
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 34

"The concubine admits defeat." From the beginning, Hancock had no intention of fighting Mu Feng. After meeting with several Shichibukai who had already lost, he also gave in.

At this time, only the "Eagle Eye" Mihawk remained on the entire training ground.

The world's number one swordsman!

Swordsmen... all have their own arrogance.

Mihawk is no exception, so he disdains besieging Mu Feng with others. And Mu Feng didn't use swordsmanship, nor did he intend to attack.

The black sword came out of its sheath, the blade as dark as ink.

The enormous black knife is longer than Mihawk's.

There is a wave-like pattern on the knife body, a chaotic-blade double-flowered T-shaped design.

Mihawk holds the huge black knife with one hand.

The blade points at Mu Feng, and Mihawk says coldly, "You should be very clear about why I came to participate in this Shichibukai meeting. So please put away your fruiting ability. Even if you defeat me in this state, I will not recognize you."

Mu Feng smiles and releases Susanoo.

He also doesn't want to use Susanoo to fight against Mihawk.

As the number one swordsman in the pirate world, Mihawk is undoubtedly strong in swordsmanship. So, of course, Mu Feng wants to know how much better he has inherited the 8,000 swordsmanship from Uozhihua Yaqianliu compared to the most powerful swordsman in the Pirate World... As for whether he is weaker than Mihawk!? Mu Feng never thought about this problem.

Drawing the Mammoth Blade tied around his waist, the blade also points towards Mihawk.

A fierce and violent sword attack is unleashed towards Mihawk.

This is a sword that belongs to Mu Feng, and belongs to Yaozhihua Yaqianliu!

As an unprecedented villain in the corpse soul world, the ferocity of Uozhihua Yaqianliu can be imagined, and the sword naturally carries such fierceness!

Rage is an incidental effect of the Mammoth Blade.

Mihawk's sword is unique and fierce.

Mihawk's blade doesn't cause any discomfort to the surrounding Marines. But when Mu Feng's sword is released, the surrounding Marines instantly feel a strong sense of oppression, as if they were immersed in a sea of ​​corpse blood.

Some of the recruits who have just joined Marine are already pale at the moment.

"What a fierce sword stance! This kid, who hasn't experienced any fighting before going to the New World last time, how could he have honed such a terrifying sword stance?" Garp looks a little confused.

But Sengoku on the side says nonchalantly, "Some people are just naturally talented! Just like you and Roger."

And Mihawk, standing on the training ground, naturally feels it the most.

But the fighting spirit in his eyes only grows stronger.

With this sword momentum alone, Mihawk can be sure – Mu Feng is definitely not inferior to him as a great swordsman!

As for how strong Mu Feng is, it has to be compared to find out.

After unsheathing his knife, Mihawk swings it out.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth seem to darken... only Mihawk's slash remains.

The light blue sword aura cuts through the earth and blasts towards Mu Feng!

Mu Feng also slashes with one strike!

No less powerful than Mihawk... No, it should be said to be similar to Mihawk.

Because this is the strike that Mu Feng delivers under his control.

The two strikes collide in the center of the training field... Boom! The airwaves generated by the terrifying explosion spread out, lifting up the nearby Marines. The training ground, previously broken and impassable due to Susanoo, is now in ruins.

"What a terrifying strike... you truly deserve to be the world's greatest swordsman!"

"But I believe Mu Feng will be even better."

"Lieutenant General Mu Feng is indeed very strong, but he is not just a simple swordsman. Although he can now compete with the 'Eagle Eye,' if the battle continues, there are many who will lose... It might be Lieutenant General Mu Feng."

"How is that possible!? Admiral Mu Feng is the strongest."

Marines around are also discussing.

Even in Marine, Mihawk's reputation as the world's number one swordsman is very prominent, so despite Mu Feng's display of immense strength, many Marines still believe that Mihawk will win in the swordsmanship battle.

"Mihawk's swordsmanship has become even stronger." Sengoku from Marine's office exclaims.

But then he looks at Garp with a puzzled expression and asks, "Old bastard, didn't you say that Mu Feng is just a master of Marine Six Styles and Haki!? How does it now seem like he is even more proficient in Devil Fruit and swordsmanship!?"

"Ahaha... what does it matter?" Garp laughs.

However, he is also muttering in his heart: When did this kid practice swordsmanship? And Devil Fruit... when did he eat it!? I wasn't even told.

Hawkeye, who holds a knife in one hand, doesn't know when he switched to a double-handed grip. In a few flashes, he appears in front of Mu Feng, swinging down the black knife in his hand.

A swordsman's battle is not just about sword aura. Even for a great swordsman like Eagle Eye, it would take a lot of physical energy to unleash the sword aura just now. The battle of swordsmen is more about the finesse of swordsmanship and the skill of fencing.

Mu Feng only uses a horizontal sword to resist Mihawk's strike.

With a miss, Mihawk swiftly changes his sword.

The enormous black knife is extremely agile in Mihawk's hands. In fact, the black knife has long become an extension of Mihawk's arms.

"Black Knife·Slash!" Mihawk shouts.

Mihawk, focused on the battle, obviously doesn't notice... Mu Feng's eyes suddenly turn extremely red.

In each pupil, three Sharingan are slowly spinning.

Then Mu Feng utters the words that shock Hawkeye.

"Black Knife·Slash!"