
One Piece: Emperor of the Seas

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story nor the images used as cover arts. All rights reserved to their respective creators. ---------- Ace D. Goldstein was an avid fan of One Piece before dying because of an unnamed disease. Given another chance at life, he was transported into the body of a character he knew and loved. How would the son of the King of the Pirates change and develop if he suddenly woke up with memories of a different future? Would he do things differently? Would he become even stronger before setting out on his life changing journey? What will his goal be? Follow the story of Gol D. Ace in his journey to become someone that surpasses them all! A pirate whose name is widely known and feared! To become the most notorious man in the world! Follow the rise of the Emperor of the Seas!

Ehnvy · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 35

The moment Ace, Mihar, Kotatsu, and Teach entered Circus Town, they immediately noticed something was up.

Poachers and people dressed like circus workers were scattered all around the ground. Most were dead, some were unconscious. Their injuries differed from looking like they were beaten badly or they were cut up badly.

"Looks like Terzo and Soma were here." Ace was grinning in delight at recognizing their handiwork.

"Who?" Mihar asked.

"My friends. Part of my crew," Ace said. "We need to hurry up and go to the town's center."

Seeing how there weren't any enemies in their way, the four of them hurried up and focused on running. A few minutes later, they got there. It was the biggest looking tent in the whole town.

Ace felt what was going on inside with his Observation Haki and smiled. He then entered the big tent, knowing it was safe.

What greeted them was a similar sight to the one they've seen on their way. Only this time, they could see Terzo and Soma in the middle of it. From the looks of it, they just finished handling the last of the poachers and circus workers.

Soma was pinning down someone who looked like the poachers' boss. He was beating up his face by pummeling it with elbows. Poach's face was barely recognizable and it looked like Soma was enjoying what he was doing.

Terzo was at the side, cradling something in his arms. Ace looked closer to see that it was a young girl around the age of 7.

"Hey, Mihar. Is that girl Eri?" Ace asked Mihar.

"That's her!"

Mihar and Kotatsu instantly ran towards Terzo who was carrying Eri as if she was his own child. Ace followed them, Teach staying a few paces behind.

When they got there, they noticed the terrible condition of Eri. She was beaten badly. It looked like she fought hard for her freedom. It was a good thing she's still breathing properly.

"Eri!" Mihar's voice was shaking in fear, concern, regret, and a multitude of other negative emotions. Kotatsu was the same, mewling in grief beside Mihar as he looked at Eri.

"Ace!" Terzo greeted his captain. "I assume these guys are on our side?"

Terzo was referring to Mihar and Kotatsu. He backed away slightly, protecting Eri from Mihar and Kotatsu until Ace confirmed they were friendly.

"They are," Ace said, instantly making Terzo relax around Mihar and Kotatsu. "Mihar is Eri's teacher. Kotatsu is her best friend."

"Meow!" Kotatsu greeted Terzo.

At that moment, one thought was in Ace's mind after hearing Kotatsu greet Terzo with a meow.

'How can such a big cat be so… cute?'

Ace held back the urge to pet Kotatsu. It wasn't the right place nor time.

Terzo handed Eri to her teacher. Mihar carried Eri in a similar way Terzo did. A few tears fell from his eyes after looking closely at how much Eri suffered.

"I'm sorry, Eri! I left you there! I'm a bad teacher!" Mihar tearfully apologized to his unconscious student.

Ace turned to Soma who was still beating up Poach's face. Every elbow that landed on the poacher boss made a cracking noise that was soon followed by a fleshy squelch. Ace looked closer to see that the face was gone. Poach's skull caved in. Soma was crushing his brain.

"Soma," Ace called out to his cartographer cook, but he didn't respond. "Soma!"

Soma only responded after being called twice. He stopped pummeling the corpse under him and looked up at Ace. Soma was breathing heavily, his eyes distant, a wicked grin etched on his face. The moment he saw his crew looking at him, he snapped out of his current state.

"Sorry about that," Soma stood up, but not before taking a cloth from the floor. It looked like it was ripped from a red curtain. He wiped his bloody elbows with it.

"You good?" Ace asked Soma.

"Yeah, Captain," Soma answered. "I just… hate slavers."

"I could see that." Ace chuckled. "You guys aren't injured, are you?"

"I'm good."

"They weren't really strong," Terzo answered what Ace asked him and Soma.

"We should get out of here," Mihar interrupted.

"Right. Eri needs medical attention," Terzo agreed with Mihar.

"It's not just that. It's-"

"Pirates!" a loud voice came from outside. It sounded like it was enhanced by speakers. "Come out! You are surrounded!"

"Huh. Sounds like marines? Could be soldiers of the locals," Ace commented.

They were currently in the middle of the big tent. The tent was big enough that Ace couldn't see outside with the Observation Haki he habitually flares. Ace focused and tried seeing who it was outside.

"They're soldiers," Mihar confirmed. "But not local ones. Colo Town is the newest colony of Espa Kingdom. The ones outside are their soldiers."

'Colony? There's colonialism in One Piece? I shouldn't be surprised, really.'

"Interesting," Ace said, not feeling threatened. "So, they're oppressors?"

"They are. But that's not important right now! We're surrounded!"

"Ahh, don't worry. They're just small fries," Ace said before leading the group out of the big tent.

When they got out, they were indeed surrounded by soldiers. Weapons were pointed at them. But, Ace didn't care. He kept walking, and the group behind him followed him.

The soldiers were seemingly intimidated by Ace. They stepped out of their line and gave way to Ace and the others. In the end, instead of having soldiers just in front of them, they were now surrounded.

