
One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma)

Dante, a 24-year-old college graduate, wakes up on the small island of Nirena in South Blue in the world of One Piece after a night of heavy drinking. Thrust into a reality of pirates and marines and armed with the extraordinary powers of the Bone Devil Fruit, he trains to increase his strength. And embodying the Will of D, he decides to amass a crew to roam the world as a free man. Whether he will be a force for good or bad remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Dante's arrival will change everything. _________ Release Schedule: 1 chapter per day Bonus chapter: 1 chapter every 200 Power Stones READ THE INFO CHAPTER FOR PICTURES OF THE CHARACTERS. *Constructive criticism is appreciated. *I will keep publishing if you guys like it. *Exclusive thanks to Alittlepiggy33 the author of "Re:life with karmic gacha", for recommending my fic on his.

Berserk_Asura · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

CH-9: Martial arts Tournament

Over the next six months, we trained rigorously under our new master, Sensei Tetsuro. The dojo, once quiet and dilapidated, became a hive of intense activity as we dedicated ourselves to our training. The walls, still worn and battered, echoed with the sounds of clashing weapons and determined grunts.

I found myself wielding an array of weapons. Sensei Tetsuro's training was relentless, pushing me to master whips, chain blades, swords, spears, and maces. Each weapon required a different set of skills and mindsets, and my versatility grew with each passing day.

However, as my training progressed, I began to rely less on traditional weapons and more on my unique abilities. Utilizing my Devil Fruit power, I learned to create bone weapons on the fly. Initially, these bone constructs were fragile, but through intense practice, I worked to harden them instantly, merging my physical strength with my Devil Fruit prowess.

One afternoon, Sensei Tetsuro observed me as I practiced with a bone chain blade, the weapon slicing through the air with deadly grace.

Tetsuro, with his arms crossed and a thoughtful expression, stepped closer. "Dante," he began, his voice carrying a blend of wisdom and encouragement, "the bone weapon is not just a tool—it's an extension of your body and spirit. Feel its weight, its balance, and let it move as naturally as your own limbs."

I nodded, absorbing the guidance. "Yes, Sensei. I'll focus on making my movements more fluid."

Tetsuro gave a small, approving smile. "Good. Remember, precision and harmony are as important as strength. Trust yourself, and the weapon will follow."

Meanwhile, Kosuke specialized in pistols and daggers, his training equally rigorous and precise. Sensei Tetsuro emphasized the importance of speed and accuracy, pushing Kosuke to refine his swift, lethal strikes. Every day, Kosuke's hands moved with increasing speed and precision, his daggers becoming an extension of his will.

During a sparring session, Sensei Tetsuro observed Kosuke's dagger work with a keen eye. "Your dagger work is improving, Kosuke," he remarked, his voice carrying a mix of approval and constructive critique. "But remember, efficiency of movement is key. Every motion should have purpose, every strike a calculated decision. Imagine the flow of water—effortless, yet powerful."

Kosuke, panting but determined, nodded. "I understand, Sensei. I'll focus on making each move count."

Tetsuro's gaze softened slightly as he continued, "Good. Precision and intent will turn your skill into true mastery. Trust your instincts, and let your body follow."

Our hand-to-hand combat training was equally intense. My Devil Fruit ability gave me a unique advantage. By manipulating my joints, I could create unexpected angles and movements, making my techniques highly versatile and unpredictable. This often left Kosuke scrambling to keep up during our sparring sessions, but it also pushed him to adapt and improve his own skills.

One evening, after an exhausting training session, we sat on the dojo's steps, overlooking the small courtyard. The setting sun cast a warm glow, and a cool breeze rustled the trees.

I wiped sweat from my brow, a weary grin on my face. "Man, do you ever get tired of this, Kosuke?"

Kosuke, his expression serious and unwavering, shook his head. "No. This is what we need. Every day brings us closer to mastery."

I chuckled, my eyes sparkling with determination. "Yeah, you're right. It's tough, but it's worth it. And with Sensei Tetsuro's training, we're learning things we wouldn't get anywhere else."

