
One Piece: How Should I Live This Life

This fan-fic is about a relentless soldier known as the Mother Nature's Demon who is known for his undying nature on the battlefield. No matter what situation he finds himself in, whether alone on the the battlefield or betrayed by his comrades. Sadly he still meet his end through the same humans he worked for and was given a another chance. What will he become in this new life. Only time will tell as we join him on his journey. This is my first novel so bare with me and i hope you enjoy. I don't own any of the characters in One Piece.

Justice_Unserved45 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Sacrifices and A Change of Self?

A ship lands on the shore and three individuals jump off and land on the sandy ground.

" Kaidou, Linlin, there's a marine ship heading this way. they probably called their headquarters and issued a buster call. Judging by its size, it could be Vice Admiral or an Admiral. You might actually have a challenge today."

Kaidou face showed worry as he asked his captain what was bothering him. Xebec face, filled with fury stated in a calm cold tone: "Does fire bastards lied to us. They ask for our help but do this instead. ZEHAHAHAHA, I didn't trust those bastards anyways. I'm leaving to deal with those bastards. And remember, mercy is for the weak. Kill all those that get in the way, and I'll tell you who to let live if that happens. ZEHAHAHAHAH...

With a loud hysterical laugh, he left in the direction of the biggest mountain peak where he had seen the vague presence of a large group and assumed that the Fire Masters he was looking for were in that mountain.


" Vice Admiral Garp, the docks where the Celestial Dragons were supposed to deport is in blazes!!" said a marine officer. "I know you damn load mouth", Garp (After hitting the marine officer on the head 'lightly') walked to the front of the ship, on top the dog shaped figurehead and commanded his men. "Get me my big-ass cannon ball!" shouted Garp. Yes sir!

The marine solders ran towards Garp with a chain in hand and then handed the large chain to Garp. Garp held the chain and started to pull the chain with immense amounts of strength in an upwards direction and then the chain started to pull on something in the water. After a second a large cannonball flew out of the water and was flailed around in the air at high speeds. Garp using his immense strength, launched the cannonball directly to the coast of the island where he saw Kaidou and Linlin.


Kaidou watched the spectacle of a large cannonball the size of roughly two battleships both being swung around like a kite and being thrown like spear. "There are a lot of interesting people in this world, don't you think Linlin." Linlin responded to Kaidou's query with a question: "So are you going to deal with that, or should I?"

"WORORORORO. That small thing is nothing. Watch me hit it back." Kaidou stood in a ready position, while holding his Hassaikai, to hit the large cannonball back. The large cannonball came closer and closer until it was but a few meters away from the still Kaidou. Kaidou took aim and swung his club. A loud shockwave hit and Kaidou face showed worry. " The cannonball, the closer it gets, the weaker I feel. Shit, is it made out of sea stone!" Kaidou, now feeling his body weaken due to his lack of experience with his devil fruit and decided to enhance his Hassaikai with Haki and continued to battle against the large and heavy cannonball. Kaidou with his strength, deflected the cannonball towards the mountain and it hit the peak of the mountain, launching the flat peak in the direction of the village below.

Kaidou fell on one knee, showing his exhaustion. "Linlin, it was sea stone. I think it had a high concentration of it" said Kaidou after noticing Linlin's smirking face. "That explains why you look like a sack of potatoes. That means were dealing with someone of high ranking. Get off your ass Kaidou, looks lick we got work to do.


Xebec, now reaching the peak of the mountain that had recently been destroyed. He gazed at the hole from the top of the mountain peak caused by the large cannonball both hitting the peak and falling in the hole it made. He saw multiple people in red cloaks scrambling around in panic due to the sudden situation. In his eyes they looked like pathetic prey ready for a harvest. He then jumped down and engaged in a slaughter feast. The scrawny blond man noticed him first and took the opportunity to run away.

Xebec had hacked away at all of them and was leaving to find his loose prey.


Benimaru regained conciseness and immediately tried to get up. His head was felt like it was spinning. After blinking a few times, his vision felt odd to say the least. (Left is gold and Crimson is right) His vision in his left eye weak grey in colour, he panicked and looked around frantically in hopes that he was 'seeing' things but his right eye that showed clear coloured images continued to prove him right. Then he gazed at the boulder that flatten the school and saw people shaped figures with blue hues that seemed to be fading. He assumed that these were some of the teachers that survived the boulder's impact but were currently getting squashed. He didn't feel much remorse, as if he was not new to death.

He then saw a new hue, a red one in the corner of his eye and moved his head in the direction of the red hue. What met his face was a hand the was aiming to grab his face and he reacted to this as quickly as his could barely missing the hand but was then met with a closed fist to the face launching him towards the boulder.

Benimaru hit the boulder hard. His body reacted so fast that he thought it wasn't him moving his body. Benimaru's eyes glowed a gold and crimson hue as he gazed at Xebec with fury, ready for a fight to the death as he knew two times form what he could see. This man was strong and that the corpse in his hand isn't for show.

"Interesting, you not only reacted but almost dodged. Zehahaha, child you have potential." Xebec looked at the blood on his fingers of the fists that hit Benimaru and licked it. His expression went form a non-emotive towards anger and fury. "Your blood is tainted, I guess I'll have to kill you child."

For the first time Benimaru experience bloodlust of a mass murder. But his expression morphed into one of joy as if he was happy to fight this monster.

Sorry about the late upload, I was busy getting my shit together. I promise to upload one more chapter this week and if I have time I'll upload a second one.

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