
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

XOmni · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Ch 3 Down with Morgan

Luffy, Alex, Zoro, and Koby stand surrounded by Captain Morgan and his men, who are all flabbergasted at Luffy blocking their bullets. Luffy holds up three swords to Zoro.

Luffy: " I didn't know which ones were yours, so I grabbed all three."

Zoro: " They're all mine, I use the three sword style."

Luffy: " I'll only give you your swords, if you promise to join my crew." He states, a large grin on his face.

Zoro: " Heh, alright then, I guess I got no choice. I'll join your crew."

Marine 1: " How the hell did he do that!?"

Morgan: " He must've eaten a Devil Fruit."

Marine 2: " Devil Fruit? Aren't those just a myth?"

Morgan: " No they're real, those who have eaten a Devil Fruit gain powerful abilities."

Luffy hands the three swords to Zoro, in return for him joining his crew. Zoro takes the swords, attaching them to his waist. He then wields all three, one in each hand, and he holds the last one with his mouth.

Alex: " I feel like that's a little impractical."

Zoro: " I don't care. If either of you get in the way of my dream, I'll kill you both."

Alex: " Right back at you."

Morgan: " Kill them all!!"

The marines charge towards the three, cutlasses drawn. Luffy stretches his arm out to ridiculous lengths and knocks all the marine goons out in one swipe.

Captain Morgan growls in furry, as he rips off his over coat.

Morgan: " I am Axe-hand Morgan, and I'll deal with this myself!"

Luffy charges forward and swings his stretched-out arm down on Morgan, he uses his axe-hand to block Luffy's attack.

Luffy retracts his arm and stretches it behind himself. He releases the tension and his arm flies forward, slamming into Morgan's chest, knocking him back.

Morgan quickly recovers and charges at Luffy, he swings his axe down on Luffy's head, but Luffy nimbly dodges to the left. Luffy then counters, slamming a fist into Morgan's gut.

Morgan slashes his axe at Luffy's chest, but he swiftly avoids the attack, a large grin on his face. Luffy stretches his leg back, then releases the tension, slamming his foot into Morgan's face.

Morgan uses his normal hand to try and grab Luffy, attempting to restrain him, but Luffy proves to be to slippery, dodging his grabbing attempt.

Luffy stretches his leg way up above his head, he releases the tension, slamming his foot down on Morgan's head, knocking him to the ground. Luffy then continues pounding Morgan into the ground with his fists.

Helmeppo: " Stop!! Or I'll shoot him!! I swear!!" He yells, holding a pistol to the back of Alex's head.

Alex: " When the hell did you get behind me?"

Helmeppo: " S-shut up! Or I'll shoot!! I-I swear!"

Alex turns around and grabs Helmeppo's gun.

Alex: " Let go of the gun or I'll blow your damn hand off." He states, creating tiny harmless explosions in the palm of his hand.

Helmeppo shakes in fear, letting go of his gun and falling to the ground. Alex throws the gun to the ground next to Helmeppo.

Luffy, who had been distracted by Helmeppo, fails to realize Morgan about to bring his axe down on his head. The axe never reaches Luffy's head, as Captain Morgan falls to the ground, a large gash on his chest, Zoro stands over him, sheathing his sword.

Alex: " Damn, he's fast. Glad he's on our side."

The remaining marines throw their weapons into the air and cheer at their captain's defeat.


Later, Luffy, Zoro, Alex, and Koby sit in the local restaurant eating their fill. Rika and her mother treating them to said food.

Rika: " So Luffy, where are you heading next?"

Luffy: " To the Grand Line, so I can find the One Piece!"

Koby: " Y-you can't be serious! That place is incredibly dangerous! It's known as the Pirates Graveyard!"

Luffy: " In order to become the Pirate King, I have to find the One Piece."

Zoro: " So, how many people are on your crew?"

Luffy: " Just me and Alex, and now you."

Zoro: " What about a ship?"

Luffy points out the window at Alex's wooden rowboat.

Zoro: " A rowboat?"

Alex: " I literally became a pirate less than 24 hours ago, we gotta find a bigger ship."

The door opens and several marines walk in. One of which is a man named Lieutenant Ripper.

Ripper: " I'm sorry about this, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave this island, as you are pirates." He states to Alex, Luffy, and Zoro.

Towns Person 1: " You can't do that! They saved us from Morgan's abuse!"

Towns Person 5: " Yeah! They helped us!"

Ripper: " Once again, I apologize. If it's any consolation, I will not be reporting you to Marine headquarters."

Luffy, Alex, and Zoro stand up, ready to leave.

Ripper: " Are you with them?" He asks Koby.

Luffy: " Well, he was a slave on Alvida's ship."

Kody runs up to Luffy and punches him in the face, Luffy punches him back, knocking him to the ground.

Ripper: " Enough! It's clear that you aren't with them!"

As Alex, Luffy, and Zoro are leaving, Koby asks to join the marines, and is accepted by Ripper.

Koby runs after Luffy.

Koby: " Thank you for everything Luffy! The next time we meet, I'll be a marine!"

Luffy: " I'm looking forward to it."

The three walk off towards their boat, leaving Koby behind.


Alex rows his boat along the ocean waves, Luffy and Zoro aboard.

Zoro: " So Luffy, why do you want to become Pirate King?"

Alex: " Yeah, I'd like to know as well."

Luffy: " I made a promise to the man who gave me this straw hat, and I won't break that promise, no matter what."

Alex: " So, where to next?"

Luffy: " I have no idea."

Alex: " Damnit Luffy."

With no goal in mind, Alex rows off, in a random direction.

"Hi" - Normal Speech

'Hello' - Thoughts

XOmnicreators' thoughts