
For a start:)

Leon was quite tongue-tied by her sudden interest in his name. First of all, he didn't notice at the office his Grandpa Sengoku had revealed his full name during the conversation.

"The old man..." Leon grumbled. Now he had to deal with his mess, but therein lay the problem, he was not too keen on lying to Hina, neither lying was something he was too great at.

"Hina nee, you must have heard wrong" Leon replied, wishing she would just let it go, after all, this could prove to be a problem on a later date. She could quite certainly get implicated in his mess for keeping it a secret or worse; They could use her to get to him and he was not ready to face the world right now.

Leon wondered how long could his grandpa keep a lid on his origins to the WG, Or if the lid was already gone.

Hina examined him from the corner of her eye as if judging his stand on this topic. "Then, Hina must have heard wrong." She decided not to press the matter. Even if there was some truth to it and as curious as she was, she ultimately decided to wait for him, while Leon released a sigh of relief.

They silently continued walking along the shoreline with a gentle sea breeze grazing their face. They had all the items they needed and directly headed for their destination- the warehouse.

The girls were waiting along with 4 carts and some workers. Out of the 4 carts, only one 2 had all the supplies Leon ordered, the rest 2 had something big and bulky loaded on them, covered by plain black covers. They could only make the shape from the outside, which was that of a giant cube!

Upon arriving, Leon went ahead and thanked the people who helped in bringing all the equipment. Of course, Peach was there making sure all the items he requested had arrived without fail. Leon's group went ahead to check the warehouse.

They entered a small room, all empty with nothing but white plastered walls end to end, only to be surprised a moment later. There lay a door wedged on the floor they walked on!

Yes! This here was an underground warehouse for wartimes! Although, it was for emergency rations and ammunition rather than humans, and seemed to have lost its purpose given its current condition of it, as we will see-

As they slowly pulled the door open, it creaked and croaked making weird noises, as if it was being opened after a millennia. Soon the door opened wide and the dust seemed to have come to life and came rushing into their mouth and eyes.

They coughed and sneezed before covering their mouth with handkerchiefs and hands, and slowly entered the dust-ladened bunker.

Upon entering, Leon and the girls were greeted with big chunks of concrete rubble laid across the steps that led to the bottom.

Leon wasn't too fond of enclosed space but decided this was best at least for now, while he was still under the supervision of his family. This would change when he gets a bit older and find a private place away from pry eyes. This underground bunker will be his first testing ground, where he could go loose from time to time.

As they went ahead, they were met with another problem, a few palm-sized spiders were lurking in nooks and crannies of the dark wall with spider webs hanging all about.

Leon took the initiative this time as the ladies weren't too fond of them. He could tell just by looking at their reactions. He went ahead while taking down the spider webs with his hands! He had no fear of spiders or any insectoid for that matter (wishful thinking of his) except one thing- Snakes!

Back in the old world, he hated them, and so did he in this world too. "they wiggle too much, he thought"

Fortunately, they didn't have to walk too long before reaching the end of the dusty tunnel. The tunnel opened up into a big open area and they could feel warm and pungent air slowly rushing out as fresh air came in. To their side, a small light like those found in the horror movies silently flickered on/off continuously on the side of the wall, due to which they could slightly see a bit of the area ahead.

Looks like there's still power in here. The main lights might be working. Let me look around" said Hina and went off to find the main switchboard. Saeko and Saya were quite excited thinking of it as a secret base and were wandering around in the dark trying to find something interesting.

"Leo, why is she looking all sulky and dampened, like some cat had stolen her biscuit?" Gion asked in a low voice seeing as they were the only ones standing around.

"She is?" Asked Leon without needing to be specified about whom Gion was talking about.

"Of course!" she replied.

"O..." Leon silently ruminated.

"Well? Would you answer?" Asked Gion annoyed as Leon wasn't responding.

"I-I don't know, Usagi nee! Could in fact be the cat that crossed by us on our way back" Leon laughed like an idiot, trying to change the topic, but Gion's look was enough indication to him, that she wasn't buying it.

