
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 75


Deathly silence.

On the field of the huge navy academy, everyone stood there with a dull expression, with thousands of thoughts in their hearts.

The amount of information hidden in this job report is too huge!

As Gion's beautiful voice finished the detailed debriefing report, a magnificent picture was gradually drawn in the minds of everyone present.

A huge and majestic military building rose from the ground,

Countless North sea navies hold all kinds of sophisticated weapons,

There are many battleships, and flags cover the sky.

Countless pirates were brutally and ruthlessly suppressed, killed, and their heads fell. …

Their eyes fell on Adam Rice's body involuntarily.

That evil and charming man with an indifferent smile on his face is like a commander-in-chief who is strategizing and winning thousands of miles away,

Use an invisible big hand to control the sea that is no longer chaotic.

The debriefing reports from the major branches came to an end in this way.

Everyone is still immersed in the powerful ruling power of Adam Rice, the Admiral of the North Sea.

But soon, all the military academy trainees had to put everything behind them.

Because with the end of the debriefing report meeting, their training camp life officially began.

on the school field,

Zephyr bit the cigar in his mouth, looked at the respectful military navy in front of him with awe, a satisfied smile gradually appeared on his face.

The quality of this year's navy is really good.

Not only has a near-perfect genius like Adam Rice,

The overall quality has improved compared to previous years.

Momonga, moles, Doberman, Strawberry... These young and determined faces flashed in Zephyrs mind.

He can already imagine how much assistance this group of outstanding officers will bring to the force and cause of justice as they graduate from the training camp and step into the major systems of the Navy.

"Now we are officially entering a new chapter in your life. In this navy training camp, you will receive the most advanced navy education on this sea."

"As the chief instructor of all of you, this old man will teach you all of what the old man has learned in his life without reservation."

As soon as Zephyr opened his mouth, all the cadets were excited.

The former admiral of the Navy Headquarters "Black Arm" Zephyr's reputation is known all over the world, and he has cultivated characters known as "monsters" such as Sakazuki.

Being able to practice under his guidance is the greatest honor and opportunity for every navy!

Seeing the eagerness of the new recruits, Zephyr smiled and said:

"This is an actual combat class. The content we are going to teach first today may have been more or less guessed by you."

He didn't sell anything, and said directly:

"It's the most practical physical technique in our army - the Rokushiki."

The voice fell, and a wave of waves suddenly broke out among the military academy students.

"It's the Rokushiki!"


"I've been waiting for a long time!"


Zephyr took a deep puff on his cigar, two long puffs of smoke coming out of his nostrils.

"The Rokushiki is an extremely advanced physical technique in our navy."

"Only those who have surpassed the limits of human beings can use it, and they are extremely powerful."

"Specifically, the Rokushiki include geppo, tekai, Rankyaku, soro, shingan and kami- e which require extremely strict training and guidance of teacher"

"In addition to our Navy's use of Rokushiki , members of the CP department of the World Government will also practice. I believe you have heard of this."

Hearing Zephyr's words, Adam Rice and other navy nodded.

The CP department is good at cultivating killers and spy members. This includes the Rokushiki of high-speed movement skills, instant killing skills and large-area lethality tactics, which are very suitable for their occupations.

It is even rumored that in the CP department, there are some strong people who can even develop the six types of naval forces to a more advanced level, and even derive powerful killing moves similar to the mystery level.

Of course, these things are still too early for them now.

"Then the old man is not chatting, and now I will show you."

Saying that, Zefa picked up a steel plate with the thickness of the palm of his hand and weighed it.

"There are two offensive techniques, two defensive techniques, and two movement techniques in Rokushiki."

"As long as you successfully master the Rokushiki, both offensive and defensive capabilities can be improved in a qualitatively terrifying manner."

"Two of these offensive techniques include shingan and rankyaku, the two defensive techniques are tekai and kami-e, and the two movement techniques are soru and geppo."

"Next, open your eyes and watch carefully."

Zephyr smiled and threw the steel plate in his hand.

"Rankyaku, the most destructive of the six styles, uses ultra-high-speed and powerful kicks to roll up the vacuum to create a slash attack to attack the opponent, which can easily split the target in half."

While speaking, he suddenly kicked the steel plate flying in the sky.


Everyone only felt a gust of wind blowing towards their faces, and a sharp dark green air wave turned into a moon-shaped slash and shot from Zephyr's foot, whistling towards the steel plate in the sky at an astonishing speed.

Silently, the steel plate swirling in the sky was cut in half like tofu and began to fall toward the left and right sides.

"Then is the high-speed movement technique "soru". In an instant (0.36 seconds), the ground is stepped on the ground dozens of times at high speed to generate an explosive reaction force to move at a high speed. From the eyes of the enemy, it almost seems to disappear."

The first half of Zefa's sentence was still in front of his eyes, but the second half of the sentence sounded from the distance behind everyone.


Everyone couldn't see his movements at all, and suddenly turned their heads to look, only to see Zefa's figure appearing there like a ghost, and the speed was so fast that even the naked eye couldn't catch it.

"Next is the shingan. This is a technique that claims to have the power of a gun to fire bullets. Concentrate the power of the whole body on the index finger, and use the hardened finger to fire a blow between the electric light and flint. The fingertip has the attack power of a bullet and can easily penetrate human body."

I saw that Zefa's position just appeared at the drop point of one of the steel plate fragments, and slowly raised an index finger.

Stormy rain!

Klang clang clang! !

The steel plate that fell in mid-air seemed to be hit by a dense fire net all at once, trembling in mid-air, and tiny holes appeared on it.

Everyone saw the flesh go numb.

Immediately after, Zefa kicked the steel plate in front of him to shreds, turning it into sharp debris and splashing down.

"This is kami-e, one of the "Rokushiki" defensive skills, unloading the whole body strength, through the air flow changes generated by the opponent's movements, you can make the body become as thin as paper, you can control the body easily and freely, and face yourself. The attack can be evaded by a close call."


While talking, Zefa closed his eyes.

Fragments from the sky flew down, covering his figure.

But at this time, Ze Fa with his eyes closed, his body seemed to have turned into soft paper, like catkins fluttering in the wind, swaying constantly, actually avoiding all the countless ejected steel fragments!

Whoosh whoosh!

The ground was suddenly shot with a trail of crater-like traces.

"And then it's the 'geppo' application trick, soru."

"Step on the air with strong foot force to generate strong airborne force, you can walk in the air like stepping on stairs, but you can't stay in the air for too long. As long as you use this high-altitude movement technique, you can launch from the enemy's blind spot in the air. attack."

After Zefa finished speaking, under the shocking eyes of countless people, his footsteps stepped on the air, and he kept rising up into the sky.

He kicked the shard of another steel plate with one foot, and the figure disappeared in place.

next moment.

The shards of steel plates turned into sharp knives and roared in,

Zephyr's figure appeared there like a prophet.

"The last trick is tekai the defense skills in the Rokushiki."

"The strength of the body that has been intensively trained makes it have the hardness of iron. Even bullets and swords cannot break through."

Zephyr's body seemed to be agitated, and the muscles bulged piece by piece under the blood boiling.


The shard of the steel plate that was spinning at a high speed and fell enough to easily cut the human body apart, hit his body and made a sound of gold and iron colliding, and was bounced out.

After doing all this, Zephyr spit out a smoke ring and smiled at the navy who opened their eyes in front of him.

"Of course, I don't recommend you to use the tekai in actual combat."