Kosuke gave a brief nod. "Indeed. The harder we work, the better we become."

Sensei Tetsuro appeared behind us, his presence quiet but commanding. "You've both come a long way," he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "But remember, true mastery takes time and relentless effort. Stay focused and never grow complacent."

"Thank you, Sensei," we replied in unison, bowing respectfully.

Months turned into year, and our skills continued to grow. My proficiency with multiple weapons made me a formidable opponent, my combat style becoming a seamless blend of techniques. As I trained, I began to create more sophisticated bone weapons, hardening them instantly and using them with the same skill I once applied to metal and wood. Kosuke's expertise with pistols and daggers made his attacks swift and deadly, his movements a blur to the untrained eye.

During one of our final training sessions before a major tournament, Sensei Tetsuro gathered us in the dojo. The setting sun filtered through the paper windows, casting a warm glow over the wooden floors. Tetsuro stood tall, his expression serious, his eyes sharp and full of wisdom.

"You both have come far," he began, his voice calm yet commanding. "This tournament is not just about proving your strength. It's about demonstrating the true essence of our dojo—adaptability, resilience, and the ability to fight under any circumstances."

He paused, looking each of us in the eye. "Remember, the greatest warriors are not those who never fail, but those who never give up. You will face opponents who are stronger, faster, perhaps even more skilled. But your spirit, your dedication, and your unity as a team will set you apart."

I tried to suppress my usual grin, feeling the gravity of the moment. Kosuke, stoic and focused, nodded, absorbing every word.

Tetsuro continued, his tone softening slightly, "I've watched you grow, not just as fighters, but as individuals. You've faced your fears, pushed past your limits, and in doing so, you've embodied the very principles this dojo stands for. Whatever happens in the tournament, know that you have already made me proud."

A rare smile touched Tetsuro's lips as he concluded, "Fight with determination and give it your all. Show the world what it means to be warriors of this dojo."

Kosuke and I exchanged a glance, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination. We had trained hard for this moment, and now it was time to prove our worth. Bowing deeply to our sensei, we silently vowed to honor his teachings and give everything we had in the upcoming tournament.

The day of the tournament arrived, and the atmosphere was electric. The arena was filled with spectators, their excitement palpable.

The day of the tournament had finally arrived, and the atmosphere was electric. The arena buzzed with excitement, the stands filled with spectators eager to see the best martial artists compete. Kosuke and I watched from the sidelines, observing the other participants.

"Dante, look at that guy," Kosuke pointed to a muscular fighter warming up in a traditional karate gi. "He's got a lot of power, but he seems a bit slow."

I nodded, analyzing our potential opponents. "Speed will be our advantage. Stay light on your feet, and remember what Sensei taught us."

The arena's spotlight illuminated the center, where the announcer, a tall man with a booming voice, stood ready to address the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Grand Martial Arts Tournament!" he declared, his voice echoing through the stadium. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers.

"Before we begin," the announcer continued, "let me go over the rules. First and foremost, this is a martial arts tournament, not a fight to the death. Intentionally killing other participants will result in immediate disqualification and being handed over to the Marines."

Kosuke and I exchanged glances, nodding in understanding. We had no intention of crossing that line.

"Next," the announcer went on, "the full power of different martial arts can only be demonstrated by using weapons. Therefore, weapons are allowed, but they must not be sharp. Participants cannot bring their own weapons; the arena will provide weapons for every participant."

Kosuke's brow furrowed slightly. "That's going to be a bit of a handicap for me," he murmured to me. "My fighting style relies heavily on my pistols and dagger."

I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You'll adapt, Kosuke. We've trained for versatility. You can do this."

"And finally," the announcer concluded, "any kind of ranged weapons are strictly prohibited."

Kosuke sighed inwardly. Although he knew no martial arts tournament would allow firearms, he had hoped for some flexibility.

His style, a mix of ranged and close-quarters combat, was now partly nullified. He would have to rely solely on his dagger skills in close combat.

But that didn't discourage him from giving it his all.