"Whatever the reason, if you made her upset then kindly do the opposite as well. She goes out of her way to look out for you, you know." She gently pinched his nose while encouraging him.

"I know. Should have noticed sooner..." He mumbled the last bit, but even if he want to tell her about him. How would he do so? There was no guaranteed way to keep her safe. She might get targeted by the government.

How was he so sure? Well, he wasn't betting on himself to be a 'goody-to-shoes' marine for the rest of his life, even if he did promise the old man! That's all…

Of course, he wasn't worried about him because as soon as he got a bit older, he was a free bird. Not her though. Her world was the Marines and he didn't want to take it away from her.

*Click*Click*. Two snapping sounds echoed from the far corner and the lights lit up, finally giving a full view of the area.

"Don't worry Usagi nee, I will make sure to cheer her up" Leon gave a thumbs up to Gion

"O! little boy, taking responsibility!" Gion smiled

"Hey, there was no need for that?" Leon flared up getting called a little boy: "One day, I will make you see a real man in myself." Poor Leon assured himself more than her.

These women were leaving quite a heavy toll on him, given his age and body didn't match up, and the weird gifts he got for free. He was thankful but he could have waited a few more years before receiving them.

"Hehee, I will be waiting then, Leon-chan!" she was having fun with him.

"What are you guys up to?" In the meantime, Hina came back looking a bit dirty from all the dust round here.

"Nothing Hina nee, Usagi nee is just having a good time by making fun of me" Leon sounded quite upset.

"I should thank her then!" Hina joined in.

"…" quite a heavy toll, he thought…"

"Wow! So big…" Saya exclaimed while coming towards them.

Saya and Saeko finally came back from their short underground expedition while holding a few items in their hands, some dust-laden guns with a tinge of rust on the sides and a sword in a similar condition.

Leon looked around the place. It was a huge jail of concrete walls with nary a window for a breather. Leon estimated, if someone were to fart in here (namely him) it would not be the nicest place to be around... (Why he thought of it? He could not tell…)

The warehouse area was mostly in length. Aptly put a rectangular-shaped warehouse of nearly 80 x 30 meters in length & breadth. Not much height though roughly 10 meters.

In front, there were stacks of material lined up neatly along the aisles. Mostly junk and discarded materials, not to be used again. Some pieces of old machinery were laying around too and looked quite heavy.

"Discarded parts used for marine battleships, probably." thought Leon

Though most chiefly, everything was a mess and dust-ladened to boot.

Leon looked about "Looks like we have a lot of work to cover. Ladies you may sit around, now that Peachy-nee has brought some people with her. This shouldn't be too difficult."

"You sit around! We will help clean this place" Saya immediately countered him while Saeko gave a firm nod supporting her best friend. They were most excited to see what else this place had.

"My bad, I apologize," Leon replied to the cute little ladies. "Now, let's go call them."

Soon all of the people that came with Peach and Leon &co. started working together, cleaning the place. Peach had 8 men and 2 women with her and the rest was Leon's party. But of course, the star of the show was the two ladies on Leon's side, Hina and Gion!

They moved and dismantled anything heavy or strong looking with a kick or two, immensely helping the workers through the cleaning process. They were quite thankful, to these two.

Meanwhile, Leon kept glancing at Hina while cleaning. Mainly for two important reasons- One, he wanted to ask, why she was feeling sulky or some such? You see poor Leo could not decide if it was for the question earlier or because of the incident earlier than that!?

And secondly and more importantly, for some odd reason, the lady had discarded her marine coat, and her inside shirt; tucked up her hair in a bun, and was wearing only a plain inner T-shirt, which was sleeveless and a bit shorter or perhaps was the meant design, as it covered only till the tip of her navel, exposing a bit of her bare, silky waist below.

The heat of the underground had built up, and beads of sweat had stuck her clothes to her skin… Suddenly raising the temperature underground even further…

"Quite lovely she looked, Leo thought…" (and so did the men round the room:)

Thank you for Reading.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts