
Balls of fury...

In the meantime, so that her hair doesn't get in her way, Hina had tied up her hair while a few strands loosely hung from the side of her face.

"Damn! She looks hot! Shit, what am I thinking?" thought Leon and swiftly went back to cleaning.

It took nearly 2 hours of hard work by the whole team before the place could be called hospitable again. After that, they took a breather for a few minutes.

Now it was time for them to bring in the equipment which was much more troublesome than it sounded. The first cart and the one after that were relatively easy. It had all kinds of weights, rope, gym equipment, long and heavy chains, and other miscellaneous objects.

They slowly managed to bring it all without much problem. Of course, this was done by the men peach brought. No kids were allowed which meant Leon too. The problem came after this, they had to bring in the two-giant-looking cube placed on the carts, hidden by cover.

Peach took off the covers revealing the content inside.

Balls! Yes, Giant Cannonballs they were, made up of pure iron! 4 elongated hinges, made up of the same material, were attached on each side of the iron balls, so that they wouldn't roll off the cart and into the distance, which also gave them a cube like a look when hidden by some cover.

Huge they were, ten grown men standing side by side would not equal its total breadth and had the height of two grown men standing on top of each other.

After gawking at the balls, the group stared at Leon, looking for some answers, of course, of which he answered none!

Hina was shocked just as well as the others and so was Gion, although not as much as the others.

They all had an idea that it was something big but for it to literally be a massive ball of iron came in none of their imagination

"You are going to explain?" asked Hina. She was more worried than curious about this case.

"Haha! I thought they would look cool in the base." Leon scratched his head for a better explanation but that was the only thing that came out.

"Ok! You can ask him all you want later. How about we move these things down now." Gion answered Hina from the sides, saving Leon from scratching his head more than necessary. Hina quietly agreed and followed her senpai.

"She will have my head sooner or later, I think" Poor Leon was running out of excuses.

The others did not dilly-dally after Gion's command. They went down the bunker while clearing any rubble they came upon, and made sure to remove anything laying around the warehouse.

It will take some time to bring them in, little Leo." Peach said given the size of the balls and not to mention the weight of it; "Also what are going to do with them anyway…"

"No need, we will be enough!" Peach was suddenly cut short by Hina. She had removed her coat again and handed it over to Saeko and folded the sleeves of her shirt to do some heavy lifting while Gion removed her high heels, then both of them headed upstairs, while the men peach brought followed' em.

"Let me help as well…" Leon requested

"No need, Sit and watch" Both Hina and Gion replied simultaneously, leaving no room for discussions.

"Yes…" he got nothing more to say.

They walked around the first cart, and both stood on opposite sides.

In front of them, there was a cannonball the size of a small house purely made up of solid iron but didn't seem to bother these two! The two ladies held it from either side, from the center, using one hand each, and balanced it by holding onto the jutting hinges in front of them.

Up, up it went, and the cart creaked upwards with it as the mass of iron went up. If it had life, it would be thanking the heavens.

The poor men peach brought with her didn't get a chance to say "Let us help you". They kept watching as the ladies went ahead without trotting about. For starters, it was quite heavy…

Peach and the two little girls Saya and Saeko along with Leon were inside the warehouse, standing towards the side. While looking from distance they could still see the top and very well noticed the humongous iron ball coming towards them.

To say Leon was shocked would be a light statement. What he saw was two fragile-looking women, with rather small frames, quite simply carrying a ball that was 10 times their size in width and weighed several tons, and they were carrying it down, with relative ease.

Damn! This world was quite unfair he thought. While most are near regular humans, some are born ridiculously strong, and few even stronger!

People like him (thinking about his old self) -would not survive ten minutes into this world, not without some luck. Fortunately, little Leon had escaped that fate, and for that, he thanked the goddesses above.

As they slowly came down, there were many times their footing came loose, as the stairs were steep and straight, and could not bear the burden of their weight, and cracked in a few places, but they still managed to keep their balance and slowly kept bringing it down.

Leon was concerned nonetheless and so was the group, but it seemed their worry was not needed. They looked fine carrying the massive heap of metal.

"Damn Badasses," thought Leon. While Peach along with Saya and Saeko had their mouth wide open. This Job was for the men Peach brought "Quite strong they are," she thought back then, "and should be enough" but here they were watching two little girls work in there instead.

"Both big sis are soo… strong" Saeko commented one of the few times.

"Indeed" Leon replied proudly. Hina was strong no doubt but Gion was another beast. He hadn't seen her in action yet but if he remembered correctly, she was one of the few candidates chosen for the position of Admiral! Her strength was given.

It was at this time, the rugged 'Thump' sound of metal hitting the concrete floor came from up above. It was not from Hina and Gion but up above at the start. The men up above had decided to bring the other ball on their own, excluding the two ladies.

Sure enough, they had all surrounded the heap of metal from the front, back, and sides with 2 positioned on each side and were dragging the big ball of metal while barely holding it up.

"What are they doing?" Peach panicked, regardless of how many precautions they had taken, they could have waited for the girls to finish coming down.

Leon's eye's squinted. He appreciated the help, but this also put Hina and Gion in danger which he wasn't too fond of. Not at All.

For some reason, he knew why these guys were suddenly going gong-ho. If he was in their place perhaps, he would too, for Pride was on the line! But that would only come after considering the safety of everyone involved. This wasn't it.

He wanted to rush up to them but there was only enough space for one Giant ball, and by the sounds of it they were already on the stairs!

Soon, all 8 of them came into view, slowly coming down the stairs while holding onto the massive cannonball.

They slowly headed downwards while Hina and Gion were already near the end. Leon was standing at the side of the basement waiting for them with uneasiness. He was standing still yet, he was already sweating unbeknownst to him, the heat that was coming off his body all morning had started working again. It seemed to respond to his emotions, strong emotions more specifically, although he couldn't care less any less right now.

"Watch out!" Suddenly one of the worker's shouts came echoing down the hall and the worse situation came about!

"Boom, Boom" Before anybody could react the sound of solid metal weighing tens of tons came hurling toward Hina and Gion while they were still handling their own cannonball.

The end was still a bit off and they thought of just releasing their one and catching the one hurtling towards them with furious momentum. Even if it seriously injured them, they could still get out alive, but by the time they thought of it, the huge metal was already upon them!

It came crashing and crushing down anything beneath it, with powerful force and momentum, and one must remember they were on stairs! One that wasn't strong enough to withstand that kind of force….

Hina and Gion held out for the worst for their footing cracked even before the ball of death arrived at their position. They used the cannonball they had as a shield between them and the crashing metal ball of death.

"Saya Saeko! Get to the side now!" A shout came about.

"What?" By the time they looked no one was there!

"Boom!" A shockwave out of nowhere flung them back to the side.

"Boom, Boom, Boom…" The tunnel along with the bunker shook from the reverberations of its crushing weight!

Get ready Hina!" Gion shouted thinking this was a bad idea as they braced for the incoming impact…

Yeaaah!" Hina shouted back

"Boom!" Finally, the two-metal balls collided with each other with ground-shattering force and created a deafening sound, of enough magnitude, that left everyone deaf for a few moments!

All of this happened at a moment's notice.

The workers up above and the girls down below felt their eardrums busted from the impact, but, the most horrible situation was for Gion and Hina, being so close to the source, they felt as if their eardrums shattered and nearly fainted on the spot.

Furthermore, the moment the two metal balls collided their footing truly collapsed, and they should have been down with serious injuries, yet they stood tall with only numbed eardrums to count for their injury, while the crushing force of the incoming metal ball vanished.

Hina looked astonished for a second and kneeled on the concrete floor, while Gion remained standing with one hand holding onto the still metal ball in front of her, while the other one was just behind it, and slowly looked down.

Leon was lying there unconscious, and bleeding on the ground, while Hina held onto him, as tears slowly built up in her eyes, threatening to burst out any moment…

Thank you for reading.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts
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