
Chapter 15: Orange town and Syrup Village

Kai landed next to Nami silently and watched over her shoulder as she was trying to break into Buggy's treasury. He watched her fumble with the lock and followed her in as she grabbed his map of the grand line and some treasures. She turned around and noticed him looking at her. Before she could say anything he said "You look like a Tangerine." Then he turned around and walked away.

Kai watched over everything play out in Orange Town and the only interference was that he made the Buggy cannon miss the town and shoot into the air. After the fight he walked up to Buggy, he decided to not tell the marines about him because he was funny, plus he was also Shanks' friend.

"You know Buggy, your fruit isn't that bad. It's actually the perfect counter to a swordsman like ginger, er I mean Shanks."

"What are you talking about?! You want me to fight Shanks? He's a yonko! That's terrifying!"

"Yeah, he's pretty strong. I wonder if I can beat him now? Maybe he got some new moves. Hmm too bad I won't see him for a while."

"Did you just say you want to fight him??!!? I'm surrounded by idiots!" Buggy started crying while he was still tied up.

"I'm not an Idiot! You're an idiot! Damn red nose bastard." Kai yelled as he lit a cigarette and started walking away shaking his head. In the background you could hear "What did you just say about my nose?! I'll kill you bastard!"

Kai laughed at the clown and started to understand why Shanks had liked having him around so much. He was a pretty funny guy! If Buggy had heard this he would have started crying as he never tried to be funny. Shanks and Kai were just bullying him!

At Syrup Village Luffy and crew had just landed. They met Usopp who told them about his 80 sextillion man army or whatever and the four of them walk toward Syrup Village talking. Luffy finds out that Usopp's father is Yasopp and tells him that he knew him as part of Shanks crew. Both of them still don't know that Shanks is a yonko so they wonder how they are doing at sea.

Luffy and Usopp split off from Nami and Zoro and the former discover Kuro's plans while the latter are walking around town. Kai was sitting in a restaurant eating when Nami and Zoro walked in. Zoro noticed the sword on Kai's waist and narrowed his eyes at him. He recognized him from Shells town and knew he was a marine but he didn't mind as he just kept looking at him wondering if he could cut him.

"Something on my mask greentop?" Kai asked Zoro. Who just sat down and kept looking over at him.

"It's rude to look at someone else when you're on a date. Plus I don't swing that way."

Nami heard this causing her teeth to turn sharp like a demon while she yelled "This isn't a date! We're just on the same pirate crew!" Nami then looked over at him again and saw his marine uniform. She did a complete 180 as she looked over at Zoro and started flirting "Thank you so much for taking me out today honey! I'm so glad we have been dating each other for so long! I love you so much!"

"Wahahaha! You're a pretty funny Tangerine! Have fun on your date with the mosshead." Kai said as he left his money on the table to pay and walked away.

"What did you call me mask boy?!" Zoro yelled but he never got a response then he narrowed his eyes watching him leave "We saw him back at Shells town." Nami was shocked by this and added "I also saw him in Orange town when I was stealing from Buggy! Just who is he?" The two thought about it for a bit before moving on, as long as he didn't do anything to them it wasn't that big of a deal they thought.

All of a sudden Luffy walked into the bar and told them about the plans of Kuro and they decided to help Usopp. They set up and went to the north beach to intercept them. Zoro started running towards the south beach alongside Nami who was trying to run away until a blast of air spun him around in the opposite direction and he started running towards the north beach with Luffy.

Nami arrived at the south beach and was surprised to see the Kuro pirates there. She and Usopp were the only ones there; Luffy and Zoro went to the north beach where they thought the pirates would land. Kai watched with an amused smile on his face as Nami and Usopp had to fight the pirates alone. When it looked like Nami might get hurt by a pirate, a gust of wind would knock them away.

Soon Luffy and Zoro showed up and started fighting with the Kuro pirates and they won! Kai took out his den den mushi.

