
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Chapter 29: The encounter between shadow and Light

In the second half of the Grand Line. 


At this moment, on a small snowy island, twenty strange creatures with double horns, prominent fangs, and a height of more than six meters each, dominate the area. They walk through pools of blood, moving among the lifeless bodies scattered everywhere. Occasionally, someone's last breath is heard, and they mercilessly crush it as they pass without saying a word, causing a painful end. 


"Moria! You will have a terrible fate! It won't be long before you.... [Cough, cough, cough] And it won't be long before you bastards join us in hell!" 


Temple, with his hands tied behind his back, crawls through the bloody snow, enduring the pain of his wounds in a desperate attempt to curse the person in front of him. At this moment, his companions of so many years were killed one by one by these strange Gecko Pirates. 




Moria was sitting on the largest corpse he could find, with a knife more than three meters long stuck in the ground next to him. Seeing the desperation on Temple's face, he smiles dazzlingly, baring his fangs. 


"What a pitiful appearance, Captain Temple of the War Elephant Pirates. Even with a bounty of 67 million berries, you should maintain some dignity." 


But Captain Temple was already in despair at this time. Knowing that he was bound to die, he didn't care what Moria said at all, and just wanted to seize the time to curse one more time. 


"Bah, it doesn't make sense! I thought you were someone special." 


Moria stands up with a disappointed expression and, in one swift movement, removes his knife from the ground. He looks at the bright sun and says: 


"I appreciate the relationship you had with your companions. Groups of pirates like you are rare. So, I have decided to give you a magnificent death, more beautiful than that of the Pirate King, Roger." 


"Wow, Captain's about to do his shadow trick again!" 


"Hahaha, this will be exciting! No matter how many times I see it, it's always exciting." 


The crew of the Gecko Pirates gathered about ten meters away from Captain Temple, waiting with excited eyes for something to happen. 


"You! What are you going to do?!" 


Captain Temple, seeing these strange guys looking at him in amazement as if he were a clown, only felt anger. Meanwhile, a large shadow lunged at him from behind, filling him with fear as he realized that his time had come. 


'Are you going to cut off my head from behind?' 


At this moment, the big knife in Moria's hand slashed downwards, and the sound of cutting wind that filled the air made Captain Temple silently close his eyes and secretly said: 'That's good. My companions just died not long ago. I should be able to catch up with them on their way to Hell.' 


Just one second, two seconds, and three seconds seemed to pass in the darkness, but he did not feel the slightest pain. About ten seconds later, he opened his eyes in confusion. 


"I'm alive?" 


"Hehehehe~ Experience the heat of the sun, Captain Temple of the 'War Elephant Pirates'!" 


Gecko Moria, who was standing behind him, took a step to the right, and Captain Temple, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly realized that the large shadow in front of him had disappeared. 


Before he could react, suddenly, there was a severe burning sensation on his back, like a fire, and then spread to his whole body. 


The warm sunlight shining from the sky became the cruelest punishment at this moment. 




Moria holding the newly cut black shadow in his left hand, watched excitedly as Captain Temple was reduced to ashes little by little in the sunlight. 


"It's happening! I've been waiting for this!" 


"Hahahaha, this show never disappoints!" 


Moria's companions watch excitedly, some of them jumping for joy. When Captain Temple's body completely disappeared, the shadow in Moría's hands also vanished. For him, this is not surprising. 


Even if the shadow and the entity are cut apart, there is still a certain connection. If the entity changes, the shadow will change accordingly. Therefore, the entity turns to ashes and the shadow naturally ceases to exist. 


"Hey, we should try to catch as many people alive as possible and let them enjoy the 'Burial of Light' together. That scene would definitely be more beautiful!" A crew member of the Gecko Pirates said with a big smile. 


"I think it's a good idea, but the captain doesn't like cutting the shadows of the dead." 


"What's the point of watching the dead turn to ashes? What really matters is the scream of agony before dying, that's what makes it more exciting.!" 


While they were arguing animatedly, Moria shouted at them: 


"Damn bastards, go loot their ship and bring back everything we can use or eat!" 


"Throw all these corpses into the sea and feed the fish in the sea a feast!" 


"Yes! Captain!" 


"Come on, let's see what they have on their ship!" 


"If there is some liquor, that would be great. We don't need meat; we have enough Sea Kings meat on our ship." 


Gecko Moria saw them happily running towards the ship of the War Elephant Pirates, and happily turned around and walked towards his own pirate ship. 


Today's sunshine is too bright for him and is not very comfortable. He still prefers a dark environment, but every now and then seeing a magnificent 'Burial of Light' is a good sight. 


"Yo~ I finally found you, Gecko Moria with a bounty of 120 million berries~" 


Suddenly, a voice with a long, lazy tone sounded from behind. Moria hurriedly turned around and raised his knife to be on guard. At the same time, he saw with his own eyes a golden flash of light that turned into a figure about half his height not far away. 


This man wore a black gentleman's hat and a bright yellow suit underneath. The most important thing was the white justice coat that was gently swaying in the wind and snow. 




Gecko Moria looked grim and said: "It seems that the ability you just used is of the Logia-type. Are you the new candidate for Navy Admiral, Borsalino? 


"Hey~ It's amazing, you guessed it right away~" Borsalino put on an expression of surprise, and then asked casually: "If so, why don't you cooperate and make my task easier? That way you'll save yourself some suffering." 


"Kishishishishishi~ Although I don't understand why the Navy is after me, since you are here, I will test the power of the new Navy Admiral candidate." 


Gecko Moria sneered with the sharp fangs in his mouth, and at the same time stared at Borsalino with a pair of eyes full of malice, and the long knife in his hand was even more eager to try. 


"It's really troublesome~ I knew it wouldn't be that simple." Borsalino took off his gentleman's hat in distress and put it into the pocket of his coat. 


The next moment, he appeared in front of Gecko Moria, and at the same time, golden light shone on the latter's face and pupils. 


The strong light forced him to close his eyes subconsciously, but a soft greeting rang in his ears. 


"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light~?" 




I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar 

