
One piece gatcha

Rinodino · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 19: Makino’s Decision

[That went way better than I had expected,] System said after being silent during Garp's prep talk. 


'Welp, pretty much it is' Luke expected something worse than the fight's conclusion. 'Didn't expect Garp will accept me in his family.' To be honest, that is kind of surprise and too sudden for him, but oh well, it's not like he was going to complain about it


"Hmmm, let's get going then," Garp said before walking in the village direction, followed by Luke.


"Hey, Oldman, how long are you going to stay?" 


"Three days, No more and no less than that." Jeez, Garp is pretty busy with his work, ain't him.


"Well, if you are free, can we spar before you return to work?" That statement made Garp stop in his track and move his head to stare at Luke. 


"Sure." A simple answer to a simple question, after seeing the determination to fight him in Luke's eyes, he can't help but want to amuse this boy for these three days before returning to the headquarters.




[Wow, that is pretty sly of you, using Garp as an advantage for quick EXP and Stats.]


'Well, it is what it is...' Garp will stay for three days, which means he can take advantage of that by farming some [EXP] and [Stats]. He needs to become more confident, but it means nothing if he is not strong enough.


With [System], Luke can cheat his way to the top, especially when fighting someone as strong as Garp is around. Why not train? That is the simple answer because fighting is better than training. After all, the advantage of the [System] is that the stronger the opponent Luke fight, the stronger he will become.


'Oi [System], can you do me a favor?'


[What is its host?] 


'I want to open my [Status].'


[.....I don't think you need to ask that. You are literally my owner.]


'Well...Just want to have more conversations with ya.'






[Name: Ainsworth Luke]


[Age: 20 Years Old]


[Blood Type: XF]


[Alias: Sky-Guy by Lucy]


[Bounty: -]


> Level 17 [410,000/864,000]


> Strength - C [20 + 50/100] 

> Endurance - F [50/100]

> Agility - A [0 + 10/100]

> Luck - D [7/100]


> Armament Haki - Stage 1

> Observation Haki - Stage 1

> Conquerer Haki - Stage 1


> Status Points - 36

> Advance Points - 5






Wait, this is weird... '[System] when did my [Endurance] become F?' Last time before he was knocked out by Garp, he was pretty sure that his endurance was H-Grade instead of F-Grade.


[Oh, that is because of the punch Garp knocked you out with. It was coated in Armament Haki hence why the sudden boost.]


'I see.....Now I have Haki to help me to become stronger. Wait, I also have [Coqueror Haki]? And what with the [Advance Points] thingy? Never heard bout it before.' He knows Armament and Observation Haki are possible but didn't know about Conqueror one. 


[With me, getting Conquerer Haki is as easy as a piece of cake.]


'Why you didn't give Haki to me before this?'


There was a bit of pause between the conversation before [System] continued [Errmmmm...To unlock it, you need to face someone who has it.]


'Why you didn't tell me about it?'


[....You didn't ask for it?]


'Nevermind, tell me [System] what the [Advance Points] is? It kind of bothered me since the first time I saw it.'


[It is a point where you can advance the Grade of your Status by one. The only way to get this kind of thing is when you fight someone dangerous or clearly superior to you.]


'Huh, that is pretty neat....' He scratches his chin, thinking of something. 'I think I will save the [Advance Points] at least until I level up more. It will be more advantageous for me to have that kind of thing.'


'By the way [System].'




'How does Haki work? I don't mean as in how to use the power, but I mean as in rank. It is [Stage 1] for the lowest instead of [J-Grade]. Any reason why? And how does the grade work?'


[Reason? I don't think it has one. The God of Truck programmed me this way, and to answer your second question, you should see instead of hearing.]






> Stage 1


> Stage 2


> Stage 3


> Advance


> Master


Note: To upgrade the stage of the [Haki], the user needs to use it more often in a fight. 






'Ohhhhhhhh....' Luke finished reading it and put his finger on his mouth in a thinking manner. 'Does it mean I can't advance it during training? Does it have the same System as the [Grade]? Like reaching 100 per [Grade] or something like that?' He didn't see the [0/100] in the [Haki] section and was interested in it.


[No...The Haki system works a bit differently. It still has some basic design for the Grade, like you can advance it in training but advancing it in a fight is way better than the former unless you have a Haki Master as your teacher. 100 per Stage for Haki isn't a thing. The Haki System works more naturally than the Stats, so instead of reaching 100, you need to fight many opponents and understand the Haki to upgrade it.]


'I see....' It sounds easy, but he just knows it will be more challenging than the [Stats]


"Brat!" Garp calling for him managed to snap him back to reality. Ehhhh? He already reached in front of Makino's house? "I'm going back to my ship. See you tomorrow." Garp said as he began to leave Luke there.


