
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

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376 Chs

Chapter 10

After these two uses, Abel had realized that the battery life of his strength-enhancing shoes was enough for only one maximum power kick, or three normal power kicks.

He had just used the lowest power setting and exhausted the battery after three kicks.

He had originally planned to deal with three of the men first. However, due to a mistake, there had been a slight mishap.

"It seems like I'll need to practice my aim more in the future, and also start training with my left foot."

With this in mind, Abel quickly charged towards the remaining two men.

When he was about 5 or 6 meters away, a small stone lay quietly on the ground. Abel immediately lifted his foot, pretending to kick!

The motion immediately scared the remaining two homeless men.

After all, they had just witnessed the horrible state of their companions.

None of them wanted to be the next one.

So, they scurried to the side to avoid the anticipated kick.

And that's exactly the reaction Abel wanted!

After the feint, he finally closed in on one of them. Using his momentum, he leapt into the air.

With a terrified look in his opponent's eyes, he executed a flying kick with his left foot, hitting the man right in the stomach.

Full power kick!


The homeless man who was struck in the stomach immediately clutched his belly in pain and slumped to the ground.

Then, he opened his mouth and started to vomit violently!

He probably regurgitated even the food he'd eaten two days ago.

"If you don't want to end up like them, get lost!"

Upon landing, Abel gave a deadly glare, which frightened the last of the homeless men into turning tail and fleeing.

Seeing this, Abel finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This was because his strength-enhancing shoes were entirely out of power at this point. If the man hadn't run, he would have had to consider using his 'Banana Grenades' as a last resort.

However, using a bomb would certainly cause a significant disturbance and attract attention - consequences that were beyond his control.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario didn't occur.

To avoid the possibility of the fleeing man returning quickly with reinforcements, Abel promptly hoisted the unconscious Law on his back and bolted.

Sometime during their escape, the coarse cloth Law had used to cover his face had fallen off.

As they ran past the long-haired homeless man who had been knocked to the ground at the start, the man was glaring at them with resentment.

Abel noticed this, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this incident was far from over, but he didn't slow down because of it.

A little while later, the homeless man who had escaped indeed returned with a few others.

"Trash! You let a kid take care of you all, even scared one off, you're all trash!"

A bald homeless man with a fierce face began to curse angrily as he saw people fleeing.

The men hung their heads in shame, looking pitiful and feeling incredibly frustrated.

However, the long-haired homeless man who was just regaining his strength suddenly spoke up, "There's something off about those two kids."

"What's off about them? You think they haven't embarrassed you enough?!"

The bald homeless man thought the other was making excuses for his failure and immediately scoffed at him.

Though the long-haired man's face looked terrible being scolded, he insisted, "The kid wearing the hat has white spots on his face. I suspect they might be... survivors who escaped from Flevance."

"What did you say?!"

The bald homeless man was instantly shocked by this statement.

Everyone else also looked utterly astonished and frightened.

After all, due to the World Government's intentional propaganda, the Amber Lead syndrome was known as an extremely horrifying and incurable contagious disease.

And it was precisely because of this reason that several neighboring countries had banded together to annihilate Flevance when they attempted to resist.

Upon hearing such a possibility, they were naturally worried and scared.

"There's no mistake, I've seen people with that disease before. Their skin is exactly like that little devil's," the long-haired homeless man said, growing more uneasy. Even if it turned out that he was mistaken, it didn't matter. He wanted those two kids dead!

So, the more serious the situation sounded, the better. He believed the ambitious bald homeless man wouldn't let such an opportunity slip away.

"What should we do, boss? I... I touched that kid with the hat earlier, could I be infected?"

"Get away from me! Keep your distance!"

"Boss, we should leave this place right away, I... I suddenly feel a bit unwell."

"What are you talking about? A bunch of idiots!"

The bald homeless man looked quite displeased at first, but then he began to laugh maliciously as if he had thought of something.

"Listen up, all of you! Those two kids are indeed, they must be remnants who escaped from Flevance!"

Seeing the perplexed expressions on his comrades, the bald homeless man could only curse under his breath and explain.

"It's clearly a premeditated... terrorist attack! Those guys who escaped from Flevance are trying to take revenge on the country that annihilated them, trying to spread a terrible disease here, and those two kids are part of it."

"But! We, we've uncovered the plot of those people from Flevance, and we've discovered these two kids carrying the infectious disease in advance."

"What do you think the city mayor would reward us with under such circumstances? Money? Houses? Women? Or everything we could ever want?!"

"The opportunity to change our destiny is right in front of us, are you going to back away?!"

The bald homeless man's words were incredibly persuasive. Those who had looked terrified just a moment ago were now showing greedy and excited expressions.

Compared to the intangible and elusive disease, a 'bright future' was clearly more tempting.

Plus, everyone tends to believe they will be the lucky ones. This disease isn't 100% contagious, otherwise, the soldiers who went to annihilate Flevance would have been the first to be infected.

Of course, from now on, they should try to minimize contact with those two kids as much as possible.

Thus, the bald homeless man immediately gave orders, "You two, go and fetch Captain Jess. If necessary, reveal some 'information', but be careful not to leak anything in advance."


"Don't worry, boss!"

Captain Jess was the local security captain, the highest-ranking official they usually had access to.

After all, with their low social status, even if a great opportunity was presented in front of them, they had to have the capacity to take it.

So instead of biting off more than they could chew, they might as well curry favor where it's due.

This way, when the big shots enjoyed their feast, they could at least savor the broth.

The bald homeless man's mindset was indeed clear, knowing how to take advantage of the situation without being overly greedy.

As for the long-haired homeless man who instigated this whole thing, he also got excited. Initially, he just wanted to spread the news to endanger those two kids without thinking much further.