
One Piece: Emperor of the Seas

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story nor the images used as cover arts. All rights reserved to their respective creators. ---------- Ace D. Goldstein was an avid fan of One Piece before dying because of an unnamed disease. Given another chance at life, he was transported into the body of a character he knew and loved. How would the son of the King of the Pirates change and develop if he suddenly woke up with memories of a different future? Would he do things differently? Would he become even stronger before setting out on his life changing journey? What will his goal be? Follow the story of Gol D. Ace in his journey to become someone that surpasses them all! A pirate whose name is widely known and feared! To become the most notorious man in the world! Follow the rise of the Emperor of the Seas!

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Chapter 71

Vash easily defeated the group of marines that attempted to capture them. With no obstruction in their way, the group Ace sent to acquire knowledge and technology from Baldimore went on with their task. 

The group trudged through the snow, the storm covering their tracks covered by the storm. It was a good thing that Baldimore seemed to be well lit, judging by the lights they're seeing from a distance. What should have been a ten minute walk became longer. 

They soon encountered a boy and an old man with their dog. From what Vash could see, they were certainly locals. The pair were dressed in winter clothes that seemed significantly less warming than the ones the crew was wearing. Despite that, neither the boy nor the old man were shivering from the cold. They were certainly used to the current weather that was bothering the Royal Aces.

"Uhhh… can we help you?" the old man asked Vash.

"Actually, you can," Vash said. "We're sailors. We landed on this island to restock. Is that a town we're seeing?"

The old man and the boy looked in the direction that Vash pointed at. Vash pointed at the lights that were certainly Baldimore, but the locals didn't have to know that they already knew that and came here for a different reason.

"Why, yes. But to call it a town feels much like an understatement," the old man said with a chuckle. "Still, you chose a great time to come to this island! It's much warmer this time of the year, so I expect you didn't have to navigate through frozen waters!"

"Seriously? This is warm?" Doppol muttered under his breath.

"Can you tell us the name of this island and that… city?" Vash asked. "For our journey's log, of course!"

"Ahh, no problem!" the old man said. "You're on Karakuri Island, where the Future Country of Baldimore is built!"

"This is where that famous Navy Scientist Doctor Vegapunk grew up, too!" the boy added, but he wasn't looking at Vash. He was looking at Eri…

"Kitton! I was just about to say that!"

"Hehehe! Sorry, Grandpa Kit!"

"My grandson here wasn't lying," the old man, Kit, said to Vash. "Yes, Doctor Vegapunk was born here."

"Amazing!" Vash said. "Does that mean he has a laboratory here?"


"Is it open for a tour?"

"Ahh. Unfortunately, it isn't open to the public," Kit said. "You'll need a permit from the Marine Base on this island to enter."

"That's too bad. Still, thank you for answering us!" Vash said with a grateful nod. The rest of the group Vash came with did the same.

The Royal Aces continued walking towards Baldimore. But, they were interrupted by the little boy named Kitton.

"Uhmmm… excuse me!"

The Royal Aces turned around and watched Kitton tentatively approach them. No, not them. Kitton was approaching Eri specifically.

"Uhmmm… here," Kitton said before taking off his outer coat. "You can have this. I'm sure you feel cold."

"Are you sure?" Eri asked. "I'm not feeling that cold."

"J-Just take it," Kitton said after seeing Eri try and hide the shivers she was having because of the cold.

"Th-Thank you!" Eri bowed slightly before putting on Kitton's coat. Seeing Eri wear his coat made Kitton blush and run back to his grandpa, much to the amusement of the Royal Aces.

"I feel warm now," Eri said with a contented sigh. "He's so kind."

The Royal Aces chuckled at the small and innocent display that just happened in front of them. With the brief stop done, they went back to their task.

"Let's go," Vash said. "Baldimore shouldn't be far now."

"You know me?" Burgess asked Ace.

Jesus Burgess, who was called the Soul of Rebellion by the marine officer that Ace interrogated, was currently chained up and cuffed inside one of the prison cells in the marine base. The amount of restraints put on him made him seem like a wild animal at the excessive amount of iron and steel holding him down.

"No, not really," Ace said. "The marine I interrogated just told me who you are."

"Ha! You must be an outlaw, then!" Burgess said, seemingly drawing joy from hearing that a marine officer was interrogated unwillingly. "So, what brings you here?"

"Curiosity. They called you the Soul of Rebellion."


"Great, another weirdo with a weird laugh," Soma said under his breath, remembering their unwilling crewmate named Teach.

"Soul of Rebellion? I don't care about that crap," Burgess spat. He then looked up and got a proper look at Ace. "Say, you look strong."

"You can tell?" Ace asked, slightly amused.

"I sailed the seas looking for a challenge! Of course I can!" Burgess said proudly, which didn't really fit the image he currently had. "Tell me, are you a pirate?"

"Yeah, I'm a pirate," Ace said. "I'm the Captain of the Royal Ace Pirates."

"That's great!" Burgess said, delighted at the fact that Ace was a pirate. "Can you get me out of here?"

"And why would I go through that trouble?"

"You're a pirate," Burgess said. "You pirates love treasure, right?"

"That, we do," Ace said, interested in what Burgess is hinting at.

"If you get me out of here, I'll make sure your crew will be rewarded at least a billion Berry," Burgess said.

"HAHAHAHA! You think I'm stupid?" Ace asked. "Where would you even get that amount of money?"

"I'm… a prince," Burgess said, although there was a slight hesitation in his voice. "If you set me free, I swear on my honor as a fighter that I'll properly pay you back someday!"

