
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 32

The flames of war raged for a long time.

At this moment,


A strange dull roar suddenly came from the distant sea.

The grim smile on Doflamingo's face slowly subsided, he turned around, and a strange cold light flashed under his sunglasses.

"It's finally here... This speed is really fast... Germa 66..."


The others also seemed to notice something and turned around one after another.

Trebol's pupils contracted slightly,

"A lot of battleships..."

Diamanti sneered and said:

"It has finally begun, the last battle of the Beihai underworld forces!"

Pika threw a unconscious figure on the ground in his hand, and said with a shrill smile:

"Wait until I unscrew their heads..."

on the distant sea,

The waves are unbridled, and the waves are overturned.



three ships,

Dozens of warships, densely piled on the sea, headed for the direction of Mignon Island mightily.

Even more terrifying,

Every battleship was made of pure concrete and steel, and it rushed forward with a very regular organization.

The black Germa flag, as well as the black flag representing the Vinsmoke family, flew high in the sky.


A scene that shocked countless people was staged.

At the distance of 100 meters away from Mignon Island, dozens of Germa 66 battleships suddenly made a dull creaking sound.

Violent vibrations emanated,

One steel warship after another,

Slowly stopped moving forward,

Then quickly approached and bordered on the central main battleship,

Quickly form a huge steel island!

"Sure enough, it's the same as the legend... The world government member countries without territory, their warships are their territory!"


Doflamingo sneered:

"It really opened my eyes."

A huge Vinsmoke family flag was slowly raised above the behemoth.

Looking at it,

The behemoth composed of dozens of warships is like a giant steel beast crawling on the sea, full of the breath of war.

"Doflamingo, your ambition is really big enough... You even got the idea of ​​Mignon Island..."

At this time, a deep man's voice came from the front end of the steel behemoth.

I saw a tall figure in a black cloak appear,

Stepping on shiny military boots, wearing a helmet, revealing long golden hair, and looking solemn.

He held a long gun in his hand.

Vinsmoke Judge!

Master of the House of Vinsmogg,

King of Germa 66 Kingdom!

At this time, Doflamingo also came to the edge of the ruined ruins of the dilapidated port, and said with a grim smile:

"Mignon Island is the largest commercial island and transportation island in the North Sea. With such a big piece of fat, you Germa 66 have occupied it for so long, so you have to share it with others, right?"

As he spoke,

The five Don Quixote family pirate ships docked around the port also quickly adjusted their direction, and a series of sophisticated heavy artillery still aimed at the towering steel battleship.

When Vinsmoke Gage saw the five pirate ships, a look of disdain appeared on his face, and he smiled sarcastically:

"So this is your confidence?"

"These five tattered pirate ships just want to fight against the Armada fleet of the kingdom of Germa?"

"Hahahahaha!! Are you too naive!"

Germa 66 has been in the North Sea for so many years, and it controls the commercial and trade center like Mignon Island.

Coupled with the benefits brought by the huge war missions received as a mercenary army, Vinsmoke Gage has long since raised the military combat effectiveness of his army to a level that even the navy and government have a headache!

Just in terms of the size of the weapons and fleet, his Germa 66 is definitely the strongest military organization in the North Sea!


When Doflamingo heard the words, he laughed even more arrogantly,

"Then let me tell you a truth today."

"War is not about who has more fleets, but who has more people!"

The voice fell,

His figure suddenly flew from the ground,

As if there was some invisible support,

The figure of Doflamingo actually galloped up in the sky like walking on a flat surface.

I saw him swinging wildly in the sky!


Several incomparably sharp air-breaking sounds exploded violently.

Vinsmoke Judge was stunned for a moment, but before he could react—

The bitter wind just brushed past him,

Immediately after,

a thin crack,

Slowly derived from his feet.

and then—


The steel warship beneath his feet shook violently,

In the horrified eyes of countless Germa 66 soldiers,

A crack that runs through the front and back...

are zooming rapidly in the "kingdom" under their feet.

"not good!"

"what is this!?"

"The warship was cut off?"


One after another panicked voice sounded in the crowd of Germa 66.

Vinsmoke Judge's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly ordered:

"Dissolve the union!"

"Let the whole army lean over to me!"


Boom! !

The gunfire burst out.

next moment,

Dozens of warships separated again, accelerated with all their strength, and slammed into the Don Quixote Pirates on Mignon Island with a majestic gesture!

The brutal war has officially broken out!