
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

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351 Chs

Chapter 184 - The World's Greatest Swordsman!

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"Everyone has been inside for so long, why haven't they come out yet?"

"What's the rush? The master is so strong, nothing will happen to him."

"I really want to go in and see. It's been so long since we last saw the master take action."

"It would be great if we could sneak a peek..."

"Cough cough! If you want to 'die,' don't drag everyone else down with you."

"Ah, this is so boring!"


The disciples of Isshin Dojo waited outside, scratching their heads in frustration.

They thought of sneaking a look, but the authoritative presence of Koushirou on regular days deterred them.

Zoro was bold enough, but Kuina caught him, and he was forced to continue training with a bitter face.

Finally, the dojo's doors opened again.

Koushirou walked out holding Baby-5, along with Abel, their clothes and expressions revealing no outcome.

After all, it was just a spar using swordsmanship, stopped at the point of contact.

Abel didn't use any abilities or skills besides his swordsmanship from beginning to end, not even using moves like Asura Aurora Slash or Unlimited Rengeki Slash.

Koushirou also didn't use any killer techniques, he was purely on the defensive and counterattacking.

So naturally, there was no way to tell the result.

"There are still vacant rooms in the dojo."

"No need, I'll return tomorrow for more swordsmanship guidance."

Abel shook his head, declined the offer, and left directly holding Baby-5.

Only after he had left did the other disciples immediately ask, "Master, who won in the end?"

"What kind of question is that, of course the master won!"

"I think so too. Didn't you hear that guy? He'll come back tomorrow, he's obviously not satisfied."

"Not satisfied? So what? He can come ten times, a hundred times, the result would still be the same!"

Koushirou shook his head helplessly, "It was just a swordsmanship spar, there's no clear winner or loser. This youngster's talent for swordsmanship is extremely rare. Remember to not be disrespectful."

Hearing their teacher say this, the disciples looked at each other, nodding in agreement but also feeling the teacher was perhaps overestimating the opponent.

What kind of talent is considered exceedingly rare?

And the teacher has never really left the village in his life, how many people could he have met?

At best, the talent was just a bit stronger than theirs.

After everyone had left, Kuina hesitated for a moment but still followed her father.

"What is it?"

After Koushirou returned to his room and while carefully wiping his blade, he asked gently.

"Father, is that person's talent really that high?"

"Exceptionally rare."

Koushirou thought of the various sword techniques Abel had displayed before, and it was difficult to imagine someone mastering swordsmanship to such a degree at a young age.

But there lies the issue.

Perhaps he's advancing too quickly, or maybe lacking guidance from a great swordsmanship master, as a result, his swordsmanship has form but lacks spirit.

"If that young man called Abel can make up for his deficiencies in the way of the sword and eventually carve his own path, he'll be qualified to challenge the title of the 'World's Greatest'."

Rare as it is, the title of 'World's Greatest'.

Kuina bit her lip, she hadn't heard her father praise someone like that before, especially a stranger.

"But didn't father say that a sword is a weapon meant to protect the weak, and those who only see it as a tool for killing will never understand the true essence of swordsmanship?"

"That person always emphasizes that his sword is for killing, can such a person be qualified to become the 'World's Greatest'?"

Koushirou suddenly stopped wiping his blade, a complex look flashing in his eyes.He recalled the words his father, Shimotsuki Koushirou, once said to him.

"A sword is an object used to take lives; it exists as a deadly weapon for killing!"

"Each sword has its own personality, and only by truly understanding its personality can one successfully wield it."

"Suitability is just suitability; unsuitability is unsuitability."

"Perhaps one day in the future, you will comprehend your own swordsmanship's true essence, but the essence of the sword will never change."

Koushirou never imagined that, after so many years, he would suddenly meet a young man here whose will was so similar to his father's.

"It is a road of becoming an Asura, a ghostly warrior, a path of no return; either completely fall into the abyss of slaughter, becoming a machine that knows only killing, or carve out an unheard path and dominate the world."

"And yet, no one has ever walked that path before."

Kuina seemed to half-understand, nodding her head, then said with determination, "I will definitely surpass everyone in the future, becoming the world's number one swordsman!"

Koushirou's expression turned complex, "I've told you before, swordswomen, due to physical limitations, can never become the world's number one."

Kuina's gaze dimmed briefly, but she then heard her father continue, "However, now I'm prepared to take back those words."


Kuina's eyes immediately widened.

With a smile, Koushirou looked at his daughter, "Maybe I was too harsh on you before, wanting you to inherit my philosophy of swordsmanship, to prove something to someone. As a result, because you always failed to meet my expectations, I spoke those words out of disappointment."

"But now I've finally understood. The path that suits me may not suit everyone."

"You shouldn't live in my shadow; you should find your own path, pursue your own swordsmanship's true essence."

"One day, when you find it, it will mean that you too can challenge the world's number one swordsman."

"No, perhaps by then, you will have become the world's number one."

"The title of the world's number one swordsman can belong to a man, and of course, it can also belong to a woman."

"But I think, what matters is not the title, don't you agree?"

Kuina's eyes suddenly filled with tears; it was the first time she felt understood by her father.

All the grievances she had felt before seemed to erupt at once.

She threw herself into Koushirou's arms and began to cry loudly.

Koushirou may have always been a good teacher, but he lacked much in being a father. This time, because of the appearance of someone, he began to untie some of the knots in his heart; he no longer insisted on Kuina reaching a certain level, but instead tried to encourage and understand her.

Stroking his daughter's hair, Koushirou felt guilty.

Over the years, he had indeed neglected his daughter's true feelings.

But fortunately, his realization was not too late.

He hadn't waited for a tragedy to happen before regretting it profoundly.

Outside the door, Zoro, who had been squatting there eavesdropping, was also happy for Kuina and her teacher's 'reconciliation'.

But the position of the world's number one swordsman, he would not yield to anyone!

Even if that person was Kuina!

Additionally, he remembered a name.

Although he was far from being a match for that person now, he believed that sooner or later, he would surely defeat them!

"So, let's set a small goal for now; first defeat Kuina, then defeat that guy called Abel, and finally challenge the position of the world's number one swordsman!"

At this moment, Zoro's goal became clear, and he would continue to strive for this target!