"Yo Smokestack. I have the Kuro of 100 plans pirates here. He was previously thought dead as Captain Morgan supposedly killed him. Anyway he just lost in a battle against some new hotshot pirates."

"Who did they lose against? This could be troublesome if they are strong."

"Give me a sec smokey." Kai jumped off of the hill he was sitting on and walked up to the straw hats. "What's the name of your pirate group?"

"Were the straw hat pirates and I'm going to be the pirate king!" Luffy yelled out before Nami and Usopp could cover his mouth to shut him up. "That's a marine you idiot!" Nami yelled with her demon teeth. "We're going to dieeee! We're already deaaad!" Usopp started complaining.

"I have no idea what they're called Smokey. They just won't tell me." Kai said with a deadly serious voice. Nami and Usopp fell over in shock. Zoro smirked and Luffy started yelling. "I said that were the straw hats you idiot!"

"I can hear them telling you Fujin! What are they called!" Smoker screamed.

"I'm not an idiot!" Kai completely ignored his superior as he smacked Luffy in the back of the head causing his neck to stretch out until he ate sand. "Heh." Kai and Zoro both said at the same time looking at Luffy spit out sand. "He's dead! You just killed him! I thought the marines were the good guys!" Usopp screamed as he was freaking out.


"You're still here Smokey? Huh, that's weird I thought I hung up. Anyways I hear that Hina doesn't like it when men yell. Also say hi to Tagashi for me."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THOUGHT YOU HUN- *click*." Kai hung up the den den mushi.

"I need a nap." Kai said as he walked to the going merry and fell asleep in one of the rooms without anyone noticing him.

"Wasn't that his boss?" Nami asked after Kai left. "Shishishi. He's pretty funny. He reminds me of my friends." Luffy suddenly thought about someone he knew when he was a kid before forgetting all about it because he wanted meat after the big fight. A smile spread across Zoro's face "He had a nice sword too. I want to fight him." Usopp poked his head out of a bush coming out of hiding. "Is he gone?"

Nami facepalmed and shook her head "I'm surrounded by idiots." She had a tear form in her eye at her own misfortune. Before she realized idiots were easier to scam and started smiling, skipping away. The rest of the crew felt a chill down there backs.

Later on Kai woke up and walked out of the room he was sleeping in. He yawned and stretched out looking at the vast sea. "I haven't slept that well in ages. Thanks merry." He patted the railing of the ship. Everyone turned to look at him, Nami's jaw dropped as she stared in disbelief, Usopp fainted, Zoro smiled, and Luffy just laughed "Shishishi."

Kai looked around like he was confused and was searching for the source of the problem. "What's everyone looking at?"

""""You."""" all four of them said.

Kai covered one side of his face with his hand and looked to the side. "Stop it. You're gonna make me blush. Tehe." Nami punched his head with demon teeth showing. Usopp woke up just to faint again. Zoro did a spit take, while Luffy fell over laughing. "Shishishishi! You're funny mask guy!"

Kai just shrugged and walked up to Zoro asking for a drink. Zoro gave him one and they started drinking in silence. "Why does it feel like it's normal for him to be here? Isn't he a marine?" Nami just shook her head and decided to focus on navigation. Usopp did shooting practice and hit a rock. Then the crew found Zoro's old friends Johnny and Yosaku.

They were both sick and Nami examined them. "It's scurvy, they just need some vitamin C." Kai shook his head at the two idiots. "What kind of person goes out to sea without oranges? Look, we have a massive tangerine right here with us." He said as he patted Nami on the shoulder. Nami started trembling in anger before she revealed her demon teeth. "I'm not a fucking tangerine! How dumb can you be?!"

"I'm not dumb! I'm way smarter than you!" Kai got into a yelling match with Nami as Johnny and Yosaku told everyone else about the Baratie. "That's a great idea. I haven't been there in a while." Kai practically forgot about his fight with Nami as he ignored her still yelling at him calling him an idiot.