
One Piece: I'm Whitebeard

I reborn as a Whitebeard, with the cheat of emotional points system, climbed out of the grave and now I climb back to the top of the world! This world is destined to be shaken by him! The four emperors of the new world, countless great pirates, admirals, five old stars, and will all tremble when he will punch ! A bloody revenge.... No one can match his close combat, I am Whitebeard, igniting the blood and blasting through the world! Blackbeard: Dad...you are obviously dead and you don't even have the Shock Fruit anymore, why are you still so strong? ! Akainu: Damn it, without the support of the Devil Fruit, how did Whitebeard has become stronger... No much stronger than before .. He is invincible! Newgate : you.. Are the THE ONE WHO KILLED ACE ..CHAOS . ... .. . .. TRANSLATION WORK : By ME AUTHOR NAME : Shen Xiaoyu / https://wap.faloo.com/476048.html Just doing it for fun as I don't even know if it is good or not, if I find it boring I will drop it { YOU ARE READING IT - FREE TOXIC PEOPLE STAY AWAY OR.....}

Arshpreet_Dhaliwal · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 4

004: The domineering power that is fearless! 

Everyone present was stunned. Their breathing became heavier, their hearts beat faster, and their bodies trembled. It was as if they had seen a terrifying scene like the end of the world, they were shocked as if they had seen a ghost. They were all stunned in one place!!

However, Edward Newgate has no time to pay attention to them now because he has gained more than 30,000 emotional points in one fell swoop. Now he wants to try the recovery function of the universal resurrection system. Ten thousand emotional points can perform a small recovery, to restore body and strength at least at a small level , especially now my the body is weak, so it is urgent!

Edward Newgate immediately summoned the system in his mind, "System, perform three small restorations on me!"

{ "Okay." "Deduct 30,000 emotional points and began the process of the three small recoveries, on host "}

The gentle system voice sounded in Edward Newgate's mind, 

{..."Minor recovery is in progress..."3"}>

A warm power circulated in Edward Newgates body, and he could even clearly feel that his limbs and bones were heating up like ants crawling, constantly repairing the damaged and weak body, but this recovery was at really small scale, and after just a short while, the feeling of getting stronger disappeared.

{ "Three small recoveries have been completed. The hosts body and strength have been slightly improved. Please continue to work hard to gain emotional points!"}>

Edward Newgate could clearly feel that his body had become much healthier and his strength had increased a lot. He even felt that his skin was a little tender. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but curiously asked the system, "System, Can my body return to its youthful appearance?!"

{ "Of course! You can retum to your peak condition and appearance like when you were young! } 

The system answered with absolute certainty, giving Edward Newgate reassurance

It was only then that z came out of the shock. He took a step forward, took a deep breath, looked at Edward Newgate and said seriously, "Are you really, Edward Newgate?!"

Zephyr has lived for more than seventy years, and he has never been so shocked as he is today!

As a former admiral of the Navy Headquarters, as the founder and marshal of the NEO Navy, as a legendary pirate from the era of Roger the Pirate King, he has fought with Whitebeard countless times, bhe has seen Whitebeard countless times, and but never been like this. His heart was shaking, and he was so shocked that until now, Zephyr still can't believe that this is true!!

Whitebeard Edward Newgate has obviously been dead for over a year!!

However, Zephyr who had fought against Whitebeard countless times, knew clearly that the man in front of him is Edward Newgate, Whitebeard!!

"That's right

Edward Newgate had no intention of hiding anything and admitted it directly!

His undercover career in his previous life completely made him despair. In this life, when I am reborn as Whitebeard, I will never able to do the frustrating thing of hiding my identity. In this life, I am Whitebeard. I am destined to live an aboveboard life without fear of anything, no matter how many millions of Enemies I have, it doesn't matter ?!

"I don't believe it! Whitebeard is dead! He can't exist in this world! You must be some kind of fruit power user, imitating Whitebeard's appearance, right?!"

.Zephyr said, already getting into a fighting stance, and his mechanical arm called a crusher star making low sounda like thunder.

On the sea, Devil Fruits have all kinds of strange abilities, and there might be some that can be transformed and imitate others !

But Edward Newgate didn't care about this, "You can fight wherever you want, why do you need so many reasons?


An extremely powerful momentum erupted from Edward Newgate's body and soared into the sky. The entire island was shaken, and the giant trees were shaken outward like waves!

"Get from away! 

Zephyr shouted, waved his hand, and powerful armed domineering energy covered his body, making his entire body, including the crusher, turn pitch black exuding a terrifying and destructive power!

Ain and the others were extremely nervous. They never expected that they would see the legendary dead Edward Newgate , white beard here, and they never expected that their teacher Zephyr would actually attack White Beard directly!

But it's useless to worry now, they can't even participate in a battle of this level!


During the short period of time when Ain and others were worried, Zephyr had already moved!

That huge crusher, surrounded by terrifying jet-black armed domineering energy, drew a trajectory in the air and bombed directly towards Edward Newgate!

There is still a dark after images in the sky!

Although Zephyr speed is very slow, his strength is very strong he is still old and but he has outstanding strength

The air even erupted with terrifying explosions! "Well done!!"

Edward Newgate screamed, opened his stance, stretched out his right hand, held it tightly, and with a buzzing sound, an extremely powerful and domineering aura surrounded his right fist!


Edward Newgate's extremely powerful punch came out instantly-

Wherever the fist passed, the air flow spiraled and countless leaves were blown away. The giant trees was shaken and rattled, as if being pulled backward by countless giant hands. The huge tree trunks could not bear it and became bent, and the sound in the air The sound of explosions continued to sound like a dragon is roaring .