
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 11

A smile formed at the corner of Mu Feng's mouth, exactly the effect he desired. Despite the plot period, the G5 branch had no involvement. Mu Feng had exaggerated the consequences to send himself to Sengoku.

"Rest assured, I will complete the task," Mu Feng respectfully saluted Sengoku. He then smiled and added, "Marshal, I hope that when we meet next time, you can personally grant me the rank of lieutenant general."

"No problem, when you prove yourself," Sengoku replied, returning the smile.


At the harbor of Naval Headquarters,

"Major General, this battleship is assigned to you," Mu Feng's adjutant informed him.

The adjutant, Guy Er, held the rank of Major and appeared calm. It seemed that Sengoku had assigned him to Mu Feng to balance out his youthful enthusiasm. In the Marine, adjutants of general ranks were corresponding college officials. For instance, Garp's adjutant held the rank of lieutenant colonel, while Mu Feng's adjutant held the rank of major.

Mu Feng expressed doubt, "Are you sure this battleship is ours?"

Mu Feng wasn't displeased with the battleship, but rather, it seemed larger than what a major general would typically have. Although Mu Feng was unfamiliar with the classification of Marine warships, he could tell that his ship was larger than Garp's.

Guy Er explained, "There is no mistake. Marshal Sengoku specifically instructed that the lieutenant warship of the Demon Order is one rank higher than Lieutenant Garp's. And Marshal Sengoku stated that the treatment for major generals is the same as for lieutenant generals."

Mu Feng smiled, appreciating Sengoku's ability to win people over.

"Are all the sergeants on board the battleship?" Mu Feng inquired.

"Yes," Guy nodded. "A lieutenant warship of the Demon Order level requires a total of three hundred men. Marshal Sengoku personally selected two hundred sergeants, all of whom are among the elite. The remaining hundred are from Garp's forces and will be led by corporal leaders."

Hearing this, Mu Feng couldn't help but feel touched.

Glancing at a ship not far away, he silently thought, "Old man, thank you."

"Set sail, our destination is the G5 branch," Mu Feng commanded.

"Yes, Major General."


"System, by becoming a major general, have I completed the main quest?" Mu Feng silently asked the system, filled with anticipation.

Though the system was a bit unscrupulous, it only produced excellent products.

"Congratulations, Host, for completing the main quest: Become Marine Major General. Your reward is... to draw any skill card from any of the heavens and worlds. The system is currently selecting... selection complete. Congratulations, Host, for obtaining the Ueno Flower Eight Thousand Stream Swordsmanship Skill Card from the Shinigami world. Please confirm if you wish to claim the reward. If you choose not to claim it, it will be considered abandoned."

"Extract. Please, no more unnecessary questions," Mu Feng replied, exasperated.

After venting his frustration on the system, Mu Feng eagerly anticipated what was to come.

Who is Yaozhihua Yaqianliu? She is the greatest villain in the history of the Soul Society. She prides herself on mastering all sword styles and techniques, hence the name "Yachianliu." She is a formidable existence in the Soul Society, second only to Yamamoto Shigekuni and Yuhabakh.

Her swordsmanship alone makes her the strongest swordsman.

How powerful is her swordsmanship?

Mu Feng didn't know, but he was certain it surpassed Hawkeye.

In the next moment, a wealth of swordsmanship knowledge flooded into Mu Feng's consciousness. Countless swordsmen seemed to be demonstrating various sword styles, allowing Mu Feng to master all genres of swordsmanship in an instant. The characteristics of each swordsman vividly appeared in Mu Feng's eyes, leaving a lasting impression. It wasn't a fleeting moment; Mu Feng had reached a level of mastery that surpassed Hawkeye.

Suddenly, the battleship beneath him began to shake violently.

Frowning, Mu Feng felt a sense of deja vu.

"Major General, we have a problem," Guy's voice sounded panicked. "Ahead... an Overlord-class Sea King has been spotted in the waters. It's over two kilometers long! Our battleship belongs to the Tumon Order class, one rank below the Overlord class. Even an impact from this Sea King could destroy our ship. Major General, should we prepare to abandon ship?"

Neptunes were the undisputed kings of the sea. However, the Overlord-class Neptune, with a length exceeding a kilometer, was a force to be reckoned with. The waves generated by these Sea Kings were enough to overturn warships below the rank of general. Even Admiral-class warships couldn't withstand their attacks for long.

An Overlord-class Sea King? What luck.

Mu Feng reminisced about his first encounter with one when he had just crossed over to the Pirate World. Back then, he had been saved by an old man after being attacked by an Overlord-class Sea King. Garp had punched it, causing a shock that left a deep impression on Mu Feng.

And now, on his sea journey, he encountered another Sea King of the same class.

Truly... fortunate.

"No need to worry. Inform everyone to continue sailing on the original course. As for the Sea Kings... leave them to me," Mu Feng said, smiling at his adjutant. He grabbed a long, slender sword by his side and made his way to the deck


editor here

guys are the chapters too short if so tell me

and give me them stonesssssss