
One Piece: Fūjin

Shun a boy from East Blue, will embark on a journey of revenge, getting on the way a legendary fruit that was lost long ago, what will he do with this power? Will he become a hero or a demon? PS: The protagonist is not reincarnated or anything like that, he is a human who belongs to the world of One Piece, only created by me. As for the devil fruit, I will only say that it can control the air.

Redniro · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Nostalgia and Lunch

After dumping the bodies of the pirates except Oyag's, they began their journey back to the Organ Islands and as they traveled Shun told Toma how he met Po and how in some strange way they became friends.

Toma listened to the story attentively and now and then was surprised by Shun and Po's adventures. Like their fight with the kangaroos or their later battles.

Shun had a nostalgic and sad look on his face as he remembered when he used to tell the hunting stories to his little brother Jiro.

Remembering his little brother, Shun frowned and began to feel his anger rising rapidly.

"Are you okay?" asked Toma without understanding why Shun's aura suddenly became much colder.

"It's nothing, I'll go rest don't bother me" Shun said as he got up and walked into the captain's cabin of the ship.

"Fine" Toma replied uncomprehendingly as he watched Shun's back walk away.

"Scary..." Said Hana who eavesdropped.

"Yes... I feel like if he looks at me he'll kill me with his eyes" Said the young man a little fearful.

"Hey don't be like that he's our savior" Chihiro said, though she agreed with his friends.

"It's weird..." Said Toma noticing that at first, Shun was telling the stories cheerfully and with some nostalgia and then getting angry.

"Brrr" The rumbling of the little boy's stomach was heard.

"Oh looks like there's someone hungry, let's go prepare something" Chihiro said with a kind smile to the little boy.

After that, they headed to the ship's galley to see if there was anything to cook.

"Those damn pirates didn't give us anything to eat" Hana complained in the galley.

"Relax Hana-chan soon the food will be there" Said Chihiro as she cooked.

After about 20 minutes she had the food ready.

"Well, here it is" Chihiro said as she served the food.

"Delicious..." Said the little boy looking at the food and drooling.

"I'll go invite Shun" Said Toma as he stood up.

"Okay, I'll go" Said Chihiro as she stopped Toma.

She felt that the only thing he could do to thank Shun for saving them was to at least invite him to lunch.

"E-eh fine" Toma nodded.

"Good luck..." Said the others in unison, as they knew it would be hard for Shun to accept.

Chihiro left the kitchen and headed to the room where Shun was which was Oyag's old room.

"..." Chihiro when she got to the door stood a little hesitant on how to start the conversation.

*Don't be afraid... he's a younger boy than me, be brave!* Chihiro thought encouraging herself.

"What's wrong?" Shun's voice could be heard behind the door, noticing his haki Chihiro's arrival.

"W-what!?" exclaimed Chihiro surprised not expecting Shun's voice and that he knows he was behind the door.

"Do you need something?" Shun's voice was heard again this time a bit impatient.

"Y-yes I cooked something... and I wanted to ask you if you want to come eat with us" Chihiro replied shyly, her previous bravery gone as she didn't expect Shun to know of her arrival.


A few seconds passed and she got no response, so she made a slightly disappointed face.


Shun opened the door and while looking at Chihiro he said:

"Well, come on"

Since he sailed he didn't eat anything so he was hungry and there was no wild beast to hunt. Po who was with Shun somehow noticed that they were talking about food and also came out with a hungry expression.

"Yes..." Chihiro said as she stared at Shun's face.

"Let's go?" Shun asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Y-yes follow me" Chihiro said with a slight blush quickly as she looked away and started walking towards the kitchen.

When Chihiro, Shun, and Po entered the kitchen, everyone looked at them a little surprised.

*I really got him to agree...* Toma thought admiringly to Chihiro.

*You have my respect Chihiro* Thought Hana and everyone else while looking at Chihiro.

"Mm? What are you looking at? Let's eat" Said Chihiro with all the dishes already served on the table.

"Yeah, yeah" They all said in unison as they began to eat.

Chihiro noticing Po's hungry face also served her a plate, "Cuack!" exclaimed Po happily.

*How long has it been since I've eaten something cooked by someone else?* thought Shun as he looked at the plate of food.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with the dish?" Chihiro asked worriedly as she noticed Shun's gaze fixed on the dish.

"It's nothing" Shun said as he tasted a spoonful of the dish.

After a few seconds of tasting the food, he whispered lightly:

"It's delicious..."

"Th-thank you" Chihiro said with a smile on her face that reached to hear Shun's whisper.

After that, they continued eating, and the atmosphere was much improved compared to before.

Shun's presence was no longer so scary, and they chatted happily. Although Shun only listened while eating quietly.

"By the way how did you become so powerful?" asked Hana plucking up her courage and looking in Shun's direction. Her friends were surprised that this girl would dare to ask Shun something when earlier she said she was afraid of him.

After a few seconds of thinking about how to respond, Shun said, "Well... I was alone on an island for a couple of years fighting wild beasts"

At such an answer the others except Toma looked at Shun with strange faces, it was strange for someone to spend two years on an island fighting wild beasts away from all civilization.

"You're amazing! Now you finished your training and you're going to become a marine to catch pirates?" said Hana with stars in her eyes.

*To be a marine?* thought Shun knew the Marine is supposed to be a force in charge of catching pirates and criminals. They are supposed to be the ones in charge of exercising justice and reigning good. Besides, they are the ones in charge of putting rewards on pirates.

He never thought of joining them, if they are supposed to catch pirates, where were they when Eldorrago killed his brother and the other children?

He knows they can't take care of all the pirates, but if Eldorrago has such a reward, why is he still on the loose causing havoc? His ineffectiveness makes question this organization.

Although he knows that it is very difficult for them to take care of all pirates, the Kingdom of Frauce is a legitimate kingdom in which such things are not supposed to happen. And a pirate with a reward of 10 million bellys was able to make a deal with the nobility of that same kingdom without any hindrance.

"I have no plans to join them" Shun replied dryly as he continued to eat.

After that, they continued chatting amicably, as the ship slowly sailed towards the Organ Islands.