
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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124 Chs

Chapter 27

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027: A Storm That Invisibly Affects the Entire World!


With the overt actions of Naval Headquarters, the aim was to eliminate Bai Ye as quickly as possible.

In a matter of moments, upon learning that a Marine Admiral had departed Marineford, expressions changed all around.

The entire Grand Line trembled for an instant!

"God, a Marine Admiral is being dispatched?!"

"...and two Admirals?!"

"Are they joking, right?!"

Under the blue sky, residents on islands near Marineford watched as massive warships left Naval Headquarters. Noticing the two imposing figures each radiating an indescribable sense of pressure simply by standing, all the islanders couldn't believe their eyes, voices trembling, they couldn't help but exclaim:

"Could it be that this man's threat level has reached such heights in the eyes of the Marines that they can even afford to lower their guard temporarily against the Whitebeard Pirates?!"

"No, no."

"Perhaps all the Marine branches in the first half of the entire Grand Line will be placed on combat alert with the intent to prevent any movements from the Whitebeard Pirates."

"In doing so... the Marines could eradicate that man in the shortest time possible."

"Even so..."

The speaker's heart pounded vigorously.

"To deal with a single man, the Marine government has actually deployed two Admirals... Is such a measure really warranted for this situation?!"

For a while, a similar scenario was unfolding in every town along the Grand Line where news had reached.

But unbeknownst to all, aboard the warships at this very moment, not only had Naval Headquarters dispatched forces for this mission, but the World Government had also joined in on the extermination operation!

Now, on the deck of a Marine warship:

"Hey, hey, Sakazuki, it seems you have been roped into this operation as well."

Kizaru pursed his lips, glanced at his wristwatch, then looked at Akainu with a teasing tone.

Akainu snorted coldly, ignoring Kizaru's mockery, and said in a deep voice:

"Borsalino, put away your lackadaisical attitude. The face of the Marines has been lost because of people like you."

Kizaru scratched his chin nonchalantly.

"Okay, okay, but it's quite daunting, isn't it?"

Turning his head, Kizaru noticed several CP0 members draped in white suits and masks on the deck behind him.

He continued to Akainu:

"With CP0 elites, who carry the title of 'the world's strongest shield for the nobles', dispatched for this operation, it seems we are up against a truly formidable enemy, right, Sakazuki?"

Hearing this, Akainu gave Kizaru a stern look before approaching the CP0 member wearing an antler mask.

He inquired solemnly:

"The World Government has sent CP0 to participate in this operation. Does that mean they no longer trust the Marines?"

In this undertaking, Akainu was confident that he alone would be sufficient.

However, only upon the warship's departure did he realize that not only would Kizaru accompany him, but the World Government had also dispatched CP0, the agency dedicated to the world nobles, the Celestial Dragons.

In Akainu's eyes, this was nothing short of blatant 'mockery'.

The World Government stayed idle while Naval Headquarters faced the approaching threat of Whitebeard.

Yet, for a lone enemy, they insisted not only on forcing the Marines to dispatch two Admirals, but they also sent along CP0, known as the "strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons".

This formation.

Unknown to others, they thought they were being dispatched to deal with the pirates known as the Four Emperors, entrenched in the New World.

Facing Akainu's questioning, the CP0 leader first shook his head.

"Admiral Akainu, this certainly does not mean that the World Government cannot trust the Marines."

Having said this and seeing Akainu's face soften a little, the man slowly added while Akainu's face sank:

"But because of the Marines' last failure, our entourage is here to help the 'big shots' living in the Holy Land ensure with their own eyes that the 'evil' will be wiped out by the Marines' power. By the way, if the Marines' power is insufficient, we will also make a move."


Akainu had a twitch of veins on his forehead, unmoved by the attitude of the man leading the CP0 members.

Clenched fists under his cuffs.

But because the person in front of him was a member of the World Government, which has higher authority than the Marine government, even Akainu, as a Marine Admiral, could only snort coldly and turn around to leave.

The man in the antler mask, leading the CP0 members, looked at this scene with indifference in his heart and secretly said:

"Marines are really untrustworthy. They are obviously lackeys under the banner of the World Government; they should just carry out their master's orders well."

"The guy who dares to attack the nobles of the world will definitely die in the most tragic way!"


At the same time.

In the New World.

Whitebeard Pirates' residence.

"Old man, Father!"

"The Marine Admiral has been dispatched!"

"And now the eyes of the entire Grand Line will be focused on the first half. According to this progress, it will only be a matter of time!"

Marco took a Den Den Mushi from the Moby Dick and immediately dropped to the ground.

Hearing the words.

A tall man with a beard curved upwards like a crescent moon stood up with an imposing manner.

Whitebeard looked at the group of sons who had already prepared.

He opened his mouth and said loudly:

"The opportunity has come. When those annoying flies outside come to their senses, we will have reached the Naval Headquarters and rescued Ace!"


The Moby Dick pirates cheered when they heard this.

"Haha, are we finally leaving?! Dad!"

"Ace! Wait for us!"

"This time we must let the Marines know how good we are!"

"Those who dare to touch our Whitebeard Pirates will see what a wrong choice they've made!"

Not long after.

At the base of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Moby Dick disappeared into the sea out of thin air!

When the forces of the New World discovered this.

Time flowed, and it was already approaching the day the Marines had planned for the execution.

At the same time.

As the current gigantic storm, which initially brewed imperceptibly in the first half of the Grand Line, loomed.


Four Emperors member Kaido leaving the New World.

The Whitebeard Pirates disappeared from the New World.

Two Marine Admirals from Naval Headquarters.

And the news that the Beasts Pirates had gathered pirates to seize the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates was exposed.

It was already doomed.

This huge storm has now virtually affected the entire world!