
One Piece Gold List: The Force Under My Command Can't Be Hidden

Mubai traveled through the world of pirates in order to be able to complete the task of the system. he has chosen the safest way to develop first! ! But things backfired, and the gold list came to One Piece World. Mubai's plans were completely disrupted. As the list of unknown powerhouses on the list was announced Im confused... And Mubai wants to cry but has no tears... That being the case... Then let the era of great pirates become the era of great chaos! ! ***** THIS IS A TRANSLATION ******

Lost_One_01 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 74

"Hmph, I don't have time to take care of you.

Obito shook his head.

Then the eyeballs rolled, and the eyes showed their brilliance.


The unique ability of the Six Paths form, the ability to see through the opponent.

So as to gain a decisive advantage!!

"All of them have good abilities."

Obito sighed with emotion, and suddenly the gravity of Fujitora's smile came.

He landed slowly, clenched a fist with one hand.

next second...

All the while the great hand of Chakra poured forth!

Grabbed towards the Marines!

It's a pity that even Obito's shot was very tricky and unexpected.

But under the perception of the other party's knowledge, they all avoided it.

"Interesting, I think highly of you again."

Six Paths Obito has an impassive face.

"Since you like to hide so much, then I'll make it happen for you!"

"Let you hide enough."

Suddenly he slapped the ground with both hands.

"Ten Tails..."

"Tailed Beast Bomb!!"

The voice fell, accompanied by the appearance of a mysterious rune array.

A very ugly flower bud that reached the sky opened!!

This is a part of the divine tree, and it can also be said to be another form of power after the fusion of Ten Tails.

There is a petal on the front, back, left, and right, and there seems to be a jagged mouth in the middle of the petal?!

"Get out of the way!!"

Garp shouted loudly, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart!!

Boom! Boom!

boom boom!!

A series of four Tailed Beast Bombs from Ten Tails were condensed in an instant, and rushed towards the Marine camp in a desperate manner!!


"Can't escape!!"

"This Tailed Beast Bomb!! The compressed energy inside is terrifying!! Once it explodes, it will be difficult for us to escape from this range."

"Hurry up and break it open, let it explode early!!"

Sengoku looked terrified because of the call.

Not only powerful, but also so fast.

Is this the strength of Six Paths Obito?!

Kizaru's heart sank, the Sparkling fruit is theoretically the fastest here.

Thinking of this, he tapped his feet.

The figure turned into light particles, and when he reappeared, it was the tail of Tailed Beast Bomb!!

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Kizaru pulled out all the stops and unleashed the most powerful eight-foot Qiong Gouyu in his history.

Immediately, a huge light bomb composed of countless light pparticl drilled into Tailed Beast Bomb like a moth to a flame!!

"Aokiji, erect the ice wall!"

"Fujitora compresses the explosion range with gravity!!"

"Leave the rest to me!!"

Seeing that Kizaru made a move to stop him, Sengoku hurriedly ordered to come!!



"Gravity Tiger Knife!"

"Ice Wall!!"

Aokiji and Fujitora didn't hesitate, even if Sengoku didn't remind them, they would have done so.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still!!

Deafening explosions resounded!!

The Tailed Beast Bomb exploded, and the shock wave swept wildly.

A mushroom cloud suddenly appeared!!

A burning sensation, a sense of shock, instantly swept through everyone present!!


"This burning sensation, what's going on?"

"My wall of ice is melting!!"

"Everyone back off!!"

Aokiji looked terrified and shouted loudly.

Both hands are constantly maintaining the urging of Devil Fruit.


"Is this the strength of TOP15?"

Garp's eyes were deep, and his heart was extremely shaken.

Despite his physique, he didn't dare to forcibly break through this wave of explosions!!

"Young people nowadays are really scary!"

A voice resounded, Kizaru had already escaped from the range of the explosion, and returned to the crowd again.

Showing fear...

This time he was really scared!!

If it wasn't for his fruit development being strong enough, he would have almost confessed there just now!!

After the words fell, he crossed his arms again and let out endless light bullets.


It's been a while!!

It was only in embarrassment that the Marines quelled the explosion effect brought by the Tailed Beast Bomb.

"What a solidarity, Marines."

"Being able to block my random blow, is this the strength of a companion?"

Six Paths Obito glanced around, and the sweaty Marines grinned and mocked!!

"Oh shit!!"

"What an arrogant man!!"

"But the power is really scary!!"

Marco at the back of the battlefield was stunned, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't speak fluently.


"If I face this explosive power directly, let alone resist it!!"

"It will turn into fly ash in an instant!!"

Jozu was terrified and shouted in surprise!!

"And that shouldn't count as Obito's real destructive power?"

"How can someone use all their strength at the beginning of a fight? Why do I feel that the destructive power just now is just Obito's temptation?"

"Or... a random hit?"

Foil Vista looked horrified, expressing the guess in his heart.


After the voice fell, the audience was in an uproar, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their mouths slightly opened!

But... no sound can be made anymore. At this moment, all the people seemed to lose their voices and forgot how to pronounce!!

On the battlefield, the Marines also adjusted after a short rest.

All of them looked dignified and rushed towards Obito silently.

At this moment, their hearts have already been covered with a layer of haze!!

The sense of oppression brought by Obito made them unable to breathe, let alone discuss tactics!!

"Hmph, are you finally resting?"

Obito grinned and mocked lightly.

Then he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the Six Paths tin rod floating beside him.

The six Truth-Seeking Balls on the back also turned and came to the sides in front of him!!

The next moment, the Marines felt a blur in front of their eyes!!

The figure of Six Paths Obito came before them, even...

None of them saw Obito's flight path clearly!!


Without giving the opponent any chance to react, Green Bull Vice Admiral was kicked away like a kite with a broken string.

Then he waved his tin staff to block the attack from the right.


"Want to sneak attack?"

"You look down on me, Obito, don't you?"

Obito blocked the blow, and spoke indifferently.

Then a little bit of flame rises behind!!

The aura carried by its flames was extremely terrifying, and the surrounding space began to collapse involuntarily!!