
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

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376 Chs

Chapter 240

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As an appetizer, the first item brought up for auction was a slave from the Snake Neck Tribe, and it was a young adult female at that. Her long neck and wild eyes piqued the interest of many in attendance. It was said that the females of the Snake Neck Tribe not only have extremely flexible tongues but also possess an incredible suction ability in their mouths. Some nobles, while exploring new pleasures, have even risked their lives to indulge in such experiences. Nevertheless, this didn't dampen the auction fervor.

The bidding for the Snake Neck Tribe slave started at a mere 700,000 Berries but quickly soared past 5 million Berries! At this point, it was almost reaching an excessive price. After all, the Snake Neck female had no other value than to be added to someone's collection or used as a toy. But at this moment, Stussy slowly raised her bidding sign, "6 million Berries."

The wealthy bidder whom she interrupted seemed annoyed and recognized Stussy, saying, "Stussy, why aren't you staying in your Pleasure Street, coming here to join the commotion? Does your Pleasure Street really need a Snake Neck woman that badly that you want to compete with me?"

Hiding her mouth behind her bidding sign, Stussy giggled, "I just think that it's a waste for such a fine commodity to fall into your hands. Letting me take her back for some proper training so everyone can enjoy the bliss of ascending to heaven sounds like a delightful plan for all, doesn't it~?"

"That's right; once you've trained her, I'll make sure to patronize," one chimed in.

"Count me in too. It's rare to see a top-quality pleasure handled by the Queen of Pleasure Street herself," added another.

"The Longfoot Tribe woman from last time almost cost me my life, hehe," remarked one guest with a chuckle.

"Hmph, on those terms, I'll give you the face. But you must notify me first when it's time," said another bidder conceding to Stussy.

"Of course, giggle giggle giggle~"

Stussy won people over with her charm, and they were all willing to give her face, so she easily secured the Snake Neck Tribe slave for 6 million Berries.

Abel finally remembered this person's identity.

The Queen of Pleasure Street, Stussy, renowned alongside the King of Loan Sharks! She was also a notorious figure in the underworld. It was rumored that she had a close personal relationship with the Four Emperor Big Mom and could affectionately call her 'Linlin.'

But Abel knew there were even more secrets to this woman's identity.

She was a CP0 intelligence agent!

As for any deeper connections, Abel wasn't quite sure but faintly remembered it might have something to do with Vegapunk.

Being targeted by such a troublesome woman was not good news.

Abel made up his mind that once the auction was over, he would make his escape immediately, giving her no opportunity.

The rest of the auction went smoothly, with all sorts of treasures, slaves, and weapons up for bids. There was even a famous sword, one of the 50 Skillful Grade swords, that sold for a high price.

Since Abel already owned a blade named Yubashiri, he didn't bid rashly.

"The final item for today's auction is a piece of Kura beef that has just been cut today and brought here, weighing a total of one ton!"

"The starting bid is 5 million Berries, and each bid must be no less than 500,000!"


When the piece of Kura beef was unveiled to the audience, many well-traveled and knowledgeable folks couldn't help but let out a sound of amazement.The exquisitely patterned meat, like marble striations, shimmered under the light, revealing the dazzling bones made of diamond. 

This Kura beef is a top-tier ingredient that even the lofty Celestial Dragons cannot often enjoy! 

What's most impressive is that not only is the meat delicious and juicy, but its bones are all made of diamond. 

Truly, it holds value beyond measure! 

The diamond bone alone is worth at least several hundred million Berries, with the meat being almost an afterthought. 

It's something you wouldn't even dream of eating, let alone seeing on a normal day. 

Who would believe there isn't the hand of a Celestial Dragon behind this? 

Such preciousness caused a brief silence, as everyone calculated how much they'd be willing to spend and how much the diamonds could sell for. 

The auctioneer wasn't worried about this lull, for good things always find buyers. 

Sure enough, after a minute of whispers, someone couldn't resist any longer. 

"I bid ten million Berries!" 

"Pfft, mere ten million Berries for such a large cut of Kura beef? Are you mad? I bid twenty million Berries!" 

"Thirty million Berries!" 

In the blink of an eye, the bid for the Kura beef exceeded thirty million Berries and was still rapidly rising. 

Soon, it hit a whopping seventy million Berries. 

Disregarding the diamond bone, this price had already exceeded the meat's market value by a considerable margin. 

But once you factor in that massive diamond bone, the price seems almost insufficient. 

So it's less about the meat and more about vying for that bone. 

When the bidding surpassed one hundred million, the pace slowed considerably. 

That signaled the departure of those just there for the excitement, leaving the field to the seriously wealthy bidders. 

"Two hundred million Berries!" 

The wealthy individual who had previously lost out on bidding for the snake-necked slave raised his bid paddle. 

"Stop kidding around. I'll offer a sum, and anyone with a net worth below it should just keep quiet." 

"Five hundred million Berries!" 


Many in the room instinctively swore in their local dialects, their eyes turning to see who was so bold. 

Upon seeing that the bidder of five hundred million Berries was a nondescript chubby kid, many sneered in derision. 

"Whose child is this? Can't they keep an eye on him? Bidding five hundred million Berries—have you ever even seen that much money?" someone couldn't help but scoff. 

"What, is five hundred million a lot? Surely nobody here hasn't seen that kind of money, right?" 

The chubby kid asked in puzzlement, causing many faces to twitch involuntarily. 

The earlier mocker became visibly annoyed, "Easy for you to say. I don't believe you can actually present five hundred million Berries!" 

The chubby kid nodded and gestured to his bodyguard, who then opened a black case to reveal neatly stacked bills. 

It wasn't just five hundred million, there seemed to be a billion Berries! 

"How about that, is it enough? If not, I can have someone fetch more from my ship." 


"No way, right? Isn't there really someone who cracks over such a trivial amount of money? If so, I could lend it to you, just sign a promissory note, no matter if it's five hundred million or a billion Berries, no problem." 

And then, incredibly, someone handed over a prepared promissory note and pen. 

That was sheer audacity!