NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!
The crew set off to the Baratie and when they were just when they were about to get there they met with Lieutenant Fullbody. Who started yelling at them about how great he was and how they were courting death or maybe something about his grandfather's sisters, bestfriends brother being a cultivator who was above the heavens, typical young master stuff really.
Kai just stared at Fullbody in shock. What was this dumbass saying? Wasn't this one piece? He shook his head and said. "This guy is a terrible marine." Nami, Usopp and Fullbody all had their eyes twitch. """You're on a pirate ship!!!""" all three of them yelled. Kai picked his ear with his pinky and asked Zoro "Did you just hear something?"
"Nope." Zoro said as he took another sip of booze. Kai lit a cigarette and shook his head. "I think I'm starting to lose it. Too many hits to the head when I was young. Damnit gramps." Luffy started seriously nodding his head. "I know what you mean. Too many fists of love. My gramps was the worst." Kai almost smacked himself in the face at how ironic that was. Nami started mumbling something about wanting to go home before she becomes an idiot and Usopp started cowering in fear as he looked at the marine ship.
Fullbody had a smile on his face as he readied the cannon on his ship while everything was happening. He fired the cannon at the crew who were all staring at the cannonball flying towards them. "Is someone gonna do something about that?" Kai asked everyone unconcerned as he blew out a cloud of smoke. "Shishishi. Leave it to me!" Luffy said as he bounced the cannonball off of him and into the Baratie. "Zeff isn't gonna like that." Kai mumbled.
"Who the fuck destroyed my roof?!" Zeff yelled out from the hole in the Baratie. "Shishishi. I did!" Luffy yelled. *smack* you could hear the facepalms of Zoro, Usopp and Nami. "Wahaha! You're a funny kid, straw hat." Kai laughed at the lovable idiot as he remembered the past and how he didn't change a bit. "You're gonna work to pay that off!" Zeff forced Luffy to work for him and the rest followed him into the restaurant.
They got to witness Sanji kicking Fullbody in the face after he insulted the food. After Sanji walked away and Fullbody ran away terrified leaving the girl he was with alone Kai walked up to her. "Excuse me miss. Was that your ride home?" She nodded at him and Kai shook his head. He lit a new cigarette and said "Seems like chivalry really is dead." as he sighed. The woman giggled. "Moodie." she said. "Fujin. Nice to meet you." Kai offered his arm to her and she took it. He led her into the office of the head chef and knocked on the door.
Zeff opened the door and stared at him, not letting him in. Kai just smiled at this as the old man hadn't changed. Kai asked if Zeff could arrange for the woman to get home safe and Zeff just snorted with a nod. He was a gentleman just like Sanji so of course he would help the lady out. Moodie turned to Kai and invited him to come with her, but he politely refused.
He didn't care much for one night stands. He was still a virgin in this life. In his past life he had done it enough and while sex was fun he didn't care much about it unless it was with someone he loved, which he had never experienced before.
He was looking for something more serious as he never had that in his past life. He felt that all the girls he dated were nice and all but he only really cared about the sex in there relationship so he never date anyone for longer than 6 months. He always felt that he wanted someone smart enough to keep up with him and someone with their own goals in life. He wanted someone who he could joke around with, without them getting angry.
He didn't want some kind of tsundere who would beat him up at any chance like Nami, while she was fun to tease and be around if he had to actually date her he would hate that. She was just a friend or little sibling to him. He wanted a more mature woman who could understand him and would support him and trust his decisions while he trusted hers. He also liked someone who had a dark sense of humor.
After Moodie was left upset that her chance with a great guy who looked really handsome was ruined she begrudgingly left. She was really upset as she thought that Kai was a great catch, which he was, but she couldn't do anything about it.
Kai watched her leave and looked back at Zeff who was trying to close the door but Kai had his foot in it acting as a doorstop. Zeff glared at him as if trying to scare him off.
"Jeez, you don't see a guy for a few years and all of a sudden they forget about everything you've done for them." Kai said sarcastically. "Don't you recognize me old man?"
Zeff was staring at him, deadpan, wondering if he was serious. "You're wearing a mask."
"Tomaeto, tomato, mask, no mask, who cares? If you truly loved me you would recognize me. I don't swing that way though. Sorry to crush your dreams. Anyway, here you go." Kai pulled out a bunch of money to cover the cost of the damages Luffy caused. "Don't tell the rubber man his debt is paid off until Sanji agrees to go with him. Also don't tell anyone I paid for a pirate. I'm technically still a marine."
