
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 80

The two walked in the dark while smoking a cigar in the dark.

From a distance, the figures of the two of them dragged out long shadows under the dim street lamp, and the fireworks of the cigars flickered and danced like star marks, sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

At this time, it was already dark, and there were not many pedestrians on the streets of the Marine Vanduo living area of ​​the Navy headquarters. Only occasionally saw the coming and going of the navy soldiers and guards responsible for patrolling and public order.

When they saw Kuzan and Adam Rice who were in a hurry, they were all stunned for a moment, then stopped to salute them, and then continued their patrol.

The two of them walked all the way towards the Office of the Fleet Admiral of the navy, but they maintained a certain tacit understanding and did not speak to each other.

In fact, Kuzan also knows that he may be doing Adam Rice this time - a big favor.

But as he said, he believed in Adam Rice's judgment, and more in Sakaski's.

Ice and fire are incompatible, and this sentence can no longer be used to describe the personalities between Kuzan and Sakaski.

One is cold outside and warm in heart, and the othere is hot outside and cold inside.

In addition, the two have different understandings of the concept of justice, so long ago, Kuzan and Sakazuki had a certain contradiction.

But as the saying goes—

The people who know you best are not your friends, but your opponents.

For Kuzan, that was the case with Sakazuki.

He knew very well the temperament of that guy whose expression was always gloomy and indifferent.

The eye is above the top,

Even now, such as Zephyr and the others, who have created naval glory and splendid naval legends, Sakazuki did not have the slightest reverence and respect for them in his heart.

Because in the eyes of that guy,

The storm of a new age is coming,

Although there is no clue yet, but Kuzan and the others all feel this point unanimously.

In this new era storm sweeping the world,

The center is the Navy's camp, the protagonist of the righteous force stage, has gradually changed.

Lieutenant General Garp, as always, is not keen on power and military affairs.

Although Sengoku was the appointed successor of the naval Fleet Admiral, the indecision and lack of sufficient deterrent force in Sengoku made it difficult for everyone in the navy to completely surrender.

The vacancy of the Admiral of the Navy, the redistribution of power...

All of this made Sakazuki begin to make arrangements for his future.

And Adam Rice behind him,

Perhaps it was a chess piece buried by Sakazuki.


Sakazuki couldn't have gone to the North Sea on purpose to take in a mere officer training camp freshman.

And most importantly,

Adam Rice and Sakazuki were old acquaintances, and they used to have a relationship between superiors and subordinates. When they were in Beihai, they had a good relationship.

So before this new era of the navy comes, Sakazuki must win the support of Adam Rice as he competes for the position of Admiral in the Navy Headquarters.

——Adam Rice has a higher voice than anyone in the military academy.

After seeing Adam Rice's debriefing report, all the Navy's senior management realized this.

This guy holds the monstrous power of the entire powerful North Sea Navy, and the major kingdoms in the North Sea are very supportive of him and are willing to endorse him politically.

Coupled with the huge financial resources in Adam Rice's hands...

Kuzan had plenty of reasons to believe that it might not be long before, let alone Sakazuki, even the lazy guy Polsalino who seemed to be indifferent to anything, would come to Adam Rice to show his affection.

But that's not why Kuzan has gotten so close to Adam Rice lately.

As a student of Zephyrs, Garp's adjutant.

Kuzan's view of justice is very similar to the above two.

He is not keen on power.

But not keen on power, does not mean he is not sensitive to politics.

Adam Rice is up for grabs.

Kuzan was willing to take that risk.

No matter what, Adam Rice must not completely fall to Sakazuki's side.

Otherwise, the justice of the entire navy would probably go in a direction that he could not bear.

Kuzan, who was walking in front of him, was brooding in his heart, and his thoughts were endless.

Adam Rice, who was walking behind, was quietly thinking about what method to use to obtain the best interests for himself within a few minutes of meeting with Fleet Admiral Kong and other high-ranking naval officers.

This war, which is called "magnificent" in later generations, will be called the "first war" after he came to Marine Ford in the naval headquarters.

If it is done step by step, a military academy student needs at least half a year to successfully graduate from the officer training camp and then enter the military system.

But Adam Rice didn't want to follow the steps.

Passively accepting the trend of history and rolling around under this mediocre historical trend is not his style of doing things.

What he wanted was to be proactive.

And now is the best chance.

He suddenly stopped.

Kuzan, who was walking in front, paused, turned to look at Adam Rice, and wondered:

"What's up?"

Adam Rice did not answer Kuzan's question for a while.

He just raised his head coldly.

Underfoot is a vast solid earth.

not far away,

It is the central military fortress that is huge and towering like a giant steel beast.

On the towering and heavy walls of the fortress, two large black characters are engraved with dragons and phoenixes, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression and heaviness.


Kong's office, here we come.

Looking at the solemn and majestic central military fortress in front of him, Adam Rice, who has always been determined, couldn't help but look dazed.

He remembered every step he had taken since he just crossed.

Bite to survive on the muddy sewage and muddy streets,

At the bottom of the army, which is hostile to each other and intriguing, there is a lot of forbearance,

He remembered the day he met Doflamingo,

At that time, the few dozen comrades in the same battle team were all killed.


And he is relying on the corpse of his comrade-in-arms as a cover,

Hundreds of civilians were "manslaughtered" by the explosives that detonated the mine before they were able to escape.

It's so humble and desolate...

And from that day on,

Adam Rice secretly made up his mind.


no matter what happens,

He couldn't even take a step back.

He will climb up step by step,

Climb to a height that all people look up to, fear and adore.

Domination of the North Sea is only the first step in his long plan.

And after completing the first step in that long life plan,

He finally came to the Marine Headquarters Marine Vandeau,

Came to the power center of the power of justice,

Receive the best military instruction in the world.

But this is far from enough,

The improvement of strength has to come step by step.

But this power is not.


Looking up at the place in front of me that represents the supreme authority of naval justice,

The corner of Adam Rice's mouth gradually outlined a crazy and unbridled smile, and Kuzan, who was watching, had a tingling scalp and a creepy feeling in his heart.

I saw Adam Rice slowly closing his eyes,

Arms stretched out wanton laterally,

The chest expands gradually,

Take a deep breath.

"Kuzan, I owe you a favor."

Adam Rice smiled.

Kuzan was stunned for a moment, just shook his head, but did not speak.

At this time, he didn't know how heavy the "owe him a favor" that Adam Rice said was.

Adam Rice quietly felt everything around him.

The air was cold, with the salty smell of the sea breeze.

The city walls were dull black, and the smell of various paints and gunpowder could be heard from the forts and bunker not far away.

But for Adam Rice, he smelled something else.

That's the smell of power.

The smile on the corner of his mouth became more wanton, and he slowly opened his eyes.

He finally turned his head and glanced deeply towards a certain direction of the distant sea, as if saying goodbye.

That is the direction of the North Sea.


He puffed out his chest, strode forward, and walked towards the Marshal's Mansion.

There, an invisible, smokeless war awaits him.

Adam Rice didn't know if he would win.

But he felt the excitement that was almost boiling in his heart.


Kuzan stared blankly at the gate of the huge military fort after Adam Rice's figure gradually disappeared, and there was such an illusion.

That guy seemed to be swallowed by a silent dark beast.

Do not,

Not that he was devoured,

Rather, he was actively accepting it.

Kuzan sighed inexplicably, and gradually a thought of regret came into his mind.

He shook his head, his face was a little stiff and pale, and he followed quickly.
