
One Piece: Family

Atlas, reborn as son of whitebeard. Greedy pirates, their eyes gleaming with avarice, set their sights on Whitebeard. From the Marines, cloaked in righteousness, to Emperors. Whitebeard, the mountain who shields his own, roars a challenge. "Touch a single hair on my family,," his booming voice echoes, "and you face the fury of Whitebeard himself!" Everyone wants to take down the strongest man. And to protect his father, Atlas is ready to fill the sea with blood. I have many more chapter on my Patreon: patreon.com/astheezero

Zero_Asthee · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


The humid jungle air clung to Atlas like a damp shroud. Mosquitoes whined a hungry serenade as he pushed deeper, shadows lengthening between the ancient trees. Marco's warning echoed in his head: "Return by night." Atlas grunted, a low, humorless sound. Night fell fast in these parts, and he wasn't getting anywhere fast.

"Worthless jungle," he muttered, scanning the dense foliage. "If I could just find something, anything."

Then, pink. A swirling wave of it, sugary sweet and smelling vaguely of childhood nightmares. It slammed into him, sticky and suffocating. Atlas thrashed, but the candy-colored prison held him fast, squeezing the air from his lungs. He slammed onto a gnarled branch, the impact knocking the wind out of him.

"Enjoying the view?"

The voice, smooth and laced with amusement, sent a shiver down Atlas' spine. Perospero, Big Mom's eldest, emerged from the trees, his long, twisted tongue snaking out to lick his lips. Behind him, Katakuri loomed, silent and ominous as a storm cloud.

"Took your time," Atlas rasped, the candy constricting his chest.

"Just ensuring your...integrity," Perospero purred. "Now, enlighten us. Son of Whitebeard, are you? Blood or Bond?"

Atlas met his gaze, unwavering. "Blood obviously like I had told you. As for proof, do DNA or something,"

"Bold words," Perospero chuckled, the sound like ice crunching underfoot. "And your mother? Where does she fit in this little narrative?"

A knot tightened in Atlas' gut. He hadn't anticipated this angle. "Ask my father, He never told me and I never cared,"

The tension hung heavy as Katakuri's voice cut through the silence. "And why are you betraying them?" His words were laced with suspicion, echoing Perospero's earlier doubt.

Atlas stared back, his gaze unwavering. "Betraying?" He scoffed, a humorless chuckle escaping his lips. "I'm not playing sides. I want Blackbeard dead. And you," he gestured towards Katakuri, "you want the Whitebeard bloodline. Seems like a win-win."

Perospero scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Win-win for you, perhaps. Blackbeard is a nobody, barely worth the effort."

Atlas's jaw clenched. "For my father," he said, his voice low and guttural. "That's enough."

His statement hung heavy in the air, its simplicity disarming them. Katakuri and Perospero shared a glance, both searching for some hidden motive, some ulterior agenda. But they found none. There was only a burning intensity in Atlas's eyes, a conviction that defied logic.

Finally, Katakuri nodded curtly. "Whatever. Tell us your plan. Then get out of our sight."

The candy prison dissolved, releasing Atlas with a sigh of relief. He stretched his stiff muscles, wincing at the sting of cuts and scrapes.

"Blackbeard's strange," he began, pacing restlessly. "He tears through islands, scrounging for Devil Fruits. Found a few, but nothing impressive."

"And?" Perospero raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with impatience.

"If there's a village nearby," Atlas said, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint. "Blackbeard always goes there first. That's where you'll find him."

Without another word, Katakuri turned and headed towards the village, his dark form disappearing into the jungle's depths. Perospero lingered, his eyes narrowed on Atlas.

"Tell me the truth," he hissed, his voice barely a whisper. "Why betray Whitebeard?"

Atlas met his gaze, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "I'm doing it for his own good," he replied, his voice cryptic. 


Blackbeard lumbered through the dusty village, sweat dripping from his beard like the condensed essence of greed. His eyes, like glinting obsidian marbles, darted from hut to hut, searching, sifting, always searching. Today's bounty: Devil Fruits. Not just any, though – his rumbling gut craved power, something legendary, world-altering.

He stopped before a wizened crone bent over a steaming pot. "Granny," he boomed, his voice molasses-thick, "heard there's been...unusual fruit sprouting lately?"

The crone cackled, her single tooth glinting. "Aye, lad. Durian the size of melons, mangoes that glow like fireflies."

Blackbeard grunted, disappointment heavy in his chest. Useless trinkets. "Nothing...powerful?"

The crone's cackle died mid-air. Her gaze, sharp as a hawk's, narrowed on him. "Powerful, you say? Why, just the other day, youngin' found a fruit unlike any I've seen. Black as night, swirled with gold."

Blackbeard's heart lurched. "Where?! Who has it?"

The crone cackled again, a high-pitched screech that sent shivers down his spine. "That'll cost you, lad. A pretty penny and a favor for an old woman."

He tossed her a pouch of gold, heavier than it should be. "Speak, you hag!"

The crone pointed a bony finger towards a small hut on the village outskirts. "Little Timmy, bless his soul. But be warned, lad. Fruit ain't meant for the likes of you."

Blackbeard chuckled, a dark, rumbling sound. "We shall see about that." He lumbered towards the hut, anticipation coiling in his gut. A powerful Devil Fruit within his grasp – the world would tremble before him!

He found Timmy, a skinny boy with wide, fearful eyes, clutching the strange fruit. Blackbeard feigned a gentle smile, his voice dripping with honeyed promises. "Lost, little one? Let me help you find your parents."

Timmy, innocent and trusting, followed him away from the village. Blackbeard's smile vanished, replaced by a predatory grin. He snatched the fruit, its darkness radiating an ominous power.

Then at close inspection, It was not the fruit he was looking for. Still he slid it into his pockets. Some of the crewmates appeared in the scene that annoyed him, and he prepared to leave. Still disappointed.

Dust swirled around Blackbeard's boots as he spat curses, saliva dripping from his beard. 

"Looking for something, Teach?"

Blackbeard whipped around, his dark eyes locking onto Atlas. Beside him stood Perospero, the candy pirate, a smirk etched on his face. And Katakuri just stared with lack of interest. The air itself seemed to crackle with suppressed tension.

Before Blackbeard could react, Atlas spoke, his voice cold and unwavering. "He's the one," he declared, pointing towards the writhing Blackbeard. "Kill him."

Blackbeard roared with laughter, a sound that sent chills down even Perospero's spine. "You are betraying Whitebeard, Traitor!"

"I don't care about your words, Teach," Atlas sneered. "I know you never cared for our little family, so drop the act already."

Blackbeard's laughter died in his throat, replaced by a growl that resonated with his pain. His eyes darted between Katakuri and Perospero. But both men stood firm, their gazes unwavering.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted behind them. One of Whitebeard's crewmates, spotting Atlas, had raised the alarm. But before they could react, Perospero flicked his wrist, and the crewmate was encased in a swirling mass of pink candy, effectively silenced.

"Now, Teach," Atlas said, his voice laced with deadly calm, "you have a choice. Kill yourself or be killled" he trailed off, letting the unspoken threat hang heavy in the air.

Blackbeard chuckled, a dark, humorless sound. "Killed? By a traitor and a Big Mom lackey? Never!"

He lunged forward, taking our metallic claws on his arm, aiming for Atlas. But a wall of sticky candy materialized in his path, courtesy of Perospero. Blackbeard swore, flailing against the sweet prison, but he broke it in a single punch.

"Your arrogance blinds you, Teach," Atlas said, his voice dripping with amusement.