
One Piece Gold List: The Force Under My Command Can't Be Hidden

Mubai traveled through the world of pirates in order to be able to complete the task of the system. he has chosen the safest way to develop first! ! But things backfired, and the gold list came to One Piece World. Mubai's plans were completely disrupted. As the list of unknown powerhouses on the list was announced Im confused... And Mubai wants to cry but has no tears... That being the case... Then let the era of great pirates become the era of great chaos! ! ***** THIS IS A TRANSLATION ******

Lost_One_01 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 61

At this time, Itachi finally made a move.

I saw him waving his hand!!

Suddenly, an extraordinary long blade appeared in Susanoo's hand! The Sword of Totsuka!!

Then there was a wave of shaking.

An orange light flickered.

All the lava fists of Meteor Volcano were cut in half and scattered!!

Akainu's pupils shrank, and he shouted loudly.

After several failed attempts to attack, Akainu's heart was extremely heavy at this moment.

He chose not to make any reservations.

The extremely black armor suddenly covered the arms, and then stepped on the air.

Combination of Moonwalk and shaving!!

At a speed invisible to the naked eye, like the momentum of thunder.

He ran towards the ferret.

"Is that what Scorpion said? Armament Haki"

Itachi was taken aback for a moment, and murmured five-five-three.

Under his eyes, the opponent's armed color contains unparalleled compression power!!

The source of this strength comes from muscles and physique?!

Before he could think about it, Akainu's attack hit Susanoo hard.

click click click!!

There was a slight bone cracking sound!!

Uchiha Itachi's always indifferent complexion finally changed.

But the next second, his Chakra converged towards Mangekyō again.

That precarious piece of armor.

Flawless again!!


Akainu watched the sudden change with gaping eyes.


At the same time, Itachi showed the same expression.

If it is the original world, even the Susanoo summoned by Mangekyō is usually invincible!!

You know this is the power he uses in the form of eternal Mangekyō!!

Although the difference is only two words, there is a world of difference in Susanoo's tenacity.

Because Eternal Mangekyō, not only represents not being blind, but also represents the release of pupil power!!

This means that although he didn't use the full body of Susanoo, at the moment it's just a normal form.

But Susanoo's skeletal shell also has the hardness of a full body Susanoo!!

"Only relying on the flesh can break the

"Although it's still close, I didn't expect the body that has been neglected by us!!"

"To be able to exert such a powerful power."

The Itachi standing in Susanoo praised unreservedly.

However, this sentence fell into the ears of Akainu!!

It is blatant ridicule and provocation!!

"Uchiha Itachi, why would someone as powerful as you choose to join the Akatsuki organization?"

Akainu succeeded with one blow, and hurriedly used Moonwalk to jump away.

Then he asked puzzledly, the strong all have their own arrogance, how could they be willing to subdue others at will?

And some people are not born to accept orders under others.

He believes in his own judgment, itachi is in use.

According to his understanding, the other party is a person with a clear mind who acts according to his own judgment.

"A powerful person?"

"I have carried too much, there is a kind of strength called carrying everything, Akainu."

"People tend to want to be powerful, the most direct way."

"It is to push the opponent to a dead end and wait for his chaos!!"

"And I am such an existence."

Itachi shook his head, but he didn't reject his own strength.

But this is the Uchiha clan, or rather, the fate brought by these eyes.

If he could choose, he would rather not have this powerful power.

"Then why did you join Akatsuki?"

"Do you want to take revenge on those who pushed you to the end?"

"So you have the same thoughts of destroying the world as Uchiha Obito, Uzumaki Nagato?"

Akainu looked gloomy and continued to ask.

Fortunately, his opponent is a slow person like Uchiha Itachi, if it is other members of the Akatsuki organization.

Asking questions continuously, what awaits him is definitely a devastating blow!!

"Revenge? I never blamed anyone."

"Life is born, life dies, life fights..."

"Life is meaningless, and so is hatred..."

"Hate will only fall into an endless cycle, and I only need to bear what I should bear."

"I joined Akatsuki because I am Uchiha Itachi."

Itachi shook his head, his expression calm.

In my heart, after this period of dialogue, behavior, fighting methods, etc. understanding...

He has already seen through the opponent!!

Simple and extreme!! Evil and violent!!

Marine Admiral, whose eyes are blinded by hatred? Can such an existence bring stability and peace to the people?

Itachi's heart is full of disdain. 0

"What's the meaning?"

"The reason why you joined Akatsuki is because your name is Uchiha Itachi?"

"Don't deceive people too much, you don't have to answer if you don't want to answer!!"

Akainu was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why.

"People's cognition is limited, and they are often unable to fully see through reality."

"What you see is only what you want to see in your heart."

"Everything you think is impossible is actually just due to your lack of cognition!!"

Itachi shook his head and spoke again.

Then he took a step, he wasn't going to chat with the other party any longer!

"And your failure is my reality!"

As the words fell, the mouth corners of the Kisame Hoshigaki not far away raised up. As Itachi's old partner, he saw through Itachi's mind.

"It seems that Itachi is finally getting serious."

"I can't fish in this troubled water anymore."

After finishing speaking, he also raised his foot and rushed towards marine with a smile.



Akainu, who was suffering from pain, had a hideous expression on his face.

With just a dazed effort, Akainu was slapped flying by Susanoo's huge hand.

Crashed many warships along the way, and finally stopped on the stone wall of Crescent Bay!!


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Akainu was like a dead body, lying in the dust, motionless!!


This breaks in with a hit!!

Scared everyone in the audience!!

Whether it is Marine as the opponent, or the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even Luffy, a naturally dumb, fearless existence.

At this time, the face is also terrified, and the face is full of disbelief!!

Everything happened too fast, too abrupt!!

Just one hit, that's the effect??

This is enough to show how big the power gap between Akainu and Itachi is!!.