"Halt!" shouted by who seemed to be the leader of the soldiers. "Pirates! You're under arrest for destroying the property of Espa Kingdom and massacring a great number of its citizens! Surrender now or die!"

"So, those poachers and circus guys," Ace turned to Mihar as he asked the question. "Are they from this Espa Kingdom?"

"They are," Mihar answered curtly, not really in the mood to talk when there were hundreds of soldiers surrounding them.

"I see," Ace said before turning to the leader of the soldiers that shouted at them just now. "Order your men to get out of our way."

The leader was silent for a moment before laughing. The soldiers around him laughed as well.

"I commend your bravery, pirate! But let me remind you who's in charge here! You're surrounded by hundreds of men!"

"So what?" Ace asked. "You have to understand. To me, you're not even a threat."

Ace released his Conqueror's Haki. It spread out and pressed against the minds and souls of all the soldiers surrounding them. The hundreds of soldiers offered no resistance and promptly collapsed. All of them.

If they didn't have Eri with them, Ace would've used them as training dummies for his Devil Fruit. Mastering and Awakening his Devil Fruit was his current priority. But, Eri needed Vash's expertise.

"I still don't know how you do that," Terzo sighed at Ace's display.

"I wasn't dreaming," Teach said. "You really have Conqueror's Haki too!"

"Conqueror's Haki?" Mihar asked.

"It's a rare ability only granted to a few. It is said that those who possess it have the qualities of a Supreme King." Teach stared at Ace.

"Well, I'm not really surprised," Soma said with a shrug.

Suddenly, someone appeared out of thin air in front of the group with a popping sound. It wasn't a technique like Flicker. It looked like teleportation. Ace stared at the newcomer. He grinned at seeing who it was.

"You are an exceptional man. To think you effortlessly dealt with what I thought would pose a challenge for you. I am deeply impressed."

"You sent these guys?" Ace asked Van Augur.

"I did not. I merely notified them of a presence that could disrupt their… rule," Augur said. "I hoped to see if you are as impressive as I thought. You did catch the bullet I shot, after all."

"Thanks for that, by the way." Ace chuckled.

Ace wasn't really bothered at the attempt on his life. It was akin to a child shooting at you with imaginary bullets from his plastic toy gun.

"I was hoping to see you again," Ace said. "Thank you for not making me search the whole island."

"Is that the sniper, Ace?" Terzo asked.

"Yeah. It's him."

Despite not being bothered by the attempt on his life, Ace was still very impressed with Augur. Like his previous encounter with him, Ace didn't even feel Augur's presence with his Haki before he appeared. From his marksmanship to his Devil Fruit, the man in front of them would certainly become a terrifying individual if he is given time to grow and improve.

"I was correct," Augur said. "You have an air of fate about you, Gol D. Ace!"

"You know me?" Ace asked with an amused smile.

"One only needs to read the papers." Augur took a roll of newspaper from behind him and threw it at Ace.

Ace caught the newspaper and opened it. There, he saw his face as well as an article that dictates what he did back at Loguetown.

"Oho! I really made the news!" Ace was happy he was at the front page.

Then, a bundle of papers dropped from within the pages. Ace picked it up and inspected what they were. He was surprised to see that it was their bounties.

"Oi, Terzo! Soma! Look! It's our bounties!"

With great joy, Ace handed the crew's bounty papers to Terzo and Soma. He kept his own bounty for himself. He was happy with the amount placed on his head. It was the exact amount he predicted he would have.

"Hey, I look good in this!" Terzo exclaimed.

"Man, I look so cool!" Soma giggled at seeing his pose on his very own bounty poster. "Let's see you top that someday, Curly!"

"Man, this is great! Why haven't we received copies of this, though?" Ace was confused why they haven't even seen a News Coo visit their ship.

"I don't think any of us subscribed to a newspaper outlet," Terzo said.

"Well, how are we supposed to subscribe if we haven't seen that news birdie yet?" Soma asked.

"Let's think about that later," Ace said before turning back to Augur. "So, why exactly are you here?"

Augur stared at Ace deeply as if he was contemplating something or observing the man in front of him. Ace returned the stare, not backing down even a little bit.

"Fate has led me to you." Augur's words were cryptic, but Ace didn't mind it because of what he knew about the sniper. "I set out to sea hoping to change this disgusting world, but I am as helpless as a boat in a turbulent storm."

Augur walked closer to Ace and stopped around five paces in front of him. He tilted his head to the side as if examining a piece of art.

"But you… you're different," Augur said in what sounded like zealous fascination. "I cannot read you. Your mere presence is bending fate!"

"What's he talking about, Ace?" Terzo didn't like the look of Augur. He was creeped out, it seems.

Suddenly, Augur kneeled. Then, he put his head on the ground as if groveling to Ace.

"I sense that you are a man unafraid of challenging the status quo. Please! Let me join you on your voyage!"





Ace laughed at the situation while his crew was confused. He was very happy. A man as strong as Van Augur was currently groveling at his feet, begging to join his crew. Ace couldn't ask for more.

"I'm a very reckless captain. You'll be sailing dangerous water with me. Are you sure?" Still, Ace made sure Augur knows what he's trying to get himself into.

"I am." Ace heard the finality and resolute tone in Augur's voice.

"Stand up," Ace said. Augur did as he was told. "Tell me your name."

Ace almost called Augur by his name despite him never telling what it was. He didn't wanna explain how he know his name, so Ace was thankful he remembered to ask his name in time.

"I am Van Augur."

"I'm pleased to meet you and have you on board, Augur. Welcome to my crew!"