
Chapter 37

[4 days later]

We arrived at Jaya.

We docked the ship at Mock Town. It's the only town on this island.

"What should we do, Captain?" asked Robert

"I don't care, just make sure that someone guards the ship."

He nodded.

I jumped off the ship, and everyone around was looking my way.

"Keep looking, and I'll gouge your eyes out."

Everyone quickly looked away.

On this island, bounties are everything. If you have a 20 million berry bounty, you'll be greatly respected, like Bellamy, who has a 55 million berry bounty. He practically runs this town. But I guess now that I'm in town, he'll have to bow down to me.

I walked around town and entered a pub called Pub and Pies.

It was pretty lively when I was outside the pub, but everyone immediately shut up when I walked in.

I walked up to the bar and sat down.

The bartender is a rather round man with tanned skin. His black hair is shaved on the top, but long in the back. He has a round nose and a large black mustache that covers his mouth. He wears a short-sleeved white shirt and an orange bandana on his forehead. He has red tattoos with wavy and curled designs on both his upper arms.

(An: Poor Robert. A side character who we will only see this chapter gets more information about him than Robert. But let me give you a short description of how Robert looks. Sixteen years old with black hair and black eyes. How funny that that is how almost half of Asia looks like that. Btw I love Asia.)

"Give me your specialty."

"Coming right up."

After a little bit, he served me a drink and some food. I immediately started eating.

'I wonder when that bird is going to show up.'

"Hey, old man. Is there anything interesting to do on this island?"

"There is a hotel and a gambling place here, but that's it."

"I see. How boring."

Someone walked in and suddenly came and sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"My name is Bellamy, and I work under Donquixote Doflamingo."

I slapped his arm from my shoulder and went back to eating.

"How dare you! Do you really think that you're better than Doflamingo!?"

"When did I say that?"

"I told you that I work under Donquixote Doflamingo, and you ignored me!"

"Just because you work for him doesn't mean anything. If you aren't on his main crew, he won't care about you."

"You bastard! I will tell him that you disrespected him, and then he'll show you!"

I suddenly sensed something on the pub's roof.

I stood up.

"Put my bill on his tab."

"You bastard!"


I smashed his head through the bar table, splitting it in half.

"And that too."

I disappeared and appeared on the roof.

I stood face to face with the owner of the World Economy News Paper and one of the emperors of the Underworld, Big News Morgans.

"Yo, Morgans."

"Hello, Ken."

"So where do you want to finish the transaction."

"Follow me."

He disappeared, and I followed him.

After a little bit, we arrived in a hotel room. I sat down on the bed.

"Did you manage to secure the wood?"

"Do you even know who you're talking to?"

"Nah, I honestly couldn't say who you are."

"You're a funny guy, but let's start our business. I presume that you're going to make your ship at Water 7."

I nodded.

"I'll send it to Iceberg, and you can finish the transaction with him. He is the mayor of Water 7."

"That makes things easier. So have you found out who sent it?"

He smiled.

"To think you would have pissed off that kind of person."

"So it was Charlos."


"Sigh. I should have known."

I threw him a Den Den Mushi.

"Alright, our transaction is finished. I hope to do more business with you in the future."

I stood up and was about to leave.

"Not so fast."


"I still need to watch the video and see if it was worth coming here."

"Oh yeah, almost forgot."

He took out a different Den Den Mushi and connected the two. A projection came out of his Den Den Mushi.

After he watched the video, he had a huge smile on his face.

"Hahaha, this is going to be so fun! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. Hahaha!"

"It seems like you're satisfied."

"I'm more than satisfied."

He gave me a note.

"This is my personal number. You were just lucky that you were able to reach me with the number you have."

"Thank you. I would have given you my number too if I didn't know that you would sell it the next second."

"Hahaha, you're a smart guy. May we meet again in the future."


He disappeared.

'It seems like I know who's name I'm going to write in my Death Note.'

I disappeared from the hotel room.

'What should I do now? I guess I'll have some fun at the Tropical Hotel that Bellamy has taken over.'

(An: I don't know when Bellamy came to Jaya, so just act like he was already here three years before Luffy started his journey.)

After a little bit, I arrived at the hotel. I walked in, and after the owner saw me, he fell on his butt.

"W… w… what c… can I help you with, sir."

"I need this whole hotel for my crew and me."

"B… but sir."

"I already smashed Bellamy's head in, so if you don't want to be next, tell everyone to f*ck of."

"Right away, sir!"

He ran away into the hotel.

I called my crew.

"Yo, guys. I reserved a tropical hotel for us, so come here."

"What about me? I'm guarding the ship." said Robert.

"Hm... Wait, can't you just put the ship into your storage."


"To think that you haven't thought about that."


He hung up.

"Hahaha, poor Robert. Well, I'll see you guys here."

I put the Den Den Mushi away when I saw a group of people coming down the hallway angrily.

When they saw me, they immediately shut up.

"It's really him." said one of them

The owner quickly ran up to me.

"The hotel is now entirely empty. Please go ahead and choose whichever room you like."

I walked passed Bellamy's crew and into the hallway. I looked for the biggest room and laid down on the bed.


Isn't this the part where I should make a beach episode in the next chapter? Not like I'm going to do it, but I was just thinking about it, so I wrote it down.

[If we reach a 1000 power stones, I'll pull the super-secret Konoha technique on Kaido. :) ]

Random Facts:

This chapter was boring. But it's pretty hard to make every chapter interesting, so I hope that you guys can forgive me.

Whitebeard is the only Devil Fruit user that doesn't name his attacks.