
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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376 Chs

Chapter 115

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The day after Abel completed the evolution of the talent "Heart of a Wight", he summoned the system in high spirits.

[Begin searching for a Wish Order?]

[Current Search Attempts: 1 (Free)]


[Commencing search for Wish Order. Search complete!]

[One Intermediate Wish Order obtained.]

[Order Description: The Wall of Rose has been broken by a suddenly appearing colossal titan. I don't want to be eaten, God, please save us!]

[Order Contents: 1. Kill all titans that have entered within the wall. 2. Kill the colossal titan (optional).]

[Base Order Reward: 2,000 trading points.]

[Optional Reward: A bottle of the Colossal Titan's spinal cord concentrate (Available upon completing optional order content).]

[Remaining Time to Accept Order: 4 minutes 59 seconds.]

[Note: Upon successful acceptance of such a Wish Order, an energy projection of the host body will be automatically generated and immediately sent to the order world.]


"What does this mean? Energy projection?"

Abel was initially confused about how to fulfill such an order, and then he saw the final note.

He had some guesses in his mind, but he was not entirely sure!

If it's really as he suspected, then that's insanely cool!

"So, it's the world of the Titans. It's quite dangerous, but with my current strength, I should have no problem dealing with ordinary Titans. But to kill the 'Colossal Titan', it's hard to say. I'll have to see the specifics at the time."

"Regardless, let's accept it first and see! This new form of Wish Order is the first time I've encountered it. I must give it a try."

The next moment, he chose to accept it directly.

Suddenly, Abel felt as if his consciousness was momentarily dazed.

When he regained his senses, he found screams, shouts, and the sounds of collapsing buildings everywhere around him.

The thick smell of blood seemed to be drilling into his nostrils.

He could also feel noticeable vibrations coming from the ground.

Abel immediately widened his eyes, looking at everything around him, revealing an incredulous expression.

"Did I just teleport directly to another world?"

He didn't blame himself for having such a sudden thought. If anyone found themselves inexplicably transported to a completely unfamiliar place after a blink, surrounded by ordinary people fleeing for their lives and chased by grotesque giants enjoying their meal, they would definitely question if they had truly traveled to a different world.

While Abel stood frozen in place, a pure giant that looked like a comedic artist from the Basin Country and was approximately 5-6 meters tall seemed to have noticed him. It wobbled towards him, extending a hand to grab him, ready to try a new flavor.

Abel, of course, noticed this thing immediately. He instinctively reached behind to wield his "Ghost Pill" to deal with the adversary.

But he grasped at nothing, his back was bare - void of anything!

Abel paused, quickly examining himself, realizing that the body was still his, but the clothing and everything had changed to a style similar to that of the fleeing people around him.

Since even his clothes weren't what he originally wore, it was natural that he didn't bring any weapons either.

At this moment, the hand of the pure giant was about to grab him.


At the crucial moment, a silhouette swung swiftly from the air, her blade slicing through the nape of the pure giant's neck.

"This place is dangerous, hurry and take refuge!"

A woman deftly landed on the ground, turned her head, and shouted loudly at Abel, then in the next moment, activated her three-dimensional maneuver gear and whisked away.

The whole process was so swift and decisive that it didn't even give Abel a chance to interject.

After all, with so many giants pouring into the walls, instead of saving people quickly, should they stay and chat?

Watching her swift departure, Abel remained calm, saying nothing.

At this moment, he finally calmed down and began to review the system prompts he initially overlooked.

[Initiating location. Location successful.]

[Commencing energy projection. Energy projection successful.]

[Please unfold the details yourself.]

Abel immediately opened it to inspect, the content inside would answer all his doubts.

[1. The current body is an energy projection generated based on the host's physical fitness and talent, with a 100% restoration rate and has automatically implanted the current world language pack.]

[2. The host can perfectly control this body for free activities through his own consciousness, while the host's main body enters a deep sleep state.]

[3. Different worlds have different flow rates of time.]

[4. Any items cannot be brought into or taken out of the current world.]

[5. When the order is completed, the order time returns to zero, or when the body in this world dies, the energy projection will dissipate on its own, the consciousness will return to the host's main body, and the entire process will not cause any form of harm to the host.]

[6. The final interpretation right belongs to the system.]


After reading through carefully, a look of realization flashed in Abel's eyes.

So it wasn't another dimension jump, but a consciousness jump.

But that wasn't quite right either.

His body still lay in the world of One Piece, but his consciousness was in another world, controlling another projection of himself.

Thinking carefully, he realized that this situation resembled something... a VR game!

No, more precisely, it was like playing a virtual reality game from a novel.

But he couldn't customize the character. The game character was directly scanned from his real body, and even his talents were brought in.

"No wonder all my weapons are gone, and my clothes have changed too."

Abel suddenly became a little excited.

Because this mode of the wish order was even more fun than before!

Before, at most, he traded some items, but now he could 'personally' adventure in other worlds in another form, without any danger.

The only thing he had to be careful about was to ensure his sleeping body was kept in a safe place while 'playing the virtual game.'

And he must not become obsessed with the world of the order!

Because of the problem of time flow speed!

So he had to complete the wish order as quickly as possible, then leave in haste, and let his consciousness return to reality. This would be the safest approach.

Even in some extreme cases, he could use 'suicide' to forcefully return himself.

After all, the main body was the most important thing, and if the wish order failed, there would be opportunities to make up for it in the future.

"Well then, now... let the game begin!"

Abel went against the crowd fleeing in panic, and actively approached those oddly shaped giants.