
Chapter 133

[3rd Person P.O.V.]

Jiyū Island]

"Damn, so that's why he was in such a hurry. Who would have guessed that they were brothers with that kid." said Speed Jiru

"Even though he has been such an ass to me, I can at least respect him trying to rescue his little brother." said Marco

"I wonder if they can actually do it." said Whitebeard

"But they're clearly winning." said Vista

"They've only beaten small fry. The Vice-Admirals and the Admirals haven't moved much. When they start a full-blown attack, I wonder who'll truly come out on top."

"Well, that's true. But I guess we should still root for them since they gave us free booze." said Marco

Everyone nodded and started cheering for them with booze in their hands.

On top of the palace's balcony was standing a woman with beautiful blue hair that had a worried look on her face as she looked at the war.

"Please make it back home safely, everyone." said Celine

[Ken P.O.V.]

The marines started to get their bearings back and started shooting back with their guns and cannons. Except for a couple of Kuja Pirates that got hurt, nothing happened on our side. I looked at the giants, who looked like they were about to jump into battle at any second.

"The left side of Marineford has about 50 thousand marines. Turn that into 0."

"Yes, sir!" x13

They all immediately jumped off their ship and jumped onto the left side of the plaza. The marines looked at the giants with horror in their eyes. Some of the marines even dropped their weapons, but my guys and girls aren't that nice. Brogy immediately cut that guy in half.

I looked at Sengoku and saw him send the eight giants of the Giant Squad towards my giants. Two of which are Vice-Admirals, so I'm sure that Dorry and Brogy will have a lot of fun.

"CLANG!"[SFX: Weapon hitting weapon]

I looked behind me and saw Sabo blocking an attack from a beautiful lady with dark blue hair and a giant broadsword that was almost as big as her. And she is just as tall as all the Admirals.

"Wow, that was close. Thank you, Sabo."

"Don't worry about it."

"Ey cutie, didn't you know that hitting it from the back is a men's job?" I said while winking at her

She turned red, but not from embarrassment. All I could feel was pure hatred.

"She is Haia, the new Admiral." said Robin

"Oh, I knew that she looked familiar. Ey Sabo, get rid of her already."

"Don't get arroga-"

Before she got time to finish her sentence, she received a kick on her arm, making the hold on her sword loosen, which gave Sabo the chance to push her arm to the side with his spear. He then kicked her right on her chin, sending her flying into the air. He jumped after her, and with one last kick, he sent her flying back to her seat. But she managed to land without crashing.

"See, that's how you take out an Admiral, Ace." said Sabo

"Shut up! She is just a newbie. The red doggy has been doing this for years." said Ace

"To me, it just sounds like you're making excuses."

"I'm just stating facts!"

"Facts that don't matter!"

"You wanna go!"

"The first one to take out an Admiral wins. The loser has to do what the winner says for 1 day." said Sabo


They immediately disappeared from their place and went straight for Akainu and Haia.

"These idiots. I thought that I taught them better than that. Robin."

She nodded and crossed her arms.

"Dos Fleur: Clutch."

Arms suddenly sprouted on Ace and Sabo's body, and you could hear loud cracks right afterward. They fell out of the air and in the middle of all the marine soldiers. The marine looked confused at first, but then they immediately started attacking them.

"Robin, Van Augur, Perona, you guys will stay on the ship and use your long-range abilities to attack. Mura, Wolf, the two of you will stay on standby. And the rest of you will be going straight into battle. We will begin our attack once Deuce sends a lightning bolt at the platform and Admirals. Since Luffy is made out of rubber, he won't be affected by lightning at all."

Everyone nodded and got into position. I looked at Sengoku and smirked.


"200 Million Volt Lightning Strike!"

A light appeared, and in a split second, the execution platform and Admirals got enveloped in lightning. A massive explosion followed right afterward. My crew didn't waste a second and immediately jumped onto the plaza and started fighting.

A shadow portal suddenly appeared beside me, and a wild Luffy appeared! His cuffs were gone. He looked around confused and then when he saw me, he immediately jumped up and hugged me.

"I've missed you so much, Ken!"

"Hahaha, I missed you too. Now calm down, Luffy, we're still in enemy territory."

He let me go and looked at me with awe.

"You guys are so cool! Especially that huge ball of fire that Ace made! It was so cool! But why did you attack me with lightning!? I was about to die!"

"Since you're made out of rubber, it won't hurt you at all."

"Wow, really!? I'm also really cool then!"

I nodded with a smile and looked at where the execution platform was. As the dust started to clear, I could feel a lot of killing intent. Even Aokiji was pissed.

"KEEEEEN!" screamed Sengoku

I looked back at Wolf and threw Luffy at him. He caught him, and they both looked at me, confused.

"Wolf, I trust you with his safety. Don't let him run away, and keep him safe."

Wolf nodded.

"Wait! Where are you going!? I want to help too!" screamed Luffy

"I'm sorry, Luffy, but you're too weak. Just stay there. Wolf, if he dares to run away, you can use force."

He kept screaming for Wolf to let him down, but I just ignored him, and I looked at the battlefield. It has become total chaos. All the Vice-Admirals and Admirals have gone into battle, except for Garp and Sengoku. Garp looked at me with a relieved expression while Sengoku looked at me like I just massacred his whole family. I looked at them with a smile when Laffitte and Robert suddenly appeared beside me.

"Good work, you two."

"It was nothing, Captain. But shouldn't we retreat? We already achieved our objective." said Laffitte

"Not yet. I had two objectives for coming here. Well, technically three. Getting Luffy back, killing Sengoku, and taking our spy back."

"Huh!? You're actually going to go head to head with the Fleet Admiral!?" asked Robert while looking shocked

"He's just a weak old man now. I don't know if I would be able to beat him in his prime, but I'm certain that I can at least take his arms."

"Do you need any help, Captain?" asked Laffitte

"Nah, you two just stay here and help protect Luffy. Robert, get ready to retreat at any time."

He nodded.


I looked at the battlefield and saw two people having a casual chat.

'Hahaha! I told you to beat him up, not to become his friend. Well, whatever, I'll just trust that you can hold him off long enough for me to get my trophy, Tani.'


[Ey guys, can you leave nice comments on my chapters. It makes me happy. Thanks in advance :) ]

Facts & Quotes:

- Scotland has 421 words for "snow"

- Peanuts aren't technically nuts

- There were active volcanoes on the moon when dinosaurs were alive


"You're thinking in Japanese! If you must think, do it in German!"

- Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion)

"Listen up numbskull, if Kasumi isn't back by dinnertime, we're gonna have to eat Akane's cooking, and if we do that, man oh man we're gonna wish we were lost at sea! "

- Ranma (Ranma 1/2)

"And to think, I could kill every man, woman, and child here in the blink of an eye if I wanted to. The power of death is intoxicating"

- Legato (Trigun)