
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 122


The icy wind, like a sword, kept tearing at the cheek of the golden lion.

The wound on his chest kept pouring out piercing pain, the sunken rib seemed to have ripped through his internal organs, and his face gradually turned pale.

The punch of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, known as the highest combat power of the world government, the Warring States of the Buddha, is not so pleasant.

Even the golden lion is quite reluctant to face a martial arts expert like the Sengoku once it is approached.

Thinking of everything he had lost in this war, Golden Lion's heart seemed to be dripping blood.

The invincible pirate fleet that he has worked hard to manage and recruit,

Against Roger's,

And the storm that shattered his ambitions,

And the encirclement and suppression of the final naval force...

The golden lion seemed to have a fire in his heart, and his anger could not stop overflowing.

He raised his hand to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, and just wanted to fly towards a certain island in the distance, but he seemed to have suddenly noticed something and frowned.

He turned his head and looked,

A young figure with an imposing manner, with the huge and slender jet-black wings vibrating behind it, came with a very fast speed, biting its tail tightly like a bone-encrusted maggot.

It's that bastard kid...Adam Rice!

The golden lion was slightly stunned, and raised his eyebrows.

Did he come after him?

Don't care too much, the golden lion subconsciously drives his fluttering fruit ability to speed up the flight.


Adam Rice's black hair was flying, and the black wings behind him stretched smoothly, drumming up the air to let him fly freely in the sky.

There was also a dazzling blood on the corner of his mouth, and the surface of his body was covered in bruises.

Douglas Barrett, this guy is more powerful than he imagined.

If he hadn't successfully mastered this "devil form" that combines demon energy and Haki, I'm afraid he would have been crushed when he met Barrett before.

An existence that can be called a "monster" in a pirate group with many strong men like the Roger Pirates,

A war madman who can keep pace with Rayleigh, the king of the underworld,

It's really not that easy to deal with.


The wind is getting stronger,

Adam looked at the figure with golden hair dancing wildly in the distance, and a cold and stern smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.

He vibrated the black wings behind him, crossed the wind howling through the clouds, and shuttled in the sky like a ghost.

At the same time,

His pair of bright pupils seemed to exude the brilliance of stars, the light in them was gradually swallowed up by the more intense darkness, and the whole person exuded a strange temperament.

An invisible breath emanated from his body and quickly spread towards the figure in front of him.

Adam Rice sneered, his tone mockingly said:

"Golden Lion, is this your realization as a legendary pirate?"

"I really didn't expect it... You have completely abandoned your subordinates and fled in a hurry, like a bereaved dog. Seeing you like that, it's really desolate..."

The golden lion ignored Adam Rice's provocation, gritted his teeth but flew with his head down, and the speed was even faster.

This is not too far from the ice battlefield, he must escape to a safe distance!

"Looks like you don't care anymore..."

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, you look like this, it's really pitiful."

Adam Rice's sarcastic voice continued to come from behind.

"With your power, it is impossible to defeat Roger!"

"Didn't you find it?"

"You have already secured the victory, and Roger has been forced into a desperate situation by you, at the end of the road."

"But even this sea, even this fate is helping him..."

"A storm will completely bury your ambitions."

"In this life, you can only run away like this moment. Facing your old enemy Roger, you can only watch him go up step by step..."

"And you can only look up at him!"

The golden lion was even more angry when he heard Adam Rice's sarcasm that went straight into his soul, as if with a strange inciting power. His eyes almost burst into flames, and his pupils were full of bloodshots.


A dark green sword energy slash suddenly shot through the void from behind.

The golden lion flickered, avoiding this stumbling foot.

"Run away, just like this... keep running away..."

Adam Rice's voice made the golden lion stunned.

The clouds in front of him suddenly dimmed his vision, and his eyes were also dazed for a moment.

in a trance,

A thought flooded his mind uncontrollably.

The golden lion looked around blankly with his sword in hand.




the vast sea,

There is nothing in front of you,

The navy kid behind him with amazing killing intent was chasing him frantically.

and myself...

Are you on the run?

Why are you running away?

An indescribable desire and twisted thoughts swarmed from the depths of his soul.

I don't have to run away.

Kill this kid!

I haven't lost yet.

If it weren't for this kid who formulated the Navy's expedition to the new world...

You can definitely save more than half of your own fleet!

It's this damn navy kid who ruined everything! !

"—Adam Rice, I'm going to kill you!!!!"

next moment,

The golden lion roared almost insanely, resounding through the sky! !
