
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime & Comics
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196 Chs

Chapter 17: Imu's assumptions about Pluton

Mary Geoise 


Imu in the desolate silver-gray landscape, he waves a set of beautiful sword lights under the simulated moonlight. This is a daily activity that he does to become more familiar with using his new skills.


Ten minutes ago, he had learned about what was happening in the Capital of Water from the Den Den Mushi brought by the maid. 


He actually didn't want to intervene at first. 


But Imu is very clear about the importance of the 'Sea Train' for the development of Starfish. This is simply a technology that can no longer be described as Black Technology. A steam train hundreds of meters long that can travel stably on a floating track above the sea, in addition to emitting noises that can scare away fish, including sea kings. 


It turns out that Sea Kings are also a species of fish. No matter how strange their appearances are, and although some even have mammalian heads, they are still fish. 


The most technologically advanced thing about this "sea train" is that it can be largely protected from the influence of extreme maritime weather. 


What's the meaning of this? 


That is to say, no matter how strong the wind is or how big the waves are, as long as there is no weather like a seas pout or ice storm that can damage the floating track, this train can run normally! 


People with normal intelligence can imagine how much influence the existence of this kind of thing can have on the development of the entire world. 


So, what if something unexpected happens because of his excessive interference? 


Why is there such a huge gap in development levels between islands now? Some places look like the medieval era, while other places are full of high technology. 


It is because the transportation between them is too difficult, and it is difficult for materials to flow quickly between islands. 


Isn't it just because the import of shipbuilding materials was blocked that the Water Seven continued to decline in the next few years? 


In the original plot, if Tom's sea train had not been completed on time, Water Seven would not have been able to survive until the arrival of the Straw Hats in the future. People would have abandoned Water Seven and it would have become a desert island! 


It was precisely because Imu knew all this that he did not stop Enies Lobby from sentencing Tom. 


In his opinion, the ten-year reprieve of death penalty is a useful promotion for Tom and his group, because it makes them understand that only after the sea train is completed can they have a chance to save Tom's life. 


Although it took them a total of fourteen years. But this also proves that the World Government in the original timeline also knew the role of the sea train and did not pursue the issue of exceeding the limit at all. 


As for whether this would make Tom feel wronged or something, that was not within his scope of consideration. Anyway, with his protection, he would definitely not die. 


However, Imu still feels that fourteen years is too long. 


He then told The Five Elders to order the Administration Department to provide funds for Tom's Workers, just to shorten the completion time by a few years. 


But at the same time, he was also strictly ordered not to affect Tom's work. 


In short, whatever he asks for, just do it! 


Imu, who was surrounded by bright silver sword lights, was waving the long sword in his hand while thinking at high speed. 


Things related to Tom, the fishman boat builder, are not just the "sea train research and development project". 


Let's just say that the two apprentices around him, Iceburg and Cutty Flam, are also rare talents. 


Iceburg, in Imu's opinion, has extremely excellent management skills, but being a shipbuilder or the mayor of the Water Seven is a bit of an underachievement. This person is fully capable of stepping onto a larger stage. 


However, he also knows that any talent needs a growth experience. 


If Iceburg hadn't learned shipbuilding skills next to Tom, hadn't founded Galley-La Company, and hadn't served as the mayor of the Water Seven, no one knows what would have turned out in the end. 


Rather than doing this, it is better to let nature take its course and wait until Iceburg is fully grown before being transferred to serve in the World Government. 


The other apprentice, Cutty Flam, is more of an engineer, a genius in weapons research and development. 


Expert in shipbuilding and cannon building technology, capable of using mechanical modification technology on his body while still conscious, as well as developing technology that uses special beverage conversion energy, along with super high learning ability. He is simply a treasure for any civilization. 


Therefore, Imu had specifically mentioned Cutty Flam before, letting CP2 hidden in the Water Seven focus on him. 


After the sea train is successfully developed, there is only so much that Cutty Flam can learn from Tom. 


Next, he will send someone to bring him to the scientific force. He will follow Vegapunk for a few years. When he reaches adulthood, he will be divided into an independent research institute and let him focus on the research and development of various weapons, especially warships. 


In addition, don't forget, Tom also has the design drawings of 'Pluton' on him. 


The true face of this so-called 'ancient weapon' can actually be found in Imu's memory. Back then, he witnessed with his own eyes the 'Pluton' destroying an island with one shot and forming a huge bottomless pit on the sea. The hole, even now, has not been filled by the endless sea water. 


However, even though 'Pluton' was so terrifying, that huge kingdom was still unable to defeat the twenty-nation coalition it had formed. 


As for where the defeated and damaged 'Pluto' that was used during that great war ended up, the original Imu is not sure. But as a transmigrator he knew that it had been confirmed that there was a 'Pluton' on the island of Wano. 


The appearance of 'Pluto' was naturally not at all strange to the previous Imu, but to him, a transmigrator, it seemed a little familiar. 


It is very similar to the future 'Ark Maxim' and 'Thousand sunny', but the warship is much larger, and the gold used on it is far more than that of the 'Ark Maxim'. 


Then this is a bit intriguing. 


I can still understand future Cutty Flam knowing the design drawings for 'Pluton'. But Enel? He had obviously seen the body of 'Pluto' somewhere or had seen similar design drawings. So where did he see it? 


Imu has a bold guess. 


Perhaps, Enel discovered parts of another 'Pluto' in a corner of Birka Island, and then found the natural thunder fruit there, or even learned the relevant technology and obtained some information about his ancestors on the Moon. 


Later he might accidentally activate some mechanism on the island while using his abilities, just like he accidentally activated the underground city after landing on the moon in the future. 


However, hundreds of years of neglect deteriorated the remains of 'Pluto' too much. Perhaps as soon as it was activated it stimulated the remaining stored energy and launched a final attack or self-destructed on the spot, leading to the destruction and disappearance of the entire Birka Island. 


Enel himself did not suffer any harm due to his elementalization, but he found information that the People of Birka could come from 'Fairy Vearth' and had also seen the terrifying power of the remains of 'Pluto'. 


After arriving at the 'Upper Yard' he continued searching for information about the 'Moon People' and confirmed that a civilization once existed on 'Fairy Vearth', then became the 'New God' and gathered gold and manpower to try to recreate to 'Pluton', but in the end, due to resource and technology limitations, they only got an 'Ark Maxim'! 


"Therefore, it is very likely that there are remains of another 'Pluton' on Birka Island, which is 10,000 meters above the sky." He muttered to himself as he stopped dancing with his sword. 


"Considering 'Pluton' can fly. It makes sense that those Moon People left something on Birka Island." 




I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar 

