
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 12

Although he was about to encounter the Overlord Sea King class, the Marine on the deck did not panic. They remained hurried but still maintained order. Mu Feng was very satisfied with their composure. It was evident that they were a group of seasoned veterans who had experienced many battles. If they were replaced by a group of recruits, he feared that chaos would have ensued long ago, and some may have even wet their pants in fear.

As Mu Feng stepped onto the deck, all the sergeants looked at him. Mu Feng was a Major General and the captain of the warship, which meant his orders were paramount on board.

"Don't worry, leave it to me," Mu Feng reassured the crowd with a calm tone.

His words seemed to have a magical effect as the Marine soldiers on the deck breathed a collective sigh of relief.

The battleship was adorned with sea floor stones, emanating the essence of the sea. Under normal circumstances, Neptune-class sea kings would not actively attack Marine warships. However, exceptions existed, such as when the sea kings surfaced and happened to be in close proximity to the battleship. Sea kings were not blind and could naturally detect the presence of the ship.

Mu Feng walked to the front of the ship, holding Taishou in one hand, as the sea king class approached from about a kilometer away.

"Hmm, you're quite big. But I can't let you just crash into my warship like this. Otherwise, it'll be destroyed," Mu Feng muttered to himself.

With his right hand gripping the sword's handle, he slowly drew it out.

"It's been three years... You should be unsheathed for the first time. I never expected to use you one day," Mu Feng commented. The Taito in his hand was the one he received from the novice gift package after completing the initial mission three years ago. It was an incredibly sharp weapon, and he had thought he would never have the opportunity to use it. However, fate had bestowed upon him the swordsmanship of Uunohana Yachiryu, making it the perfect occasion to wield it. The sword was comparable to a large knife.

"The Overlord-level Sea King class? Isn't that an insult to you?" Mu Feng remarked before slashing fiercely at the sea king.

No words could adequately describe the brilliance of that single strike.

It was as if all the brilliance in the world converged on the blade. In front of it, even the world itself appeared pale and dim.

Pale sword aura emerged, seemingly dancing in the wind.

With a swift movement, Mu Feng's sword aura extended hundreds of feet as it approached the sea king. The sea king's skin, impervious to shells, seemed paper-thin in the face of Mu Feng's sword qi. It offered no resistance, and when the sword aura passed through its body, an almost invisible bloodstain appeared, stretching across its entire length.

There was a brief pause for a few seconds.

Bang! Blue blood rained down from the sky...

The Overlord Sea King class shattered, with the bloodstain serving as the epicenter.

Its two halves slowly sank into the depths of the sea. The Marines on the battleship, whose vision had been obscured by the sea king's massive body, now had a clear view. They realized that not only had the Overlord Sea King been defeated, but even the sea surface itself had been split by Mu Feng's sword...

The swordsmanship of Wuzhihua Yachiryu was rated [LVmaX12] in the system, surpassing the limits of kendo twice over!

Such a performance was to be expected.

Silence fell upon the battleship, and no one uttered a word.

With just a single stroke of his sword, Mu Feng easily dispatched the Overlord Sea King class that had driven ordinary lieutenants to despair. He was incredibly powerful.


Someone swallowed audibly, their mind in a daze. Before becoming Mu Feng's adjutant, Guy had gathered information about him. Mu Feng was the grandson of Lieutenant General Garp, and upon arriving at Naval Headquarters, he had challenged Admiral Aokiji and emerged victorious. This led to his direct promotion to Major General by Marshal Sengoku.

But none of that compared to the sword strike he had just witnessed. Was it possible that Major General Mu Feng was... a legendary swordsman?

Moreover, Mu Feng was only seventeen years old.

A seventeen-year-old legendary swordsman?

And not to mention, he possessed Haki and Six Forms, which alone allowed him to defeat the great swordsman Admiral Aokiji.

This was beyond abnormal.

Unaware of his adjutant's thoughts, Mu Feng's attention was focused on his space backpack. "Well... Overlord Sea Kings, I wonder how many experience scrolls they will drop! It would be best to upgrade my Observation Haki to [LV9] first, so that I can execute my swordsmanship perfectly."

The ultimate Observation Haki, followed by the formidable Haki.

He anticipated the enemy's actions and caught them off guard.

Even if he were to face a Four Emperors-level powerhouse, Mu Feng felt confident.

"Congratulations to the Host for killing the Overlord Sea King class. You are rewarded with three advanced experience scrolls. As a special creature, you also receive two special items called Hailou stones, which have been placed in your space backpack. Please take note," the system announced.

The system's message made Mu Feng's eyes light up, momentarily forgetting about the experience scrolls.

Special creatures? What on earth were they? When he was in Windmill Village, he had encountered sea kings in order to obtain experience scrolls. He had even killed the sea king that bit Red Hair, much to Luffy's dismay. But he had never come across a special creature before.

"System, what exactly is a special creature?" Mu Feng silently questioned within himself.