
One Piece: I'm Celestial Dragon

Our friend woke up in a luxurious room and found a screen in front of him informing him: 【Congratulations, you have become a Celestial Dragon.】 He found himself in a world where most Celestial Dragons do nothing but indulge in pleasure and carelessness, under the assumption that they are the center of the world and nothing can topple them from their throne. Armed with his knowledge and leveraging wealth and power, Ryoko carves his path in a world governed by power and schemes towards the pinnacle of the world. .................................................. I do not own any of the characters from the One Piece anime or manga, except for the original character I created. I do not allow anyone to publish my novel on any website whatsoever, nor take my personal effort ________________________________________________________________________ Support me at paypal If you can. ________________________________________________________________________ my Instagram : mus.ouka Contact and inquiries, and adding thoughts and images

Musouka · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 39: Performance Assessment and Power Measurement

In the heart of the Long Hand Palace, Ryoko sat in a private meeting hall. 

She was reviewing performance reports from various departments... 

Today was for evaluating the guards and servants in his organization... 

The Long Hand organization wanted to be a top power. This assessment was a key step to ensure they were on the right path.

Ryoko (in a firm voice): "Today we will assess whether we are heading in the right direction. 

I want to see the numbers, analyses, and the performance of each individual in this organization.

This is not just a review session, but a step toward excellence and seeing results."

Ryoko began by evaluating the combat servants, focusing on the performance of Edward, Yami, Vanessa, Gerald, and Rafa. 

These servants were not just guards. They were the palace's defense. Their training ensured they could face any threat and handle missions.

Ryoko (addressing Edward): "Edward, I want a report on the training level of the guards. Are they prepared to face any challenges that may come our way?"

Edward (confidently): "Sir, we are working tirelessly to ensure the readiness of the guards. Their physical fitness and combat skills have improved significantly, and they have shown notable progress in responding to tactical training.

However, there is always room for improvement."

Ryoko (appreciatively): "That's good, but doesn't stop there. I want to see continuous development. They must be better than we are now."

Next, Ryoko turned to Yami and Vanessa, who were working together on training their servants for infiltration and information gathering tasks. 

They knew these tasks required a different set of skills and their challenges demanded that the servants be more than just fighters.

Ryoko (calmly): "Yami, Vanessa, how is the training on infiltration and gathering skills progressing? Are we meeting the standards we set?"

Yami (addressing): "The training is going well, Sir. The servants are showing remarkable skills in stealth and moving undetected. 

They are improving in identifying weaknesses and opportunities and exploiting them without drawing attention."

Vanessa (smiling): "We are also focusing on teamwork, ensuring that they think as one unit and move harmoniously.

We have some servants who have shown exceptional skills that we could want to develop further."

Ryoko (with a satisfied smile): "This is the kind of performance I am looking for. Being prepared for various conditions is what will set us apart from our enemies."

Then, he moved on to Gerald, known for his expertise in strategic analysis and ability to predict enemy movements.

Gerald was the person Yami relied on when it came to evaluating potential threats to any mission undertaken by the Long Hand.

Ryoko (inquiring): "Gerald, what do your analyses say about our clients? Are there any risks or threats we need to be aware of?"

Gerald (focused): "Sir, we have some suspicious movements from certain clients and information strongholds.

There are signs of possible plans for their actions, but we are monitoring closely and preparing swift responses to any unexpected movements."

Ryoko (in a calm voice): "That's what I want. Always be prepared to stay a step ahead of them. Don't give them a chance to outshine us."

Ryoko then evaluated the non-combat servants. They were vital to palace operations. 

Layla and Hinata were among them, working diligently in their roles as spies and advisors.

Ryoko (addressing Layla): "Layla, how are things going? Are there any updates I should be aware of?"

Layla (smiling): "Sir, we have gathered valuable information about the movements of factions opposing us. 

We are now working on expanding our network to ensure we receive information as quickly as possible and anticipate any moves against us."

Ryoko (smiling): "Excellent. Keep up the good work, and information is our strongest weapon."

He then turned his attention to Hinata, who was working on developing new strategies for managing the palace and increasing the effectiveness of the servants in their daily tasks.

Ryoko (calmly): "Hinata, how can we improve our operations within the palace?"

Hinata (confidently): "Sir, we are restructuring some daily procedures to be more efficient. The goal is to reduce the time spent on routine tasks, allowing us to focus more on important missions."

Ryoko (with admiration): "I love this kind of thinking. Continuous improvement is what ensures we stay on top."

Finally, Ryoko moved to Victor. He was key to managing the group's commercial and financial operations.

Ryoko (addressing): "Victor, how are things going on the financial side? Are we on track to achieve our goals?"

Victor (reporting): "Sir, things are running smoothly. 

Revenues are increasing due to the success of our recent projects, and we have plans to expand into new areas to increase our influence and impact."

Ryoko (with admiration): "This is what I want to hear. Keep up the performance and don't let any opportunity slip away."

After the evaluation, Ryoko stood up and took a close look at his team. He realized they had not yet reached perfection, but they were on the right path. 

He knew that a commitment to continuous development were the keys to success, and with his loyal and dedicated team, they could overcome any challenge they faced.

Ryoko (in a strong voice): "Excellent performance from everyone, but don't be content with what you have achieved. 

There is always room for improvement. We want to be the greatest, not just good. Keep striving towards the top."

Thus, the day ended with renewed determination and confidence in their abilities. Everyone knew the challenges were not over, and they had to be ready for whatever might come their way. 

They were high-spirited and committed. They knew they were on the path to success that Ryoko had planned with great care.


I have previously described the Long Hand building where Ryoko chose a building at the edge of the palace, which is easy to defend and close to clients from other palaces.

You will find the picture in the comment

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