"Luke!" Makino ran out of the house and gave him a tight hug. "I'm so worried about you!" She cried and placed her face on his chest; Luke smiled at her reaction and gave her a pat on the head.


"Why so worry? It's not like I'm going to die or anything."


[Here you go, a red flag.]


"But I'm so worried when you challenge Garp in a fight." Without giving a warning to the lady, he raised her face and kissed her on the lips. Luke sure love kissing people, ain't he?


"I'm just having a family bonding session with Garp." He pulled his face away from her and rubbed her head passionately; Makino's face was bright red with the massive blush due to the sudden kiss. "Plus, there is no way Garp will kill me; after all, he is a hero, right?" Makino just nodded.


"By the way, how is Ann?" 


"Ann? She worried about you. More than me."


"Is that so?" Luke scratched his cheek. "Let's enter then." Makino nodded her head at that.


"Oka-Hnggghhhhhh~♥" Makino turned her body to face the door only to let out a moan when she felt Luke's hand find itself groping her left butt. She turned her face to get a better look at him and pouted cutely.


"What?" Luke raised his eyebrows with a teasing smile to respond to Makino's embarrassed glare. "I thought a pervert like you doesn't mind it." He released her butt and pinched her puffy cheek, leaving a red mark on it.


"I don't mind it, but..." Makino is playing with her hair and stares into Luke's eyes. "It's kind of embarrassing when you do that outside." 


"Sorry bout that then." Luke gave her an unapologetic grin. He loved how Makino's face looked when he did something like that. 


(Bedroom - Makino's house)






Luke sits next to the bed; although it is already in the middle of the night, Ann still doesn't sleep because she had been worried about Luke's safety after the latter challenged her grandfather in a duel. 


"Darling, eh?" Luke smiled after seeing the blush on Ann's face due to him remembering the nickname she gave him after Garp dared to insult Luke in front of her. "That is kind of cute." 


"Oh, shut up..." Ann poked his nose; she is okay with calling Luke 'Darling,' but at the same time, she can't help but cringe at it. "What happened between you and Oldman?" Did Luke beat Garp? She doesn't see Garp anywhere near Luke, so what actually happens?


"Well, can't say that I beat him to a pulp... but I did win by landing a hit on him." Ann widened her eyes at his statement. In her entire life of knowing her adoptive grandfather, she never had landed a hit on him in a spar, not even once. Did Luke become stronger than she is? 


"Does that mean?"


"Yup, We can bring them with us." Instead of being jealous of Luke's achievement, Ann smiled warmly at him, tears flowing down from her eyes not in sadness but in happiness.


"Luke...Thank you." Luke wiped her tears with his finger.


"What do you mean by that? It is my job, isn't it? To make you the happiest girl alive?"


"That is so corny..hahaha," Ann giggled in a low tone at his declaration, making Luke chuckle a bit. "You not sleeping with Makino?" Ann asked, wondering why he was here when he was supposed to sleep with Makino in the guest room on the first floor.


"Nah, Makino understands that, considering your current condition. You need me more than she does." Luke said, holding both of her hands with his. "Plus, I can't let such a beautiful girl like you by yourself, right?"


"Idiot, I have Rouge and Rachel by my side. Are you implying that Makino isn't beautiful?"


"Oi oi don't twist my word like that. I didn't say that Makino isn't beautiful."


"But you said that you can't let a beautiful girl like me by myself, didn't you?" Ann said with a smug.


"Seriously, Ann?" Due to Ann being a bit playful with him, Luke can't help but pinch her nose. "You know what I mean by that, didn't you?"


"Hahaahaha...Goodnight, Luke..."


"Goodnight, Ann."


(Guest Room - Makino's house)


'What with this feeling?' Makino thought to herself as her heart won't stop beating. She doesn't feel jealous of Ann because she is very understanding, but her heart is beating non-stop after remembering Luke's touch in the bathroom before Lucy's interruption.


'Am I a big pervert?' She buried her face in the pillow due to embarrassment. She doesn't know why but she really enjoyed acting and being treated like a bitch by Luke. She wants him to spank her more; Ahhhhhh, this is so weird. 'I'm so jealous of Lucy. She knows what it tastes like...' Makino complained in her head, remembering her adoptive little sister licking Luke's dick.


She wants to taste it too...


'I want to go with them...' Luke wants to become a pirate, and Ann joins him as his crewmate. She wants to join them, but who will handle the bar? Should Makino abandon the bar and go along with them? After thinking for a while, she finally makes a decision.


"I'm going to join Luke." She muttered with determination; she was going to set sail with Luke, Ann, and their children. She can be their cook and the children's caretaker when both Luke and Ann face the enemy.