
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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156 Chs

Chapter 21: Dragon betrayed the Navy

Marineford, Navy Headquarters, in the Fleet Admiral's Office, the door hasn't even opened, and you could already hear Garp's heroic laugh. 


Then there was a bang, and the door of the office was suddenly pushed open by a palm. 


"Bwahahahaha, Fleet Admiral Kong, I just came back. I didn't even have time to go home, and you called me over. What's the matter?" As he spoke Garp sat on the couch with a bag of senbei in his hand. 


"Hey, Sengoku, why are you here too?" Garp looked at his old friend sitting opposite and smiled. "Aren't you supposed to be busy in the office at this time?" 


But he found that Sengoku's face was not right, he was very serious. At the same time, he also noticed that Fleet Admiral Kong sitting behind the desk was also looking at him expressionlessly. 


Garp stopped his hand halfway to take the senbei and asked in surprise, "What's going on? I already took care of that Bullet boy and just sent him to Impel Down!" 


"Garp, your son Monkey D. Dragon wants to betray the navy. He is really audacious!" 


Fleet Admiral Kong slapped a piece of report paper on the table with an angry look and said: "See for yourself, this is the message sent by CP0 ten minutes ago!" 




Garp was stunned, his eyes almost popped out of his head, his buttocks suddenly stood up as if on fire, and then at a speed that ordinary people could not see, he took the information and read it word by word in an instant. 


In the intelligence report, it was briefly described that CP0 intercepted Rear admiral Dragon who had just dropped his justice shield and was about to leave the G-3 branch and was then sent back to Marineford. 


"This... This..." 


Garp opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment. Obviously, it was such a serious incident, but he was so nervous that he felt like he had too many words to say, but he didn't know how to express them. 


First of all, why did Dragon suddenly leave the navy? 


Secondly, how did the world government know about this in advance and send people to make an arrest as soon as he defected, and the ones they sent went to CP0? 


He knows very well what CP0 is. 


That is the most powerful intelligence department in the entire Cipher Pool, known as the strongest shield of the Celestial dragons. It can be said that only The Five Elders are qualified to command them. 


Such a powerful department, is it necessary to use it against my own son? 


The most surprising thing is that they are actually preparing... Oh, no. They are already sending Dragon to Navy Headquarters. What's going on here? 


Logically speaking, shouldn't he be sent directly to Enies Lobby for sentencing, and then thrown into the Impel Down? 


He didn't think that the CP0 group would care about his identity as a Navy Hero, so it could only be an order from The Five Elders. 


"Could it be that the person I saved back then is helping?" 


Garp thought secretly in his mind, thinking that it was really possible, after all, that person was now one of the Five Elders. 


No matter what, CP0 is willing to send Dragon over, which is a great blessing among misfortunes. His own identity and qualifications are still useful here at Marineford. 


"It will take several hours to get here from the 'New World', even directly through Mary Geoise. So, when I get there, I'll ask that kid what he was thinking about!" 


Sengoku was also very angry. This was Dragon whom he had trained since he was a child. After becoming a Marine, he performed very well at first, saying that he wanted to become a Navy Hero who would surpass his father. 


But in recent years he has become increasingly passive and taciturn. The excitement in his eyes faded long ago and the passionate smile on his face has disappeared. 


He also had a passive attitude towards various tasks, which resulted in his military rank remaining at Rear admiral. However, because he was Garp's son, no one in the navy would blame him. 


Sengoku knows that with Dragon's strength, even if he cannot become an Admiral in the future, he is more than enough to be the general commander of the G-series branch bases in the New World. 


The reason why he may not be able to become an admiral is because the navy currently has three admirals who are the users of three of the best Logia-type devil fruits, and it is impossible to have a fourth Admiral. 


About five hours later, Fleet Admiral Kong received a report from a warship stationed near the headquarters port. After listening, he put the microphone back on the back of the Den Den Mushi and found that Garp was staring at him. 


As for Sengoku, he had already returned to his office before. After all, he was indeed quite busy. Where could he sit on the sofa and waste time? 


"The CP0 ship has arrived, but they asked us not to go out to greet it so as not to attract too much attention. They will be responsible for sending people here." 


After saying that, Fleet Admiral Kong paid no attention to Garp, picked up the Den Den Mushi again and called Sengoku, informing him to come over and meet him together. 


Not long after, Sengoku into the office again. After all, his office was also on this floor. 


Not even two minutes after Sengoku sat down, there was a gentle knock on the door. 


[Toc, toc, toc] 




Fleet Admiral Kong called out, and then the door was slowly pushed open, and Dragon, wearing a green suit and a coat of justice, walked in first with his hands behind his back and an expressionless face. 


A tall figure wearing a white mask, a white suit, a white coat over his shoulders, and white leather boots followed closely behind. 


There was a soft bang, and the door was closed by the latter. 


"You bastard brat!" 


As soon as Garp saw his son's face, he angrily said, "What are you thinking in your head?" 


But Dragon lowered his head and remained silent. He seemed to have no interest in communicating with his father, whom he admired very much a few years ago. 


This year, he is thirty-four years old, the same age as Borsalino. 


"Garp, please calm down first." 


Sengoku stood up with a serious face, but he discovered a strange thing. Dorag's hands behind his back seemed to be handcuffed? 


What is this situation? Ordinary handcuffs are of no use to Dragon. His physical skills that he has practiced since childhood are not fake. 


At this moment, the CP0 spoke. His voice was a little hoarse and harsh, and there was no extra emotion. 


"Rear Admiral Dragon is a Devil Fruit user and judging from the skills he uses in battle, he is also a Logia-type devil fruit that allows him to manipulate storms, so we have to put seastone manacles on him." 


"Logia-type Devil Fruit?!" 


The three bosses in the office, the Navy Fleet Admiral, the Navy Admiral, and the Navy Hero, were startled again. Their eyes were all focused on Dragon, especially the first two, as if they were looking at a rare treasure. 


Ever since Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Kuzan appeared in the navy, they have read the Devil Fruit illustrated books several times, mainly looking at the Logia type. 


Storm Fruit, this is another top-notch Logia devil fruit, no less powerful than lava, flash, and ice! 


"No wonder you sent out CP0, otherwise with this kid's physical skills and Haki level, coupled with the ability of the storm fruit, even CP9 can't stop him, right?" Fleet Admiral Kong suddenly realized. 


But the doubt still surrounds him and Sengoku. How did the World Government know? 


In fact, this question is what Dragon wants to know most at this time. He is still confused until now. 


He had no plan at all before leaving the G-3 base, and he never told anyone, especially about the storm fruit. 


But at that time, he had just thrown off his coat of justice and turned into a ball of wind. Less than two kilometers away from the base, he was surrounded by three CP0s wearing white masks. 


He tried to escape, but even though he was much stronger than an ordinary Vice admiral, he was still no match for three CP0 opponents, and he had just eaten the storm fruit. 


"Dragon, what do you think, why do you want to leave the navy?" 




I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar 