The announcer stepped back, and the first match was announced. The crowd's excitement was palpable as the participants readied themselves for the challenges ahead.

As Kosuke and I watched the initial bouts, we analyzed the fighters, noting their strengths and weaknesses. The arena's weapons ranged from staffs and nunchaku to training swords and padded maces, all designed to test the participants' skill without causing lethal harm.

"Look at that guy," I pointed out, nodding toward a tall, muscular fighter wielding a bo staff with incredible speed and precision. "He's fast, but he leaves his lower body exposed during attacks."

Kosuke nodded in agreement.

"And that girl over there," I added, pointing to a lithe martial artist expertly handling a pair of nunchaku. "Her movements are fluid, but she seems to rely too much on her speed. If we can disrupt her rhythm, she'll be vulnerable."

As we continued to observe, our names were called. First up was me. I took a deep breath and stepped into the ring, feeling the eyes of the crowd on me. The announcer introduced me, causing a stir among the spectators who recognized the name of my unconventional master, Sensei Tetsuro.

My opponent, Hiroshi, a thirty-year-old man in a traditional white karateka gi, stepped into the ring with a confident smirk. We bowed to each other, and the match began.

"You should've stayed in the stands, kid," Hiroshi taunted. "You don't stand a chance against me."

I remained calm, my hands hanging loosely at my sides. As Hiroshi lunged forward, my hand moved with blinding speed, creating a loud boom as it connected with Hiroshi's chest. The force of the supersonic punch sent Hiroshi flying out of the ring, his gi torn and his body unconscious before he hit the ground.

The arena fell silent, the spectators stunned by the display of power and speed. I bowed slightly before leaving the ring.

The attack I just did was the supersonic punch from Katsumi Orochi, a character in the Baki universe. With my Bone Devil Fruit, I didn't have to go through the hassle of imagining my hands to have multiple joints to act like a whip, I could just make it have so.

As I exited, the silence turned into thunderous applause and cheers. Spectators and participants alike speculated about my martial art style and the unconventional methods taught by Sensei Tetsuro.

Kosuke clapped me on the back as I rejoined him. "That was incredible, Dante! They didn't see that coming."

I smiled, "Thanks, Kosuke. Now it's your turn to show them what we've got."

Kosuke's match was called next. He stepped into the ring, the announcer's voice booming with his introduction. Kosuke's opponent, a lean and agile fighter named Akio, wielded a pair of padded tonfas. They bowed to each other, and the match began.

Kosuke's usual strategy of mixing ranged and close-quarters combat was off the table, but he adapted quickly. His movements were swift and precise, his dagger a blur as he closed the distance between him and Akio. Despite the handicap, Kosuke's training under Sensei Tetsuro paid off. He deftly deflected Akio's strikes and found openings to counterattack, his dagger delivering quick, controlled blows.

As the match progressed, Kosuke's adaptability shone through. He used his agility to stay just out of Akio's reach, striking with pinpoint accuracy whenever an opening presented itself. The crowd watched in awe as Kosuke's unconventional style, honed by years of rigorous training, allowed him to dominate the fight.

Akio, visibly frustrated, made a desperate lunge, but Kosuke anticipated the move. He sidestepped gracefully and delivered a precise strike to Akio's midsection, sending him sprawling to the ground. The match was over.

The crowd erupted in applause as Kosuke helped Akio to his feet, both fighters showing mutual respect. Kosuke bowed to the audience before leaving the ring, his heart pounding with the thrill of victory.

I met him at the edge of the arena, a proud smile on my face. "You did it, Kosuke. That was amazing."

Kosuke grinned, still catching his breath. "Thanks, Dante. I guess all that training paid off."

The tournament continued, each fight showcasing the rigorous and unorthodox training we had undergone. Kosuke and I fought with skill, strategy, and the adaptability instilled in us by Sensei Tetsuro. As we advanced through the ranks, it became clear we were more than just competitors. We were revolutionaries in the martial arts world, embodying a philosophy that challenged traditional boundaries and celebrated true combat versatility.