
One Piece: Duel of the Grand Seas

Xpovac, freshly inserted in the One Piece world, brought to the age of a child with a... deck of cards? And Pokeballs? And a system?? Choose a prebuilt deck.! Choose your starter Pokemon. Using these "Gifts" Xpovac WILL become the strongest to ever touch the planet! First fanfic ever written but ima try to make it the best i can so don't go too hard on me guys

OnenonlyX · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Birth of Pyraxia


Xpovac stood atop the central tower of the newly transformed PokeIsland, which was now known as Pyraxia. He gazed out at the vast expanse of land that stretched beyond the horizon, feeling a sense of pride and excitement at what his once small island had become. The transformation had turned PokeIsland into a sprawling country consisting of five sub-islands and a central main island, each serving a unique purpose. The changes were monumental, and Xpovac couldn't wait to learn every detail.

He took a deep breath and called out mentally, "System, give me a full report on the changes to the island."

The system's voice responded in Xpovac's mind, clear and informative, detailing all the transformations that had taken place.


Sub-Island 1: Pokémon Sanctuary

The first sub-island, now referred to as the Pokémon Sanctuary, was a paradise for Pokémon, providing a natural habitat where they could live freely. The island was divided into various biomes designed to support every type of Pokémon. There were lush forests with tall trees and thick canopies for Grass and Bug types, sparkling lakes and rivers for Water types, and open plains where Electric and Normal types roamed.

One section of the island was made of rocky cliffs and volcanic terrain, perfect for Rock, Ground, and Fire types. There was even a snow-capped mountain where Ice types thrived in the frigid air. In contrast, a dark, eerie section of the island served as a haven for Ghost and Dark types, complete with ancient ruins and shadowy forests. Dragon types had their own dedicated area, a vast valley surrounded by towering mountains that echoed with the roars of the mighty creatures.

In addition to these specialized biomes, the Pokémon Sanctuary featured several interconnected pathways and habitats, allowing the different types of Pokémon to interact and explore freely. It was a living, breathing ecosystem designed to mimic the diversity of Pokémon habitats from various regions around the world.


Sub-Island 2: The Settlements

The second sub-island is where human civilization will flourish. Known as The Settlements, this island was a mix of towns, villages, and smaller communities scattered throughout a landscape that experienced all four seasons. The northern parts of the island had cold winters, with snowy fields and icy lakes. The south basked in warm sunshine year-round, perfect for beachside towns. To the east, fields of blooming flowers thrived during spring, while the west experienced colorful autumns with trees shedding crimson and golden leaves.

The architecture varied from simple wooden houses in the villages to more elaborate structures in the towns, with cobblestone streets and quaint marketplaces ready to be bustling with activity.


Sub-Island 3: The Battlegrounds

The third sub-island, The Battlegrounds, was dedicated to combat and training. This island featured a variety of terrains specifically designed for different types of training. There were arenas, battlefields, and obstacle courses scattered across the island, each tailored for different styles of combat, whether it was hand-to-hand fighting, Pokémon battles, or weapon-based training. Like The Settlements, The Battlegrounds also experienced the four seasons, but each one brought unique challenges to training. Winter covered the ground in snow and ice, creating slippery surfaces and harsh winds. Summer brought intense heat, while spring and autumn featured unpredictable weather like thunderstorms and gusty winds.

The most impressive feature of The Battlegrounds was the Grand Arena, a massive coliseum where competitions, tournaments, and other large events were held. It was a place where the strongest could test their skills against one another, with spectators from across Pyraxia coming to watch.


Sub-Island 4: The Wilderness

The fourth sub-island, The Wilderness, was a vast and untamed land filled with dense forests, sprawling caves, rivers, and mountains. It was a place where creatures from the One Piece world, such as sea kings, giant animals, and various wild beasts, roamed freely. The Wilderness provided an ideal environment for hunting, exploration, and survival training, offering both danger and opportunity. Many natural resources were found in The Wilderness, including rare herbs, minerals, and hidden treasures. It was a place where adventurers and explorers could lose themselves for days, or even weeks, in search of the unknown.


Sub-Island 5: The Agricultural Isle

The fifth and final sub-island was The Agricultural Isle, a massive farm island dedicated to growing crops and mining resources. The island had an advanced automated system that handled tasks like planting, watering, harvesting, and mining. This allowed for continuous production of food and materials without the need for constant human intervention. The island's landscape was filled with vast fields of crops, orchards of fruit trees, and even sections dedicated to raising livestock. The underground mining operations produced valuable ores and minerals essential for crafting and construction. While uninhabited by people, The Agricultural Isle was considered the backbone of Pyraxia's economy, ensuring that the country would be self-sufficient.


