
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 128

Black smoke billowed and filled the mountains, like a dark curtain covering the sky and the sun, covering the rolling mountains.

Flames lingered on the ground, and the pitted ground was scorched black.

"It's really you...Adam kid...I didn't expect you to hide a fleet here."

A gloomy voice hoarse as if the throat had been scorched by charcoal fire came from the churning fire and black smoke.

That gnashing tone was permeated with the most eerie and extreme hatred and anger in the world.

The wind was blowing, and the drizzle swayed and washed everything.

Adam Rice narrowed his eyes.

behind him,

Kong Ming and the elites of the North sea Navy suddenly changed their expressions, staring vigilantly at the figure that was covered in black smoke.

Under such terrifying firepower coverage and bombardment, that fellow Golden Lion Shiki is still alive! ?

Is that human being?

Kong Ming made a tactical move, and the tens of thousands of navy soldiers behind him immediately took an offensive posture, raised their weapons, and aimed at the figure.

The black smoke finally dissipated.

The figure of the golden lion caught everyone's eyes.


The long golden hair that was scattered on the ground was scorched by a large piece, and the clothes on the upper body were completely burned, and the naked skin and muscles showed the horror of blood and flesh.

Countless bullet craters, scorched wounds, and eroded flesh spread all over his body.

But his eyes were crazy like never before, scarlet as if they were about to drip blood.

He stared at Adam, the hatred and killing intent in his eyes, like a sharp blade, to smash Adam Rice nto tens of thousands of pieces!

"However, do you think this will kill me the golden lion—々"—"


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

There was an astonishing impact from the throat,

As soon as the mouth is salty, the blood is suffocated and vomited out violently,

The golden lion's eyes almost bulged out, and what came into view was a cold and evil face.

"You talk too much."

Adam Rice's voice sounded faintly in his ears.

boom! !

A circle of air waves suddenly erupted,

The figure of the golden lion turned into a blood-stained kite with broken strings and flew out, its body turned into a blood-colored arc in mid-air, and the blood was scattered into the void.

Adam Rice's blow worked, he landed steadily, took a breath, and the pair of slender black wings on his back shook gently.

The figure was galloping away in the direction of the golden lion again!

The golden lion seems to be screaming, but in fact, it is delaying time, trying to forcefully use its muscles to force out the Hailou stone bullets in its body!

Among the guns and firearms brought by the Beihai Naval Corps this time, many of them are mixed with sea floor stones.

Adam Rice also hid the sea floor stone processing technology obtained from Germa 66, not only the processing technology of inlaying sea floor stone on the bottom of the warship.

It also includes Hailou stone bullet processing technology!

From the indiscriminate bombing just now, looking at the countless craters on the golden lion's body, Adam Les can be sure that there are definitely a lot of Hailou stone bullets hidden in the flesh and blood of that guy's body! !

That is,

The current golden lion is not only severely injured, but also unable to use its own Devil Fruit ability, and it is even very likely that even its strength and physical skills will be greatly weakened!

Hailoushi's ability to suppress devil fruit abilities, even a peak powerhouse of the level of a golden lion, is enough!

Adam Rice would not miss such an opportunity.

That kind of stupid behavior of talking nonsense and throwing garbage when you see that you have a slight advantage, the final outcome will only attract the other party's counterattack.

And Adam Rice must not be able to give the Golden Lion such an opportunity.

If he can't completely get rid of the golden lion this time, once he is escaped by this insidious and cunning guy, he will probably have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

"¨" Damn navy brat! It actually read through my mind! "

The golden lion vomited blood, and the figure kept hitting and rolling on the ground, scolding frantically in his heart.

Adam Rice was right, he really wanted to stall for time.

There are at least ten Hailou stone bullets embedded in his body, completely imprisoning his Devil Fruit ability drive.

Moreover, seaStone's natural restraint on those with Devil Fruit ability made the Golden Lion feel that his body was softening.


After a few tumbling and smashing his head into blood, the golden lion gritted his teeth and tried his best to swing a sword.


Buzz! !

The threatening sword energy hummed and roared, and even the surrounding air made a bang bang bang sound.

The golden arc of light rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes, wrapped in a terrifying edge.

Adam Rice gritted his teeth, and his wings shook behind him, avoiding the sword.

Whoa! !

The earth behind them suddenly parted,

The vast golden sword light shot directly into a warship behind, cutting the entire warship in half alive!

The warship sank, and the navy soldiers on the deck abandoned the ship and jumped into the sea in horror, as hungry as dumplings.
