
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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376 Chs

Chapter 119

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Before they knew it, the number of giants slain by Abel had reached a staggering number!

At this point, the remaining soldiers on the battlefield had essentially become spectators, watching the figure that resembled the 'Grim Reaper' with eyes full of awe and admiration.

This was the god bringing death to these giants!

Initially, Levi had intended to challenge him.

However, as time passed, he had completely abandoned this idea.

"That guy is an unequivocal monster."

One couldn't help but wonder if he was a giant disguised as a human.

Otherwise, how could a human easily leap over ten meters high?

How could two legs run faster than someone using a three-dimensional maneuver gear?

How could a human overpower a giant with brute strength, pin it to the ground, and batter it?

Aside from his human-like appearance, there was nothing else about him that could be classified as human!

The best news was that this 'monster', so unlike a human, was on humanity's side, slaughtering the giants at an incredible pace.

Yes, slaughtering!

The word, which had once been used only for humans, could finally be applied to these giants today.


"We must find a way to block the part of the wall that's been destroyed, or this endless killing will continue," Levi squinted at the Colossal Titan and the hole it had made at the foot of the wall.

Every moment, more mindless giants were pouring through the breach.

Who knew how many more giants existed outside?

At this point, Abel was also undoubtedly aware of this problem.

A five-meter tall giant, possessing incredible jumping power and agility, resembling a frog, dodged Abel's unpredictable attacks and leapt into the air, its huge mouth wide open, ready to swallow him whole.

Seeing this, Eren instinctively tried to rush in to help but was held back by Mikasa, who signaled him not to act impulsively.

Remembering Abel's previous words, Eren held himself back.

And then he witnessed an even more astonishing scene!

Faced with the 'little frog giant' that wanted to devour him as a snack, Abel, who seemed unable to evade in mid-air, made a single move.

He swung his blade!

Both in the air, neither could escape.

It was a matter of who would die first!

In the next moment, a brilliant, multicolored aurora of sword energy instantaneously shot out, slicing the attacker into four pieces from a distance!

This amazing, unprecedented flying slash almost left Eren and Mikasa, who hadn't seen much of the world, stunned!

"What... What was that just now?"

"I don't know."

Faced with Eren's query, Mikasa could only shake her head in confusion.

Although they didn't understand, they were deeply shocked!

Of course, Abel didn't know or care about the awe he had just inspired with his Asura Aurora Slash.

After all, he was just there to complete his task and leave. Whatever happened in this world afterward was none of his concern.

At this point, Abel could accept orders from this world again in the future. However, considering that now would be premature; who knows how long that would take?


Upon landing, Abel dispatched the "Frog Titan" with another swift strike.

This peculiar Titan happened to be the last of its kind in sight. Yet, far off, there were sporadic Titans still entering through the hole beneath the colossal wall. Despite his considerable efforts, he had only managed to exterminate the Titans that had previously breached the wall.

Abel had initially intended to quickly kill off all the Titans within the wall, completing the most basic order, and then fearlessly confront the Colossal Titan. But, the situation proved his presumptions to be far too optimistic.

If the damaged wall isn't sealed, the Titans would continuously infiltrate, impossible to exterminate entirely. Attempting to mend the wall undoubtedly means directly dealing with the obstruction of the Colossal Titan, attacks from all the mindless Titans around, and potentially venturing outside the wall. Moreover, how to seal the breach remained an issue.

Instinctively, Abel glanced at Eren.

Eren was now catching his breath, seizing every moment to rest. Merely keeping up with Abel's combat rhythm had pushed him and Mikasa to their limits.

"No, I can't rely on him. Regardless of whether he can transform into the Attack Titan, it doesn't concern me."

"If I don't accomplish the order through my efforts, it's clear as day how low the subsequent evaluations would be!"

"There's only one solution left."

Abel, observing the nearly cleared wall interior, suddenly turned towards Eren and Mikasa, "This is it. I'm going to deal with the big one over there. You don't need to follow me any further. You can leave."

"I want to go with you too!"

"No, it's too dangerous, Eren."

Eren, having been completely won over by Abel's overwhelming strength and charisma, was firm in his stance without a moment's hesitation. However, he was promptly dissuaded by Mikasa.

Yet, at this moment, Eren was deaf to any reason.

"For this day, I have waited a full five years! Five years! Do you know how I've managed to endure these five years?"

Tears welled up in Eren's eyes.

Hearing this, Mikasa fell silent and then slowly nodded, "I understand. I'll go with you."

Seeing their determined looks, Abel felt overwhelmed, as if he had been forced to eat a whole meal of sappy sentimentality.

Abel rolled his eyes and said immediately, "You can go wherever you want and do whatever you want; it's your freedom, and I won't interfere. But let me warn you, if anyone hinders me, I won't hesitate to cut them down."

The small trace of murderous intent he let slip at the end sent shivers down Eren and Mikasa's spines. It felt as though their souls were plunged into an icy pit.

Clearly, Abel was not joking.

By the time they collected themselves, Abel had disappeared.

"Let's go! We must go today!" Eren gritted his teeth and headed straight towards the colossal titan.

With a sigh, Mikasa could only follow.

She prayed that the upcoming battle would go smoothly, and that no unforeseen circumstances would arise.

Previously, Mikasa was astounded by Abel's impressive strength. Now, she found herself hoping that he could become even more powerful—the stronger, the better.

Otherwise, she couldn't imagine what rash actions Eren might take to kill the colossal titan.

She wasn't sure if she could stop him in time.

Meanwhile, Levi and his squad approached the hole in the wall created by the titans.

"Everyone, engage at will! We must stop all the titans here; we cannot let a single one pass!"

"Yes, sir!"

In order not to abandon the town they had fought so hard to regain, the soldiers chose to bring the battle to this dangerous location—a battle to the death.