Main Island: Pyraxia

The main island, previously known as PokeIsland, was now called Pyraxia. It was the heart of the newly formed country and served as the capital where Xpovac ruled. The most significant change was the renovation of Xpovac's base into a grand castle, now standing as a symbol of power and authority. The castle was a fortress of stone and metal, adorned with intricate carvings and banners bearing the emblem of Pyraxia—a flag with a yellow and black dragon surrounded by floating Poké Balls. The castle had multiple floors, with the top level reserved for Xpovac's personal chambers. Other floors contained various rooms for meetings, training, dining, and housing for guests or close allies.

The rest of Pyraxia featured modern infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and a port for trading ships. Several districts were established, each serving a different purpose—residential, commercial, and industrial. The surrounding landscape consisted of rolling hills, dense forests, and small lakes, creating a beautiful and dynamic setting. The main island was bustling with activity as the central hub for both Pokémon and people.


The explanation took nearly two hours, and when the system finished, Xpovac took a deep breath. The magnitude of the transformation was astonishing, but there was no time to waste. He needed to inform the others. 

Xpovac called a meeting, summoning his closest allies: Ace, Uta, Lugia, Necrozma, Mew, Mewtwo, Swampert, Tyranitar, the Legendary bird trio, Darkrai, and Black Maria. They all gathered in the castle's war room, a large space filled with maps, models, and monitors displaying various areas of Pyraxia.

Xpovac stood before them, his voice resonating with authority. "Thank you all for coming. I've called this meeting to inform you about the recent changes. What was once PokeIsland is now Pyraxia, a country with five sub-islands and a main capital island. Each sub-island has been designated for specific purposes, and the entire country has been designed to operate as an efficient and self-sustaining entity."

He proceeded to explain each island in detail, describing the biomes, facilities, and features unique to each one. The room remained silent, with the audience listening intently as he outlined the potential benefits and challenges that came with such a transformation.


After nearly two hours of discussion, Xpovac concluded, "That's the summary of what's happened to our home. This transformation brings great opportunity, but also great responsibility. We need to prepare ourselves for the changes, and embrace the new roles we'll take on in Pyraxia."

The Pokémon dispersed to explore the new territories. Ace nodded to Xpovac before heading back to his previous activities, and Uta made her way to a quiet corner where she could work on composing a new song. That left Xpovac and Black Maria alone in the meeting room.

Black Maria turned to Xpovac, a thoughtful expression on her face. "How are you planning to manage all of this?" she asked, gesturing toward the map of the islands. "It's a lot to keep track of."

Xpovac met her gaze with a confident smile. "I'm not going to manage it all personally. I have six specific Pokémon who will oversee the different islands. Each one will have a guardian to watch over it and ensure things are running smoothly."

Maria arched an eyebrow, impressed. "Smart," she said. Then, leaning closer, she placed a soft kiss on Xpovac's cheek. "Okay, I'm going to get something to eat," she murmured before turning and walking out of the room.

Xpovac stood there, stunned for a moment. The warmth of her kiss lingered on his cheek, and he found himself absentmindedly rubbing the spot. A wide grin spread across his face as he watched Maria leave. Shaking himself out of his stupor, he shifted his focus back to the tasks at hand.


He addressed the system once more. "System, buy the Tapu Guardians—Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini—as well as Zacian and Zamazenta. I need them assigned to oversee the islands."

The system promptly responded.

Purchasing Tapu Guardians, Zacian, and Zamazenta.

Assignment Complete:

- Tapu Koko: Pokémon Sanctuary (Sub-Island 1)

- Tapu Lele: The Settlements (Sub-Island 2)

- Tapu Bulu: The Battlegrounds (Sub-Island 3)

- Tapu Fini: The Wilderness (Sub-Island 4)

- Zacian: The Agricultural Isle (Sub-Island 5)

- Zamazenta: Pyraxia (Main Island) 

With the assignments complete, Xpovac ordered the system to populate the Pokémon Sanctuary with Pokémon suitable for each habitat. As the system carried out his orders, he purchased the Sura Sura no Mi, Model: Sun Wukong, a legendary Zoan-type devil fruit, and stored it in his inventory.
