoed through the base of Dimensional Gate number 0001, piercing even the closed electric gates.


Caesar Clown was very angry at this time, very angry. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and his chest heaved rapidly, especially his brown eyes, which glared viciously at the government personnel who came to deliver the message.


"I have just contacted another world and we are about to begin a deep exploration. And now they ask me to return to Impel Down!"


The officer reminded him that, at 16 years old and only a student at the Academy of Biochemical Sciences, he did not qualify to continue further. In his place, Professor Fritz would take charge.


Caesar resisted, refusing to return, but the officer delivered one more message: if he investigated the viruses presented to him in the report and cured Amber Lead Syndrome, he would be the next director of the academy and lead a crucial mission for the World Government.


After speaking, the man turned and left without another word, leaving Caesar standing there struggling, hesitating, frustrated, and finally followed him with a long sigh.


After Caesar left the outermost door of the base quickly opened on both sides after a few beeps, and then ten men and women in black suits appeared in front of everyone.


With a quick glance, one could see that there were five men and five women. They were the CP9 special team. Nine of them were lined up behind a silver-haired man wearing blue diamond earrings and dark red glasses. 


"Captain Laskey, this way, please. I will guide each of you to your rooms and explain the details of the mission." The officer said he had previously tried to dissuade Caesar Clown.


"Lead the way." Laskey raised his chin slightly in response and walked forward with a firm step, without showing the slightest discomfort at being in an unfamiliar place. However, his sharp eyes, hidden behind the dark red glasses, quickly scanned the surroundings and the arrangement of the people.


But just as CP9 was halfway there, a new set of beeps sounded behind them. The doors opened again, stopping Laskey, who turned to look. The nine members behind him quickly separated so that his view would not be obstructed.


"Kuahahahaha..." With the appearance of a man with a height of eight feet, carrying a black coat over his shoulders, a loud and annoying laughter began that spread throughout the base.


"Although I don't know why they need me, this place is nice. I like it, can I at least take a hot bath here?"


"'Crocodile." A member of CP9 whispered the person's identity.


At this moment, the officer leading the way reminded them expressionlessly. "Crocodile will go to the same mission area with you. You can communicate with each other later."


"What?" The CP9 members exclaimed, even Laskey frowned slightly. "What is our task this time and why do we need the help of a pirate?"


"The details of the mission will be explained later, but I need to correct you. Mr. Crocodile is not here to assist you. He will just go to the same area at the same time as you."


Laskey nodded and said coldly: "Continue to guide us."




As they walked, Crocodile's gaze fell on the members of CP9, as their presence was the strongest in the place. Especially that stinky guy wearing blue diamond earrings, judging from his breath alone, he is no weaker than himself now.


Ten minutes later...


The CP9 members confirmed their respective rooms and then gathered in a large living room, sitting on sofas arranged around them. In front of them were coffee, red wine, tea and other drinks freshly served by a waiter.


"Say it." Laskey gently picked up the glass and shook the whiskey mixed with ice cubes.


"Well, for a better understanding, please take a look at these reports." Said a government official in charge of the site, personally handing out ten reports to each member of CP9.


Laskey was the first to receive them. As he leafed through them in silence, his expression became increasingly tense, his eyes showing intense emotion.


This time your mission is to enter another world, detect all the information useful to the World Government and send the information back to this base at any cost.


To be honest, not only him, but all CP9 members were also shocked. If there were no problems where they were, they would have doubted whether this person was joking with them.


But Laskey immediately calmed down and continued reading.


According to what is written above, no dangerous creatures or abnormal conditions were found within 500 meters of the entrance called the Dimensional Gate.


This took a weight off their shoulders.


But the most crucial information was about the successful communication test using Den-Den Mushi in the other world. This would be of great help to them.


"I assume you have all finished reading the reports. You will form five groups. When you cross to the other side of the Gate, you will disperse in different directions."


"If you encounter strange creatures or intelligent beings, please contact the base under the premise of maintaining your safety." The official explained.


"As for supplies and equipment, what can we bring?" Laskey asked expressionlessly.


"Five days' worth of compressed food rations and three days' worth of water. You may also carry an automatic pistol with five magazines, five grenades, a compass, and a melee weapon of your choice."


"Daggers, two per person." Laskey responded without consulting the other members, who also raised no objections.




"Now can you tell me why Crocodile went in with us?"




I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar

