
One Piece: Fūjin

Shun a boy from East Blue, will embark on a journey of revenge, getting on the way a legendary fruit that was lost long ago, what will he do with this power? Will he become a hero or a demon? PS: The protagonist is not reincarnated or anything like that, he is a human who belongs to the world of One Piece, only created by me. As for the devil fruit, I will only say that it can control the air.

Redniro · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


When they arrived at the village they could see all the villagers waiting for them with smiling faces.

When they arrived they gave them a standing ovation. Shun could not understand what had happened in such a short time. Just a few hours ago the village was deserted.

"Welcome back mayor, Silk, Toma, and our hero!" exclaimed the villagers when they saw Shun.

A slight blush could be seen on Shun's cheeks, he never expected that when he arrived in the village while dragging half a body a hand, the villagers would cheer for him.

"I told them that you saved me..." said the woman Shun saved recently.

"We spread the word that you would take down those pirates too!" exclaimed Hana happily as she saw the return of Shun and the others.

"See Isao-san? We told you" said Ralph looking at Isao who was still doubting Shun.

"Yeah, yeah. It wasn't that he doubted, he just didn't want a boy to go to such a dangerous place" said Isao stubbornly, but with a big smile.

"Calm down, It's good to give a nice welcome to the boy who saved us, but it's not time to celebrate yet. We must give a proper burial to those who died at the hands of Gally" said the mayor in a sad tone.

The cheers of the villagers stopped when they heard this. Shun remembered that at the entrance of the village, some people were hanging dead.

"In a while, we will have a big banquet, you will be the special guest" said the mayor as he started walking with the others, giving him no option to refuse.

Toma, Hana, Chihiro, Ralph, and the whole town went to give a proper burial to the people who died at the hands of Gally. On Shun's part, he went to leave the corpse on his ship. Also, he would tell Po that he could now leave the ship.

After a couple of hours, it was already completely dark. The burial of the villagers who died had already ended and had left a depressing atmosphere.

So many wanted to start the big feast as soon as possible. The villagers created a big bonfire in the village square. Everyone was coming and going with large amounts of food.

"Toma, help me carry the beer!" exclaimed Silk as she brought out crates of beer.

Like any banquet alcohol could not be missing and Silk as a bar owner was in charge of supplying all the alcohol. And being a special occasion she decided to put it out of her pocket.

"So much beer? Isn't that too much?" asked Toma as he trudged along carrying two large crates full of alcohol. Besides these two crates he was carrying, there were 10 more so he would have to make several trips.

"Yes, tonight will be a crazy night" said Silk with a smile, "Now that Shun freed the village from his Gally and his pirates, everyone wants to relax and forget those bad times" added Silk.

"I don't understand what's so funny about drinking alcohol" said Toma.

"That's because you're a kid" said Silk in a mocking tone.

"But you never drink alcohol, so are you a child?" said Toma as a slight smile formed on his face.

"Just shut up and carry the crates!" said Silk as she kicked Toma's butt.

Just then, Silk noticed Shun's figure not far away from her, "Oh Shun you're here already!" she said calling out to him as she fixed her hair.

Shun turned his head and noticing that it was Silk and Toma he came closer, next to him with a sleepy expression was Po who was walking slowly.

"Is that the famous Po?" added Silk noticing a duck of large stature.

Toma and the others had told her about Po.

"Yes, it was hard to wake him up" Shun replied with a frown as he approached Silk.

"You guys want me to help you?" he asked as he noticed Toma was struggling to carry the crates of alcohol.

"Yes that would be a good thing, thank you!" replied Silk as she glared at Shun.

Not noticing Silk's stare, Shun approached the crates and without moving, all the crates including the ones Toma was trying to carry rose into the air. This he did by controlling the air currents, and it wasn't the first time he had done this.

"Whoa awesome!" exclaimed Toma with his mouth open as he watched the boxes levitate.

"Your power is useful for many things" said Silk with admiration, besides killing he could use it for more practical things like this.

Toma and Silk had already seen him use air powers. So Shun briefly told them that this power he got through the devil's fruit.

"Yes, let's go" Shun said as he started heading to the bonfire, "You too Po" he added as he stared at the duck who wanted to sneak off to continue sleeping.

With all the alcohol ready to last all night and large quantities of meat, the bonfire began to burn. All the villagers were talking and laughing happily at no longer being in Gally's clutches.

Shun had never given so many handshakes before today. All the villagers wanted to greet him and thank him for saving their village. He felt a bit uncomfortable since he was doing it for the reward, but he had no choice but to put on an awkward smile and return the villagers' handshakes.

"Thank you for saving my daughter!" exclaimed a middle-aged woman with tears in her eyes as she hugged Shun. To his luck Silk intercepted, Toma watched this with narrowed eyes.