Ace was surprised at what Burgess revealed. The hints of desperation in his voice were getting stronger. Ace also used his ability to hear the Voice of All Things to judge Burgess. Ace felt his turmoil, leading him to believe that what Burgess was saying was the truth.

"Too bad," Ace said. "My crew isn't exactly short on money, you see."

"But you should be in need of something… right?" Burgess asked. "I'm a prince! I can get you anything you need!"

"Anything?" Ace was amused at the desperation that Burgess was showing. He turned into fire and entered the prison cell by phasing through the metal bars, much to the surprise of Burgess. "Are you sure about that?"

"Y-Y-Yes!" Burgess answered Ace, swallowing the shock and fear at the sudden display that Ace showed. Even in the Grand Line, Logias were rare. "Name your price!"

Ace stood in front of Burgess. He was impressed by the sheer size of the man. Despite being forced to kneel on the ground and hunched over, he was as tall as Ace when standing up. Ace looked Burgess in the eye, not breaking the contact at all as they spoke.

"Territory," Ace said. "Can you provide that for my crew, Mr. Prince?"

"T-Territory?" Burgess asked, unsure if he correctly heard what Ace said. "You want… territory?"

"Yes. Territory. Land. Domain." Ace stepped closer to Burgess. "Can you give me that?"


Ace listened to the Voice of Burgess. His presence was shaking in turmoil. It was clear that Burgess can give what Ace said he needed, but he was unsure if he should.

"How big of a territory do you want?" Burgess asked.

"An island," Ace said. "At least as big as the one we're on right now."

"That's… big," Burgess said. "Why do you need a territory? You're a pirate!"

"That's none of your business," Ace said. "So? Can you give me what I want?"

Ace observed how Burgess's Voice went silent. It wasn't a calm silence, but a rather eerie one. It was clear that Burgess must be feeling as if a bucket of ice cold water was poured on him.

"I… I can't," Burgess said, his head hung low as he gritted his teeth. "That's… too much of a price."

"I see. That's too bad," Ace said before exiting the prison cell the same way he entered. "Let's go, Soma."

"Wait!" Burgess said. "What about… something else! I'm sure that's not the only thing you need!"

"Not interested," Ace and Soma said as they walked away.

Even as they were walking away, Ace listened to Burgess's Voice and felt it go wild in panic. It quickly died down in resignation. But then, it started beating in anticipation as if he thought of a great idea.

"Alright!" Burgess shouted to get Ace's attention. This time, Ace and Soma turned back. "You need a territory, right?"


"I have… an idea," Burgess said.

"Go on." Ace encouraged Burgess to speak freely.

"The kingdom I'm from doesn't have that much territory," Burgess said. "So, I can't give you land. But, what I can give is a place that would meet your needs."

"That isn't very helpful, Burgess," Ace said. "You're telling me to go conquer an island that you recommended."

Ace entered Burgess's cell by phasing through once again. He looked Burgess dead in the eye as parts of his body spontaneously combusted into flames for an extra intimidation effect.

"You think I'm stupid?" Ace asked. "I can do all that without your help, Mr. Prince."

"L-Let me explain!" Burgess said. "I… I know them. They trust me as their leader. Their people respect strength above all!"

"Go on."

"If you show them that you're… stronger than me… then, they'll treat you as their leader instead."

Ace observed how Burgess struggled with the part that made him say that someone is stronger than him. He smirked. He knew how Burgess was proud of his strength.

"I see. That's a great idea!" Ace said. "So? What's the name of this place you mentioned?"

"It's known as the Pearl of the Seas," Burgess said. "The Felip Archipelago."

"Eri, you and Kotatsu stay here," Mihar said to Kotatsu and Eri as they stood inside what they discovered as Doctor Vegapunk's laboratory by asking around. "If marines come, run inside and let us know."

"Yes, Sensei!"

Mihar returned to the rest of the group. They stood in the middle of a corridor that split into different hallways.

"We all remember what we're here for, correct?" Vash asked. The others answered with a nod. "Good. Let's split up."

"Actually, can I stay behind?" Tanya asked with her hand raised. "I want to take this opportunity to train Eri. She's a child. I know she'll be bored if her job is to sit and wait for marines to come."

"Is that alright with you, Mihar?" Vash asked Mihar since Ace assigned the same job to him and Tanya.

"Yes, I'm fine with it. It's a great idea, honestly," Mihar said.

"Alright. You stay here, Tanya," Vash said. "But, I hope you won't be distracted. We still need a lookout."

"Don't worry," Tanya said, reassuring Vash. "I'll keep an eye out for marines."

The Royal Aces assigned to loot Doctor Vegapunk's Laboratory split up. As she intended, Tanya stayed behind with Eri. When Eri saw Tanya approach her, she smiled and waved.

"Tanya-chan! Are you on guard duty, too?" Eri asked.

"No. I'm too strong for such a simple job," Tanya said in an attempt to rile up Eri. It worked.

"Hey, I'll get stronger too! Guard duty is important too, you know?" Eri said with a huff.

As they spent time together, Tanya and Eri developed a friendship similar to Ace and Luffy. Tanya was the older of the two who always teases the younger Eri.

"I'm sure you will," Tanya said. "But before you get there, you'll need training."

"You'll train me right now?" Eri asked, all her annoyance went out the window.

Tanya answered with a nod. Eri grinned in excitement and anticipation. She turned to Kotatsu who was busy licking his paws in the corner.

"Kotatsu! Look out for marines, okay?"


Kotatsu purred in affirmation before going to the entrance. The doors were made of metal and can withstand explosions. Unfortunately, the only way to know that marines arrived was to wait for the door to open.

"Okay! Let's start!"