"I still don't know who you are and I'm not letting anyone take my best chef that easy." Zeff said as he snatched the money. "I'm getting there old man, you're always so impatient." Kai opened the door and walked into the room before locking it behind him.
He bowed to Zeff and said "Thanks for taking care of Sanji all these years. You were the father he needed." Zeff's eyes opened wide at the man bowing in front of him. "Are you..?" he trailed off as Kai raised his head with his mask in his hands.
"Good to see you doing well old man. I remember when we opened this restaurant together like it was yesterday." Zeff scoffed, "I'll never understand how you were better at negotiation than me when you were 12 years old, brat." He paused for a moment. "It's good so see you too."
Zeff walked to his chair and sat down gesturing for Kai to sit down as well. "What did you mean by Sanji leaving?" Kai had a huge smile on his face. "Would you believe me if I said that these guys were gonna change the world?" Zeff smiled at this. "For you to approve of these brats they must be pretty impressive."
"Wahaha. You have no idea. Did you see the kid with the straw hat?" Zeff nodded. "I met him about a week after I left Sanji with you, I spent a year with him and a certain pirate who gave him that hat. Guess who." Zeff shrugged. "Red Haired Shanks."
"The Yonko?!" Kai couldn't stop the maniacal smile forming on his face. "Yup, ginger. My swordsmanship instructor."
"I'm too old for this shit, you brats are monsters. If the kid got both Shanks and your blessing he must be pretty special." Kai nodded seriously, "He's not much right now but his potential is insane. Even he doesn't know this, his devil fruit is very special. When he awakens it… let's just say big things will happen. But, even without his fruit awakening, he has some insane charisma. The boy was born to be a hero, he naturally makes people believe in him and follow him. He steals the spotlight without even trying."
"Hmm. Sounds like an interesting kid."
"Want to make a bet? Give him four years and he will have changed the world completely."
"I learned not to bet against you brat. You never lose." Zeff smiled. "Keep your eye on the bounties in the future old man. You'll see his and Sanji's, soon enough. Maybe even mine in a few years. Wahaha."
"I thought you were a marine?" Zeff said sarcastically. He always thought it was weird that Kai became a marine, especially when he heard him shit talking them before he became one. Kai snickered at this. "Sorry I meant to say, justice justice justice, justice justice, I blow up islands because they learned how to read and got promoted to an admiral because justice. Fucking Akianu." Zeff was shocked as that sounded too personal to be random. "What do you mean."
"Oh nothing big, just genocide. Some guy killed an entire island worth of people just on the off chance one of them could read the ancient language. Isn't he just such a role model marine? It's a good thing he is next in line to become fleet admiral after all."
"Holy fuck." Zeff was shocked. He never really liked the marines as he used to be a pirate but most of them were just trying to protect people. He had no idea they were that fucked up. "Wanna hear another one?" Kai asked while taking a long drag of his cigarette, finishing it and lighting another one. "No thanks."
"That's too bad there are many more too. Fucking bastards." He shook his head again before putting on his mask. "That's why I can't wait for Luffy to flip the world on its head. I may have the strength to assassinate the people in power but that wouldn't change anything. This world needs a hero who can win the hearts of the people. A figurehead to start the rebellion and who better than the son of the revolutionary armys leader. Wahaha."
Zeff's eyes widened at the background of Luffy but he nodded at Kai's words: if you cut off the heads of the government and they just replaced them with more of the same people, you change nothing. In order to change the world you need to have the people at your back with a hero to lead them.
Kai left the room with a complicated expression on his face. He may joke around a lot but he knew of the darkness of the world. He wanted to destroy the celestial dragons who were scum of the earth. To reform the terrible system the marines have which produce brainwashed puppets for the government to control.
He wanted to free the slaves and change the world government as well as wipe out pirates. It might seem like the pirates are all great people but that's only a small portion of them, the straw hats, roger pirates, whitebeard, Shanks, Law, Jimbe and a few others were the exceptions not the normal.
Most pirates were terrible people who deserved to be put to death or rot in a cell. Kai was no saint but he still would rather the world be a better place and he enjoyed helping out when we could. He took a long drag of his cigarette before dropping it and stomping it out. "Soon, everything will get better soon. Just a few more years. Rei I promise I'll save you. Then I'll do my best to fix this twisted world."