
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 10

It's like yesterday...

The eyes under Doflamingo's sunglasses couldn't help but be in a trance.

He still remembered very clearly that it was this guy who pulled him when he was the most depressed that day, so that he successfully accumulated the first pot of gold.

It is precisely because of the accumulation of this first pot of gold and the support of the first site in Locke Town that the Don Quixote family has the opportunity to become one of the best Mafia families in the North Sea today.

Thinking of this, the anger in Doflamingo's heart was also instantly dissipated by more than half.

He squinted at the man who was now the leader of the Northern Navy, and his heart was full of emotion.

Adam Rice, you said back then that the military in the North blue sea belonged to you, and the underworld of the North blue sea belonged to me. Now we are close to achieving this goal...

Doflamingo here was silent, thinking, and observing, and his opposite Adam Rice was also looking at him from time to time.

Looking at the yellow-haired kid who was smoking a cigarette unscrupulously, Adam Rice couldn't spit out the old noise in his heart.

He glanced again at the members of the Don Quixote family who were afraid to catch their breath.

Trebol, the slug of "I am oily and I am not oily";

Pika, who was standing there like a stone statue, actually made people laugh when he opened his mouth;

Diamante, dressed like a native Indian who always expects praise from others;

And Vergo with a piece of bread on his face...

It's not easy for them to bring Doflamingo, this little brat.

No wonder Doflamingo developed a good habit of smoking and drinking at such a young age.

Looking at his familiar movements of holding a cigarette between his two fingers and flicking the soot with his thumb from time to time, it is impossible to master this skill without three or five years of grinding.

What a sin...

You know, the current time line is 1496 in the Haiyuan calendar, and it will be more than three years before Roger becomes the Pirate King.

At this time, Doflamingo was only thirteen years old, and he was treated as an adult at a young age, but Adam Les was envious.

"So, what's the matter when you came to me this time?"

"You must know that I am now the Admiral of Beihai, and my identity is still relatively sensitive. If people see me often talking with the notorious Mafia family in Beihai, the influence of rumors is not very good."

Adam Rice didn't hide too much. After smoking a few cigars, he slowly leaned back against the back of the sofa and asked in a flat tone.

Doflamingo sneered, his tone mocking:

"Are guys like you even afraid of the influence of reputation?"

"Who doesn't know all these years that you, the Admiral of Beihai, are the emperor of Beihai who is black and white?"

"What the last Admiral Sakaski couldn't do, you just did it."

... I guess Marin Ford also loves and hates you, Admiral of North blue right?"

Adam Rice said with disapproval:

"It doesn't matter at all what Marin Fando thinks of me."

"But there are some opportunities that I still have to fight for."

"North blue is too small for us to hold."

"Doflamingo, are your goals and ambitions in this life limited to this little North Sea?"

When it came to the last sentence, Adam Rice's tone seemed to point, and he gave Doflamingo a meaningful look.

The smile on Doflamingo's face froze, and his expression became cloudy.

Even if the Don Quixote family has grown to this level, he is just a thirteen-year-old kid.

At his age, no matter how much he has experienced and how sinister and deep his heart is, it is impossible to completely conceal his true thoughts.

"You don't need to test me, Adam Rice, I naturally have my goals."

Doflamingo's tone was blunt and authentic, and savage blue veins gradually bulged on his forehead.

However, he quickly reacted and realized the meaning behind Adam Rice's words.

He leaned forward subconsciously, and the pupils of his eyes under the sunglasses shrank slightly.

"Wait... North blue can't hold you... Could it be you?"

Doflamingo's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Adam Rice smiled.

He was satisfied with the reaction of the blond kid.

To raise a wolf, it is necessary to keep him constantly hungry, and constantly stimulate its nerves and blood.

Don Quixote Doflamingo, the guy who bears the fate of Tianlong people, under his own guidance and control, will inevitably grow into a character that makes countless people afraid.

He will surely surpass the trajectory of his original destiny,

Beyond that bullshit king, the Seven warlord,

Beyond the so-called King Dressrosa,

Become a pawn in your own hands to control the dark forces of the entire world!