
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 113

Ha ha ha ha!!!"

the center of the battlefield,

Adam walked forward in a leisurely stroll, with arms outstretched, eyes closed, and an incomparably happy smile on his face.

This is war!

This is the taste of the battlefield! !

Thunder flashed in the sky, the wind swirled the clouds, and the world was dark.

Only gunpowder and blood, baptizing everything.

The sound of clanging swords, cutting the flesh with sharp weapons, screaming in agony and screaming...

The warm body fell, convulsed, and finally became stiff and the driver.

Adam Rice seems to feel that his soul seems to be burning and coming alive at this moment!

Full of excitement, excitement, eagerness!

strong wind,

hot fire,

The pungent gun smoke and bloody smell,

The wailing and roaring in the ears,

Constantly impacting his soul from every level.

At this moment, Adam Rice is really glad that he has traveled to this era!

He was able to witness and even experience this magnificent era with his own eyes!

He can even fight against such heroes as the legendary Roger and the Golden Lion, instead of only hearing their long-standing stories from the mouths of others.

He doesn't need to be like other traversers,

to be idle,


Revolving around the sea who play like the Straw Hat Pirates,

He doesn't even need to go through any top wars boring way...

He wants to be the protagonist all the time!

He, Adam Rice, never wanted to hear someone else's story from someone else's mouth.

What he wants is,

Your own story starts from this moment,

From this battle of Edd war,

recorded in the history of the world,

Then become a legend for later generations!

Some people are born for big scenes.

not far away,

Sengoku stared blankly at Adam Rice who had used his Devil Fruit ability and turned the situation on the battlefield again, and his eyes couldn't help but become dazed.

Everything is going according to this guy's plan.

The Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates suffered heavy losses before the navy arrived to fight.

After arriving on the battlefield, Kuzan will be the first to use the ability of the frozen fruit to freeze the sea, completely sealing the retreat of the two big pirate groups.


Adam Rice will use his Devil Fruit powers to break the Golden Lion's retreat plan.

When I first heard that Adam Rice kicked out this plan, I also expressed doubts about it.

Adam Rice, how could it be possible to stop the retreat of the Flying Sky Pirates under the Golden Lion! ?

But now,

He did.

He didn't let the Sky Pirates retreat successfully.

- because he made them attack.

"Kill! 々"!"

"Kill all the navies!!"

"Jie hahaha!! The navy, it's all garbage!! It's not the opponent of our FlyingPirates at all!!"

"Yes, as long as the navy is killed here, no one will dare to provoke our flying pirates!!"

"We are invincible!!"

"We are the overlord fleet of the new world!!"



Looking at the distorted faces of the members of the Flying Sky Pirates due to their madness and overexcitement,

Listen to their incoherent words because of their inner desires and ambitions.

There was a chill in the heart of the Sengoku.

Adam Rice,

The legendary fallen angel of the mysterious legendary species that can seduce the inner evil thoughts and desires of creatures and amplify this desire infinitely...

His Devil Fruit ability is simply synonymous with chaos!

The battlefield is the home court where he plays the best!

Perhaps more precisely,

Adam Rice,

his character,

his means,

his strategy,

Even his Devil Fruit abilities,

Born for such a shocking large-scale war!

at this time,

The slaughter and war gradually entered a white-hot stage,

The Roger Pirates also had to formally deal with the large troop of the Navy.

They jumped from the deck of Oro Jackson, stood on the ice and constantly resisted the tide-like ferocious attack of the naval camp, guarding the pirate ship behind them.

As long as they guard the pirate ship, they may have a chance of survival in this vast sea.

The smoke of gunpowder rose to the sky, and the swords hummed.

But the figure of Adam Ruins still stood recklessly in the center of the battlefield.

This is a very visually striking painting (of the king's) face.

There is endless chaos all around,

There are countless corpses at the ground.

Death accompanies it,

But he was laughing out loud,

behind the white cloak,

Swaying with the wind.

This scene,

Even the veterans like Garp and Sengoku can't help but look a little dumbfounded.

Muzan even sighed with emotion, took out a cigar and lit it on his own.

He took a deep breath and spit it out, looking at Adam heroic back from a distance, he couldn't help muttering and scolding:

"¨" Really fucking cool..."