"You're a great man Shun! Let's drink!" exclaimed a muscular man.

"Yes!" exclaimed all the men in unison.

A good feast had to be accompanied by good alcohol.

This was the first time Shun attended a banquet. The joyful and festive atmosphere of the banquet managed to affect him a little and his aloof personality diminished a little and he socialized much more than he had ever done in his entire life.

"Come on let's drink until dawn!" said the muscular man as he passed a large tankard of beer to Shun.

Shun grabbed the mug and stared at it for a few seconds, noticing Silk said worriedly, "Don't drink if you don't want to."

"Okay, I'll drink today!" said Shun as he drank the jug at a high speed.

Shun drank for a simple reason. He didn't want to be underestimated, as they already said a man should drink, then he should, simple.

Today was also the first time he tasted alcohol, an unpleasant taste for him. He didn't understand why adults would like it so much, but still, he kept drinking.

"That's the way to talk hahaha!" laughed a bearded man loudly as he raised his glass and drank.

"Well said! That's what a man has to do!" said the muscular man happily, apart from him, everyone else started drinking merrily.

"I want some too!" said Toma as he tried to grab a mug full of beer.

Before his hands could touch the elixir in front of his eyes, a wrinkled hand snatched it away from him, "You're too young Toma, let the old men drink!" said Isao as he drank the mug at high speed.

"But Shun is only two years older than me!" said Toma as he started looking for another beer jug.

"Yes, but he killed a 5,000,000 belly pirate and his whole gang. Have you done it?" said Ralph as he snatched the tankard from Toma.

"True I did no such feat, but did you do it?" asked Toma angrily as he looked at Ralph.

"I haven't either. But I'm of age hahaha" laughed Ralph as he walked away.

Toma didn't give Ralph any more thought and started looking for another mug of beer, but whenever he was about to manage to drink someone would come and snatch it away from him.

"Damn it's impossible" Toma sighed defeated as he sat down on one of the logs.

He could see not too far away Shun and everyone else still drinking non-stop.

Every time Shun finished a pitcher someone immediately gave him another to keep drinking and because of Shun's stubbornness he kept drinking.

"What!?" exclaimed Toma indignantly. He had noticed that even Po the duck was drinking beer straight from a keg. He never thought a duck could drink beer in such large quantities.

Hours passed and Shun continued to drink and eat meat in large quantities. Being drunk his personality did a 180-degree turn and he became much more sociable and the center of the party.

After several hours the festive atmosphere died down, and many people went home. The wives of many drunken men had to help them to get home safely.

On Toma's part, she had to help Isao to get home, as he could hardly walk.

"Tsch what a bore, they are leaving already. Hip!" said Shun with hiccups as he staggered.

"Where... are you... Silk? Hip!" asked Shun very slowly as he searched for Silk.

His head was spinning and he was having a hard time fixing his eyes, making it difficult to perform such a simple task.

"I'm here" replied Silk who was standing next to very close to Shun.

"Oh... there you are... Silk... well let's go to your place. Hip!" said Shun as he stood up with some difficulty.

"Let me help you" said Silk as she let Shun lean on her.

Unlike Shun, Silk doesn't drink a drop of alcohol so she is perfectly fine.

"I... can... where is... Po?" asked Shun as he started looking for his friend.

"There he is..." said Silk as she pointed her finger in a direction.

Shun followed Silk's finger and noticed Po lying on the grass totally unconscious. Next to Po, a brown liquid substance could be seen, it was vomit.

He got as close as he could to Po and when he was next to him, Shun started laughing out loud, "That's what happens when you take more than you can handle poof..."

'His personality does change when he's drunk' thought Silk with an amused smile as she held Shun so he wouldn't fall over.

As he continued to laugh at his poor unconscious friend he felt a nauseous sensation, unable to stand it he vomited on top of Po.

"Buagh!" from his mouth he vomited everything he ate today.

Po felt a foul smell and liquid fall on him, so he got up abruptly, colliding with Shun's head and knocking him down on the ground.

"Ouch it hurts!" said Shun from the ground while grabbing his forehead which had a small bump on it.

Po already noticed that he had vomit that belonged to Shun. Giving him an angry look he gave a snort and headed into the forest as he staggered.

"Are you okay?" asked Silk worriedly as she helped Shun to his feet.

"Yeah... damn duck" said Shun in a slightly more sober.

"Will he be alright?" asked Silk looking at Po's back who was getting farther and farther away.

"Yes let him... It's not the first time he's slept in the forest" replied Shun.

"Let's go... to your house? Hip!" asked Shun who was still somewhat drunk.

"Y-yes follow me" said Silk as she helped Shun walk.